I know many of you are asking where the bloody chapter of Willowshine getting tortured is; well it came down to a situation of what I wanted to write more, the next chapter or the extra chapter and the next chapter won out in the end. If I have time during winter break besides updating the other stories, I'll get around to writing that one-shot for you all!
Brightheart stepped back from her handiwork. She stretched her muscles out and stepped out of the cave to the bright morning sunlight. Two mice sat before her paws. A gift from RiverClan. She chuckled. "Awww. There're so sweet for trying to feed me what I ate back in ThunderClan." She sat down and began eating the two mice. Her thoughts shifted to her kits. Bonekit, Emberkit and Dustkit. She would have to pick out the best mentors for them in RiverClan. She would love to train them herself but she had so much work to do.
She looked down at her light gray paws. She would also need to do something about this. She was in the body of a young she-cat. Brightheart sighed. She didn't really know what to do with this body. It was still smaller than her original one. Everything was still so different. She heard a sound behind her coming from the cave.
"Finally," said Brightheart loudly. "I didn't think you would ever wake up." She looked back. A gray she-cat stepped out. Her body was covered in deep cuts. A long scar ran along her face. Brightheart noticed that the torn right ear didn't seem so out of place anymore. Well that was good. "How are you feeling?"
The she-cat looked up at Brightheart with dark blue eyes. "I am alright," she spoke, her voice at a slight monotone.
"Good then," said Brightheart. She got to her paws. "I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you Willowshine. Now. Shall we head back to RiverClan? They're probably waiting for us now."
"Of course," Willowshine dipped her head to Brightheart.
"Then let us be on our way then," said Brightheart cheerfully. She took off in a brisk walk with Willowshine close behind her. As they made their way back to RiverClan Brightheart began going over the past couple of days in her head. She loved those few days. She loved hearing Willowshine's screams of pain. Her screams for Brightheart to just kill her. But Brightheart never let that happen. She would patch up Willowshine's wounds and let them heal a bit before doing it all over again. And her plan succeeded in the end. She looked to her left where Willowshine was walking. The gray she-cat was completely broken now. A nice little pawn for Brightheart. How wonderful it was to take one of the cats that hated her and turn her into a loyal follower.
"You are happy about this right?" asked Brightheart. "Happy that you finally decided to see that my side is the best way."
Willowshine nodded. "Of course Brightheart. Your way will always be superior."
Brightheart chuckled. "Of course."
When they reached the camp Brightheart was the first to enter. Immediately all the RiverClan cats stopped what they were doing to focus on her. Gasps rang out when Willowshine walked in after her.
"Ivypaw!" Bonekit and Emberkit ran over to their mother with Dustkit right behind them.
"Hello my kits," Brightheart purred to them. "How have the three of you been?"
"We've been having a fun time!" cried Emberkit. She bounced up and down. "We were beginning to learn how to swim. Duskfur was teaching us!"
"And we like fish!" put in Bonekit. "Except you have to be careful that you don't eat the bones." She made a face. "Bones are icky!"
"When are we going home?" asked Dustkit quietly. "Back to ThunderClan?"
Emberkit sighed. "Dustkit has been saying that non-stop for the past couple of days," she complained. "He won't be quiet about it!"
"Dustkit," said Brightheart gently. "This is our home."
Dustkit looked up at his mother in surprise. "But I want to be a ThunderClan warrior."
A look of irritation crossed Brightheart's face but it was quickly replaced by love. "Well, it'll get better. Don't you worry about it. Now, I want you three to be good kits for Duskfur for a little bit longer. I need to speak with Volestar about important matters."
"Alright Ivypaw!"
Brightheart turned her attention away from the kits and walked into the leader's den. Volestar and Graymist were waiting for her inside. Good. Then she wouldn't have to worry about waiting for them to get here.
"Give me an update on the camp activities for the past couple of days," said Brightheart. "Don't worry about Willowshine," she added when she noticed they were looking at Willowshine who had followed Brightheart into the den. "I persuaded her to join our side."
"We did what you said," said Volestar. "Mothwing now is training Mossypaw on the medicine cat ways."
"Good," said Brightheart. She made a mental note to have a word with the she-cat later. She had to make sure that the she-cat would not be persuaded by StarClan. All she had to learn was to heal and then Brightheart could get rid of Mothwing. Having a half-ThunderClanner in the medicine cat position was just infuriating. Or would it be considered half-ShadowClan? She chuckled as she thought of Tigerstar. He was probably furious out of his mind at the moment. She growled. Tigerstar.
"What's wrong?" asked Graymist.
Brightheart shook her head. "Nothing. I just thought of a problem that we will have. It involves Tigerstar."
"Isn't he dead?" asked Volestar.
Brightheart shook her head. "It's more complicated than that." She began giving a quick summary of Tigerstar's plan. How he was using his relatives to gain an army to fight with in both StarClan and in the living world.
"How horrible!" hissed Volestar.
Graymist nodded in agreement.
"The only way to stop him is to remove all of his connections to the living world," said Brightheart. "We need to get all of the cats related to him here in our camp as prisoners."
"Why?" asked Graymist. "Wouldn't it be better to kill them?"
"It would be," agreed Brightheart. "But Tigerstar needs to be stopped once and for all. And I can do that. After he knows that I am serious about it. And to do that I need all of his connections. And for that we need to capture the ones in other clans."
"How can we do that?" asked Volestar.
"The gathering is coming up," replied Brightheart. "We'll use that to our advantage." Her thoughts shifted to her sister and the other members of the three. It would be best to get rid of them too. "We'll return the clans to their glory days!"
Volestar and Graymist yowled in agreement.
"Let's spend the days before to get ready for the gathering," ordered Brightheart. "Make sure what WindClan and ShadowClan see are you behaving as you always do when you perform border patrols. We do not want to give away what we know."
"Of course," said Volestar. "I will tell the rest of the clan."
"Good," said Brightheart. She turned to leave with Willowshine in tow. "Oh and one more thing." She looked back at the leader and deputy. "While you are announcing our plans tell everyone this. I want to be referred by the name Brightivy." She chuckled as she left the leader's den.