
"TRUNKS!" bellowed Makoto.

"Yes?!" he yelled back. Rei rolled her eyes as she held Makoto's hand. They had been yelling back and forth in between rooms for the past hour like it was only normal.

"I CHANGED MY MIND!" shrieked Makoto as another contraction shook her body.

"About what dear!" he called back.

"I DON'T WANT TO HAVE TWO KIDS ANYMORE!" yelped Makoto as she squeezed Rei's hand harder.

"Okay Darling!" called Trunks relaxing against the chair in the hallway. He looked at Vegeta who smirked.

"You're gonna regret getting her pregnaunt." sneered Vegeta.

"I love that girl dad." whispered Trunks, ignoring his dad's comment.

"Okay, sweetie you're doing great just a few more pushes,and you'll be done." mumbled Bulma. Minkao patted Makoto's hand.

A horrifying thought struck Makoto. "BULMA! What if it comes out dead! OH! Why did I let Trunks do this to me!" cried Makoto.

"MAKOTO!" yelped Minako in horror.

"It's okay Mako you're baby is very much alive, every piece of her." said Bulma.

"Minako, it's alright, all the girls say things like that when they're sore." murmmered Rei.

"Oh.I thought..." started Minako trailing off as a baby's cry came. Minako's eyes widened.

"Um, Bulma! I think you need to see something!" Bulma looked at where Minako pointed.

"Oh my god! There's another one! Push Makoto!" Trunks heard Makoto screaming once again.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"You'll find out," sneered Vegeta. Bulma pulled out another child and rapped him in a towel.

"My baby.." whimpered Makoto as her arms wrapped around a purple-eyed little girl. "She's as soft as a feather.." continued Makoto rubbing the small fingers.

"Trunks you may come in and see your little girl." said Bulma opening the door. Trunks leapt for the room, and his face grew soft upon seeing his daughter. He sat on the edge of the bed by Makoto and stroked the baby soft locks of brunette hair. Bulma snuck in-between them.

"I need to get her cleaned up here's your son, any ideas for names?" she asked picking up her new grand-daughter after handing Makoto thier lavender hairs, emerald eyed son.

"How about Kyuuri Quiche?" asked Makoto looking up at her fiance.

"I like it. Sanku Lee," he replied, kissing her on the forehead.

"Now, when she has brothers and sisters, I get the task of showing them how to fight, right?" asked Vegeta.

"She has a twin brother already Vegeta. That's all she's going to get. Both of them. I said I changed my mind about another child." answered Makoto looking at Vegeta, then Trunks.

"Aww. I thought you meant you decided to have four kids like I wanted." said Trunks laughing at her discusted look.


"Minako, I need to ask you something.." said Gohan taking Minako's hand. She sat on the bench in a garden with the fragrance of roses in the air. She looked into his eyes.

"Yes?" she asked softly her voice making him pause a minute and just look at her.

"Minako, Darling, I know that we haven't had much time to get to know each other or anything for that matter, and I know what I am about to ask goes against everything you were sent here for, but in the time that I've had to get to know you, I've realized that I need you, and if I let you leave I will never forgive myself.." he started and paused dropping to the ground on one knee, and pulling a black velvet box from his pocket, he opened it exposing a twinkling diamond ring. "I would be so honored if you would do me the great honor of marrying me.." he paused and watched a tear slide down her rosy cheek. "Minako Aino, will you marry me?" he finally squeaked out praying she wouldn't deny him the priviledge of having her as a wife.

"Yes, oh, YES!" said Minako breaking down in hysterical sobs as she wrapped her hands around his neck, and kissed him.


"COME BACK HERE YOUNG LADY!" called Goten as he flew toward her like a savage man.

"Make me husband.." she giggled liking the sound of that last word on her lips. She waited teasingly for him, and when he almost grabbed her, she squealed and flew right out of his reach. He grunted.

"You'll be sorry when I catch you." he grunted.

"If you catch me, you mean." she said breaking down in a fit of laughter. She grabbed her side laughing hysterically. He grabbed her wrapping his arms around her. She struggled for a minute then turned to face him, a huge grin on her face.

"You're in trouble, missy." he said holding onto her and turning her body to face his.

"What's my punishment officer?" she asked looking guilty.

"You owe me big-time, Ma'am. There's a fine from resisting an officer." he muttered.

"Oh really. And my fine would be?" she asked softly looking at him with big purple eyes.

"You'll see.." he whispered a evil grin playing on his lips. Her eyes widened.

"Why officer!" she squealed as he pulled her to him and kissed her. He picked her up, and flew for their newly-purchased house.


"Sir, we have failed you, what now?" asked the servant bowing before his master.

The man lay hidden in the shadows."We wait til they relax, then we kill them.." he said wickedly.

A/N: Yes before you people ask that's it, end of story, meaning no you'll neva know what happens.. -laughs evily- I'm sorry guys, I like stories that leave you wondering, you could always imagine your own ending. Anyways, sorry for leaving you all off like this, but I thought it would be cool, and yes you read right, that is the Epilogue meaning last chapter in story FOREVER! Don't bug us and ask for an ending plz, and thank you for readin this and supporting us. We love you fans!