Hey guys! Thanks for choosing to read my newest story! ^^ *bows respectfully*
I really hope you guys like!
He ate when he talked. He was oblivious to the atmosphere of a conversation. He was annoying. Yet Arthur loved him.
Alfred was giving Arthur the usual migraine with his nonstop rambling on and on about his idiotic ideas to stop Global Warming. None of the other nations particularly cared, which wasn't unusual at the G8 meetings. Arthur was trying to decide which was better than having to sit through this stupid meeting; getting molested by Francis, or becoming one with Ivan.
The energetic American finally finished his speech, and got down from his stand on the conference table, grinning triumphantly.
Ludwig stood up after his fellow nation's speech had ended. He rubbed the bridge of his nose, sighing. "Does anyone else have any plans?"
The entire room was silent. If a pin would have dropped, you would have heard it loud and clear.
The German sighed yet again, "This meeting is adjourned! Now everyone, GO HOME!"
Quicker than that, half the nations were out the door.
After they were dismissed, though many had left, nearly half of the countries were still lingering about. Francis and Antonio were locked in conversation, while the Frenchman was undoing the Spaniard's shirt buttons; to this, Antonio was oblivious, however. Romano was watching furiously from a distance, his face nearly vivid red, flashing the two a death glare almost as if saying 'Get the fuck away from him or you will die a painful death in your sleep!'
While Arthur was erasing the chalkboards, he wondered whether or not Alfred's head was filled with all the hamburgers he gouged down every day or more.
With the final swipe of the eraser, Arthur nearly jumped out of his skin when a hand was suddenly slapped on his shoulder.
Great. Alfred… He stiffened, and gave Alfred an over-the-shoulder cold hard glare. "What the bloody hell do you want?"
"Well! I was wonderin' if you wanted to come to the party I was having at my house tonight!"
"Why would I go to a party at your house?"
"'Cause it'll be funnnn~!" Alfred whined.
Sighing, the Brit turned around to be looking up into the face of Alfred's signature pout. It was completely irresistible to whoever it was focused toward, and it made Arthur's heart melt— no, wait! Scratch that!
"Fine, you git, I'll go to your stupid party…"
"YAHOO!! Thanks Iggy! You won't regret this!" Alfred shouted happily, giving the older nation a sudden bear hug.
"Let go of me!" Arthur growled. Alfred released him, and scratched his head in embarrassment.
"Sorry!" he apologized, "you were just asking for a hug!"
"Don't push your luck, Yankee."
The sound of thumping stereos and laughter could be heard from inside the American's home. Arthur stood outside the front door; his heart pounding in his chest, debating if going inside would be the best choice. He could just turn back and go home now, have a nice cup to Earl Grey and enjoy the rest of the night with an enjoyable book. But he was already here. His gut was saying to not go in, but his gut was often wrong. The Briton rang the doorbell, which, over all the excess noise, could still be heard. In a matter of seconds, the door was flung open by an enthusiastic Alfred. A dazzling grin lit up his face when he saw his older brother nation. "Iggy! You came!"
"Of course I came, you git. Now let me in. It's freezing out here and—" And much to his surprise, Arthur was taken by the wrist and was dragged inside.
The heavy metal rock music thumped painfully in his ears. Though he should have been used to it, it was something he hadn't experienced in a matter of decades. The colorful strobe lights rolled over the crowd, and a band was playing up on a makeshift stage. Alfred had somehow disappeared to somewhere. That git! He left me all alone! Arthur thought.
Through the dozens of humans in the room, Arthur maneuvered himself around, trying to find a safe area to sit down, but to no avail. He passed a table with packs of several brands of alcohol, as well as normal party snacks. The sight of the alcohol called to him. No! He thought, No alcohol! You'll get drunk, and god knows what would bloody happen!
Arthur eyed the drinks, ignored his conscience and picked up several of the beverages. He made his way back through the energetic crowd to Alfred's bedroom, passing couples making out in the hallways, and single guys sitting alone in a corner or against a wall, drinking their heart's sorrows away.
The English nation closed the door to Alfred's bedroom and collapsed onto the bed, drinks still in hand. After nearly drinking all of them, and the feeling of the alcohol taking effect, Arthur passed out.
Arthur awoke to near silence. What time was it? It was pitch black, except for light that seeped in through the crack between the door and the floor. His head was pounding, and even the smallest creak of the bed as he shifted about was deafening. Bloody hell. He was drunk.
The sound of approaching, familiar laughter met his ears.
Arthur rolled over onto his stomach, which probably wasn't the brightest idea. As soon as he did so, a feeling of impending nausea overcame him.
Hopefully Alfred wouldn't mind.
The door opened, the sudden flood of light nearly blinding the drunken Brit, then closed. It was obviously Alfred who had come in, but even an airhead like his ex-colony would have easily seen a drunken man lying on his bed.
The Brit lay as still as possible. There was the distinct sound of movement, and footsteps got closer and closer to him before he was nearly crushed by the full weight of an unsuspecting American almost about to fall down wearily on his bed on top of Arthur. Arthur quickly shot off the bed. "What the bloody hell are you trying to do?! Crush me?!"
"Who's there?!" Alfred leaped off the bed as well, a tremble in his voice.
"It's me, you fucking git!"
"Iggy?! Oh man! You gave me a heart attack! You're still here?"
"Of course I am! I wouldn't be standing here if I wasn't!"
"What are you still doing here?"
"I passed out on your fucking bed!"
Arthur's temper easily got out of hand when he was drunk. He knew from experience that he did horribly stupid things. Things so mentally scarring, he had a tattoo on his right hip to prove it. Currently, his anger was raging beyond a measure he himself would call horrifying.
"You're such a bloody git, Alfred!" Arthur growled, "It's all your damn fault we argue so much! If you wouldn't have left me, things would be so much different!" Though the room was nearly completely dark, Arthur's face was redder than one of Antonio's tomatoes.
Foreign words escaped the Englishman's drunken lips. Using a spell when he was drunk? That had to be the stupidest idea in the book when it came down to it. He didn't know how it would result, but he couldn't stop himself. Only moments before the spell took effect did he realize which one he had used.
"Bloody hell—"
There was an explosion that shook the room, and smoke blinded the two nations as they both fell, unconscious, to the floor beneath their feet.
So whadd'ya guys think? I really put a lot of effort into writing the crack first chapter ^^; Please rate and tell me what you think! I'll only post up a new chapter if you guys really liked it!!!!!!
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