Thanks for the reviews. All of you other ship authors out there, I can't wait to see some other post Loyalty offerings. Here is my little mediocre addition.

" I swore I'd never fall in love with another cop…."

Alex's words hung in the air and Bobby could actually feel himself sway from their intensity. Through the years he'd suspected. Or maybe hoped, was a better way to describe his assessment of Alexandra Eames feelings for him. The man was a genius, who could probe into the heads of the most conniving deviants. But when it came to Eames, his steadfast, never wavering Eames, sometimes Bobby had to bury his head in the sand to hide from the yearning he felt for this woman.

But here it was.

All out in the open, no more hiding behind averted stares and assumptions of indifference.

But Bobby, being Bobby, still couldn't give into the obvious, not at the very least without a fight.

"I don't understand this…." He mumbled, giving the floor his full attention. He started to pace again, rubbing the back of his head with such ferocity, Alex feared he'd wear a bald spot.

"You can't do this Alex…Doesn't matter what you think you feel. You can't do this."

Alex tried to remain calm, not letting her temper or fatigue get the better of her. She carefully replaced her wedding photo on the mantle and strode slowly and deliberately toward Bobby.

She placed her hands firmly on his arms to stop the pacing. He found himself locked into her gaze.

"Why do you think I stuck by you all these years Bobby? Why would I do that?" Alex whispered.

Bobby's gaze fell immediately to the floor. Alex quickly removed her hand from his arm and gently but firmly tipped his chin in her direction again.

"It's ok Bobby. " She smiled. "It took me forever to figure it out too. But now I know…" She slid her hand from his chin to caress his cheek.

"I can't make you feel or admit to feeling the way I do about you….." She continued.

Bobby shook her off, freeing himself of her touch and trying to move away quickly.

"YOU can't love me Eames! You…you can't feel that away about me… Nobody feels that way about me! And YOU should feel…….."

She body blocked him again.

"Don't tell me how I feel Bobby….. Show me how you feel. How you really feel…please. Don't you think you owe me that much, after all these years?"

Alex folded her arms across her chest and steadfastly held her ground, letting him know there was no escaping the truth tonight.

"And don't hide behind your fear or your twisted sense of what you think is best for me." She added.

Her voice started to crack again, just like it did in the Captain's office hours earlier.


Bobby's resolve began to crack too. He locked eyes with Alex. Her honey brown irises were ringed with tears and sorrow. They stood mere feet apart. In a gesture that surprised even himself, Bobby closed the gap. Sweeping Alex into his arms and squeezing her tight.

This hugging thing…. This touching thing…. He wished they'd crossed this bridge years ago. Embracing her was soothing. A luxury, that counterbalanced all of the trauma of the last few days.

And she didn't let go, on the contrary, she buried her head into his chest, far deeper than any previous hug of the last week. Her contact further weakened Bobby's resolve. He felt himself relax as he ran his hands up and down the steel of Alex's spine. Dampness started to surface on his shirt, he knew she was crying again and his embrace became even tighter. It was then both became aware of the sounds in the room.

His breathing….

Her breathing….

The soft melody of Otis Redding, pouring from Alex's speakers, providing the soundtrack to their emotional confrontation.

Oh I've been loving you a little too long

I don't wanna stop now, oh

With you my life

Has been so wonderful

I can't stop now

Both former detectives became aware of the irony of the DJ's music selection at the same time. Alex pulled her head out of Bobby's chest and they looked at each other and laughed lightly in unison.

Spurred on by the break in tension and inspired by the words of Otis, Bobby leaned his head down to meet Alex's. Never breaking eye contact, He lightly grazed her cheek again with his lips. This time it wasn't a desperate, spur of the moment goodbye kiss. Instead, it was a seductive brush against Alex's cheek. Like he was testing the waters, taking in her scent.

Alex's legs went weak. She felt Bobby's breath on her ear and wondered if a simple cheek kiss made her this shaky. What would a full kiss on the lips be like?

Bobby pulled back a little, searching Alex's eyes for some sort of reaction, permission, or maybe disapproval.

What he saw amazed him.

Alex's eyes sparkled with lust and desire. Her expression, one of hunger. The music seemed to be growing louder, or maybe it was just Bobby's imagination.

Don't make me stop now

No baby

I'm down on my knees, Please don't make me stop now

I love you, I love you

She tilted her head toward him, opening herself to new beginnings.

Gently grasping both sides of her face, Bobby surged forth. Doing something he'd never thought possible in a million years.

He placed his lips over hers.

And time stopped.

Alex felt the fullness of Bobby's lips sliding over hers. She also felt some hesitation in his technique. She quickly remedied any doubt he had, by lightly prying apart his mouth with her tongue.

Bobby thought his heart could stop at any moment. He could feel his passion rising, threatening to take over. He ran his hands over Alex's face and through her hair, gripping her head tighter. Hers was the sweetest, most forbidden nectar, and he wanted to taste it forever.

Alex was loving his response, loving him opening up like this. She arched her back and pressed her body hard into his. She could hear him grunt a little, while he grazed her teeth with his tongue. In response, Alex caught a hold of Bobby's lower lip and gave it a gentle suck.

It was then the two broke apart for a minute. Eventually they needed to breathe.

They stared at each other.

The former partners, and for a very brief period, boss and subordinate, eyed one another. Taking in each other's red cheeks and bee stung lips. Both wrestling with a state of disbelief.

Bobby broke the silence first.

"I have loved you for too long…. But you knew that, right?" He bowed his head.

Alex smiled and nodded.

"I just want you to be happy Alex. I don't want to keep you from reaching your potential."

"Bobby…." She pressed her body tightly into his again. "I am happy… when I'm with you….It's where I belong." She ran her hands through his hair and over his shoulders.

"As for my potential, I'm not sure I'd ever reach it without you."

Alex started to ease open the buttons on Bobby's shirt.

"Please stay…" She looked up at him, her eyes pleading. "We can just sleep… Or we can do whatever you want. I just need you Bobby."

With that, Bobby grabbed Alex's wrists, forcing her to stop the halfway done job of unbuttoning his shirt.

He slid his hand in hers and led her to the bedroom.

Sorry this gets a little Harrlequin Romance-ish in spots. Big props to Otis Redding and Al Green BTW. Shippers rule!