Pizza, Ice Cream and Ice Cubes

Rated T - but may need to change

Spoilers/References to episodes 1x07 Pushback, 1x08 Ambush.

Slight AU – referencing Callen as having an apartment previous to Pushback and possibly some original plot line regarding Dom's disappearance, as those episode haven't aired in OZ yet.

Pairings – G. Callen - OC

Summary -

They say a way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Is that how she slipped under his defences and into his heart? Or was it that she didn't ask questions that he couldn't answer. He wasn't sure when it happened. Was he capable of being there for someone other than his team or his current mission?

Disclaimer – OC's are mine but don't own anything else. Just doing this for fun and to see if I can actually write something decent!


Here are the first five chapters, the rest are complete though will get some polishing before being posted depending on the reviews. Please tell me if there are things I can improve. If there are any Betas out there willing to take this story on, let me know – warning current completed length is approx 16K words.

Enjoyed reading a couple of the fanfics regarding Callen having someone to run to. Thanks to those for those stories. This is my take on that idea.

Lets say, 10 reviews and then I'll post some more. Thanks, hope you enjoy.

12/04/2010 - chapter 1 – minor changes, mostly punctuation or spelling. Not necessary to read again

Chapter 1 - Needed

POV – Callen

He is standing in the doorway, key in hand. She is sleeping. Does he really want to disturb her? No, but tonight, he needs her. He slips off his shoes and jacket and slides under the covers. She rolls towards him, her eyes fluttering open.

"Hi," she says sleepily. "You remembered your key. You okay?"

"Rough few days, didn't mean to wake you. Just needed..." his voice trails off, unsure.

"Shhh, it's okay. That's why I'm here." She snuggles into his side, her arm slipping around his waist. "Sleep well," she whispers before she drops back to sleep. He watches her for a while, the moonlight coming through the open window allowing him to see the different expressions on her face. He wonders what she is dreaming about. Hopefully something good. He closes his eyes, holding her close. He hopes that maybe tonight, her dreams might hold back his nightmares.