Ayu:Okay readers, well i decided that we could make fanfiction and my story more fun if we would play a game..Let's say that the readers i mean – you are the children and i – the author, i am the grandma. Let's pretend i am telling you a... Good night story? Well, grandma and the children won't get in this story so don't worry, it will be pure Amutoness. But be careful, i will put at the end of the chapter[maybe not of the each..] a question and you have to answer it [ what do you think..] in a review or a Private Message[PM].Well here's the prolgue~ Enjoy the story!!!

Long, long time ago there were Two moons on the sky. One blue and one normal. The blue one was the source of people's power. That world was called Underworld but in a sunny day. There started a big War which nobody could stop.. Innocent people died, when God saw that he took people's power and the blue moon was hidden. The underworld become a normal one with normal people. Now after 100 centuries the blue moon came back. People get their power back and everything becomes like 10000 years ago..

In this world exist 4 tipes of people:


Attack: Physical and Magical – both genders

Nobles which can control one of the four elements: fire,water, air and nature. Are also very good at martial arts but at lower level then hunters.


Attack: Physical

Commoners with a low power they little can control one of the 4 elements but they are very good at phisycal attacks--martial arts


Attack: Magical

This kind of child is born once at 100 years. They have a very big power. They can control 7 elements: Light, Dark, Nature, Water,Wind, Fire and Illusion..One or all of them..But their soft spot is that they can't do physical attacks, can't fight like the hunters.[martial arts..] Divas are also very good at dancing and singing [gender doesn't matter] Illusion is also a legendary skill that disappeared very long time ago, people think that it doesn't exist anymore..

Moon's Child~

Attack: Physical and Magical

It's also born once at 100 years. Can control all the 7 elements and are very good at martial arts. They are also called almighty people, they can play different instruments but have a very good voice.

Note: The Diva and the Moon child are destined to be soul mates. If they die before they have a child both of them will be reincarnated 100 years later in the same bodies.

Ayu: Guess who will be the Moon child and who will be the Diva~( This is today's question! Please be sure to answer in your review Love ya!)