Disclaimer: See last chapters.
~ Chapter Fourteen ~
"Never give up on life, or life will give up on you."
Chad watched as the pale brunette opened her eyes, groaning in pain and discomfort, her hand lifting out for an invisible thing that nobody but Sonny could see. He sighed and then slowly put his hand on her forehead, whispering words of comfort to her that knew would do no good. He could hear her muttering incoherently beneath the oxygen mask as she looked from him to her parents and then back again, her eyes fluttered occasionally – fighting the sleep he knew she desperately needed and wanted to fall into .
He could tell by the look on her face she didn't think she would wake up and she didn't believe that she could possibly ever be found. Chad had no idea if she ever actually wanted to be found. He sighed and put his hand in hers, smiling when she didn't flinch away from his touch, instead her eyes met his and he could feel her relax a little. He shook his head a little and brushed some of her hair from her eyes, using his thumb to gently wipe away the tears that had found their way down her pale, bruised cheeks.
He watched her from a distance later on, as she was being checked over. He could see her body shaking from where he stood and he found himself thinking that she may never be the girl that had left them nine months ago – she may never be Alison 'Sonny' Munroe ever again.
"Do you think she will ever recover from this?" Nico asked as he walked behind the boy, putting his hand on his shoulder as he tried his best to smile when they both looked over at the tiny girl who could have been easily mistaken for an eleven year old girl, rather than a seventeen year old woman.
"Honestly?" He sighed, "I don't think so.. I don't know what exactly happened but it's been nine months." He looked down at the floor, biting back the tears he knew were do desperate to fall from his eyes,
"I think she can..." Tawni whispered, appearing next to Nico, smiling as she looked at her friend; her parents were fussing over Sonny, trying to ease her own shaking body and assuring her it would all be okay.
Grady piped up next, "You do?" They could all hear the hope in his voice, his eyes lighting up when Tawni nodded; "With our help, and this is Sonny we're talking about – she's the strongest out all of us, I think."
Nico nodded and smiled, "It's going to take a long time, but we can help her – especially you, Chad." Chad bit his lip, giving them all a small smile – thinking about how if one good thing were to come from all this mess, it would be the new friends he had made; true and loyal friends that he had longed for all his life.
"We're going to make sure we're here every single step of the way, she'll never have to worry about anything." Tawni smiled at all of them and took Nico's hand, pulling him towards the friend they had missed so much. Chad smiled gently when he saw Sonny reaching out for her friends, laughing when Nico cracked a joke, her shaking body finally relaxing as they placed their hand in hers, smiling down at her.
Chad smiled and then bit down on his lip, "I take back my answer – she's going to be just fine." He nodded at Grady before going back to her room, his eyes lighting up and sparkling when he heard that laugh he missed so much.
They knew it would take time – but it was going to be okay. She was going to be just fine.
A/N: Well, this is the end of the story but I might be doing a sequel – depending on what you guys think. Any opinions?