Ложный Mirties в Suprasti


Alright, please please PLEASE don't look up the translation of the title. If you know either of the two languages it is composed of, then LUCKY YOU. But don't look up the other, alright? And I'll give you the translation when I finish this~

This was originally gonna be a oneshot, but I can't write non-chapter things without it sounding like a story in a children's book, or a school essay.

If you review, it'll make me want to update this more~ So, R&R, 'kay?


3rd POV


Everyone should've known something was very, very wrong when Latvia sat down in his appointed seat.

Nothing was bad—not bad at all—about him doing such…except for the fact that he wasn't shaking.

But that was because no one paid attention much attention to him. Except for the Baltic nations, and…

Latvia didn't even twitch at the thought of him.

In fact, Lithuania and Estonia were shocked to see him glance at the seat next to him—his seat—and kind of smile in relief.

Estonia gave Lithuania a look, because he was closest to Latvia, that said 'What the…?'

Lithuania stared at Latvia for a few moments before asking, "Raivis…?"

Latvia turned to the mother-like nation and gave a sweet smile. "Hello, Toris."

Estonia gasped, but covered it by covering his mouth and turning his attention elsewhere.

"Um…why are you….what's…um…"

Latvia looked confused for a few seconds, but quickly realized what the older nation meant, and laughed. "Oh, I haven't told you two yet?"

Eduard and Toris shared a look. It kind of resembled the one they shared when Raivis said he wanted siblings, and implied that him and the other Baltic nations weren't close.

"Um…no?" Estonia mumbled, not sure if it was the answer the smallest member of the Trembling Trio was looking for.

He then smiled happily and said, "Russia's gone~"

Somehow, everyone in the room had heard that.

Toris was then attacked by someone throwing the arms around his neck, and leaning on his back.

"Yay! Like, congrats, Liet~!" Feliks—Poland—chirped happily.

England and America were sharing a sigh of relief, France looked extremely happy, and the Italies shared a look. They were probably happy that moments like when Russia had tried to become friends with them were never going to be happy.

"But…But didn't you say that you want to rely on others…?" Toris asked, nervous about ruining the moment.

But Raivis simply smiled. "I'm strong enough now. I'm sure I can manage on my own. After all, you did when your first ran away from Mr. Rus—" Raivis caught himself, and simply laughed. "I mean, Russia."

"But I still had to get help from…Alfred…" Toris mumbled, lost in thought.

Why did his head hurt? And why was his heart pounding?

Raivis then looked up. "Oh! He wrote notes for people!"

Everyone immediately shut up, and an aura came over the room, as if everyone had the same though—"He just had to ruin the moment…"

Latvia reached into his pocket and pulled out four very crumpled pieces of paper.

One he kept, while he gave the other Baltic's two others. The last one he put back in his pocket.

Estonia looked at him questioningly. "Whose are those?"

A look passed over his face. "His sisters'."

Estonia's mouth formed an 'o' as if he understood how scary it would be to deliver it.

Everyone crowded around Estonia as he read his aloud.

"'To Eduard,

I'm telling you this now, although you might've already figured it out, but you won't see me again until I'—" he frowned in confusion. "He…scribbled words out…

"'So, farewell~


He than glared at the paper.

"'P.S. Your food tastes like shit.'"

Feliks snickered.

Everyone then looked at each other in confusion.

No one knew how to react to that.

Then everyone looked at Latvia. He shrugged. "Mine's pretty similar. I wouldn't be surprised if Toris's is as well."

Germany—Doitsu, Ludwig, whatever you want to call him—cleared his throat, then said (although to everyone else, he was yelling) "Meeting adjourned."

Toris still had the 'deer-caught-in-the-headlights' look plastered on his face.

Feliks then tugged on his arm. "Come on!!! You, like, totally need a new wardrobe, Liet!!!"

Toris stood up slowly and dragged his feet as he followed his friend. "What?"

"Yep! And, to celebrate, I'm paying!"

Toris didn't know how to respond.



I finally wrote it.

I had a lot of problems writing the beginning, because I'm not used to writing 3rd POV (last time I wrote in it was from way back when I first started writing fanfiction on Fanlib. com)

But I decided that I would rather write like this then figure out how to write in Liet's POV.

I had to waste fifteen minutes watching the Baltic's episodes again (which is why there are lots of references to them here) to get used to their characters. Although Liet I was used to (since I read tons of RussiaXLiet and LietPol). I think I made Latvia kind of OOC, and maybe even Estonia too, but, I mean, come on! Who wouldn't be extremely, out-of-character happy if the scariest person alive (who favored them in torment) was found out to be gone?

So~ Review! And I'm already starting work on Chapter 2.

Also, when I finish this (and I was saving this for the last chapter, but oh well~) story, I'm going to write another, only the POV will be centered around Russia. (This whole idea will make more sense once you see the end of the story.)

So, again, review! And alert the story if you want to know what else happens, since I might not update in a few years (or maybe just weeks?)