Yo Ho


"But I don't like showering!" Raoul protested as Kel undressed him. "It's so... wet..." Raoul looked Kel over appraisingly. "... like I wish you were." Raoul raised his eyebrows suggestively and Kel grimaced before moving her hands to his back to push him into the shower. Raoul evaded her easily, even in his drunken state and dashed out into his private quarters. On the table from earlier in the day, he'd left his sword sitting there after he'd finished practicing some drills. He picked it up and hovered in the door to his quarters, completely starkers, grinning like a maniac as a frustrated Kel advanced on him, fisted balled by her sides and fury on her face.

"Get back here, you."

Raoul danced for a moment, everything jiggling, as he giggled and cackled gleefully, "Catch me if you caaaan." He took off down the hallway.