"Oh, come on, Tony. It'll be fun." Abby Scuito, forensic specialist pleaded as she stood in front of special agent Anthony Dinozzo's desk giving her best puppy dog face. It was late on a Friday afternoon. It had been a very long week, but they have eventually caught the bad guy, so Abby thought the team could use some fun. She could tell by the fact that she could know actually see Tony's desk that he had finished the last of the paperwork he had to do.
"You know that I would love to go bowling with you Abbs…" Tony replied.
"But…." She was pretty sure she knew what was coming, but she would make him say it.
"You bowl with nuns." The man's hand went out to his sides in a gesture of helplessness
"What's wrong with nuns?" Abby asked a sly grin crossing her face. "What? Can't be around women you can't flirt with?"
Tony's face contorted into a severe grimace as his body shuddered.
"Bad visual?" Abby asked.
"I went to a private Catholic school run by nuns." Tony admitted.
"Most are, Tony" McGee said, pushing a folder around his desk to hide the fact that he'd been avidly following the exchange.
"Not funny, probie." Tony glared over at his colleague before turning back towards Abby. "They would walk around with rulers and smack you on the hand if you did anything wrong." Tony said unconsciously rubbing his hands together.
"So, you must have gotten smacked a lot then." Ziva smiled smugly over at him.
"Getting back to what I was saying," Tony ignored her comment. "I wouldn't be able to enjoy the evening without having flashbacks."
Giving up on Tony, Abby turned to Ziva. "Do you want to go bowling with me?"
"I'm not really familiar with the sport. How do you play?"
"Oh, it's real easy." Abby said excitedly waving her hands in front of her. "I'll show you when we get there."
"Okay, then." Ziva nodded her head at Abby. "I'll do it. I like to learn new things."
"Great!" Abby beamed before quickly towards McGee, her braided pigtails whipping around her head. "McGee, what about you?"
"I can't I have a date." He said smugly.
Every eye in the room was now on him. Dinozzo spoke first. "You mean with an actual, living, breathing female?"
"No." McGee answered defensively looking a little perturbed.
"Ha!" Tony pointed at him.
"I am part of a team playing in a World of Warcraft tournament." McGee said.
"Sounds like fun Elf Lord." The quiet, amused voice came from behind them. As many years as they had been a team none of them had ever figured out how Gibbs could simply appear from thin air, as if some magician had pulled him out of a hat.
Abby whirled around to face the leader of the group. "Gibbs! Gibbs! Gibbs!"
Her pigtails bounced up and down as she bobbed up and down excitedly.
"The nuns wanted to meet the people I work with so I'm inviting everyone to come. Will you come please? Your boat can wait and how do you get that thing out of your basement anyway?"
The invitation hung in the air as Tony, Ziva and McGee's eyes went from their boss to Abby and back, each in his own way contemplating the sight of Gibbs sharing a bowling ally with a bunch of nuns. "Okay." Gibbs said giving her a small smile.
"Oh, thank you. Thank you. " Abby rushed over and hugged Gibbs. "Sister Mary Francis will be so happy to meet you."
"You ready?" Abby looked between Ziva and Gibbs who both nodded.
Abby walked toward the elevators between Ziva and Gibbs, an arm laced through each of theirs, chattering happily, already anticipating Ziva's questions about the rules of bowling.
McGee and Tony looked at each other. This was just too much to pass up. McGee slammed his desk drawer shut and Dinozzo grabbed his jacket off his chair. Together they loped after the trio, "Abby, wait up."