How's a girl from the hill
Find life in a billy
From the wrong side of the tracks?"
Well at the end of the day
Breaking my back
Something you know nothing about
All I did was love her

All I Did Was Love Her – Christian Kane

Come Around to Feeling Right

Katie's hands shook when she first saw Parker and Hardison walk in. They appeared to be alone at first then Nate followed. She didn't realize she was holding her breath until Eliot walked through the door. A rush of feelings crashed in on her: anger, happiness, fear, all of them overlapping with the undeniable feeling of hope. She slid further into the shadows to try and calm herself. His eyes scanned the room quickly before he walked over to the bar.

"Are you going to hide all night?" Aimee asked from behind her, startling her.

"Dammit, you scared the shit outta me!" Katie hissed.

"Come on, you know I'm not the reason you're scared."

"I can't believe you invited him. Of all the manipulative moves you could have made. And don't give me that bullshit about it being a mistake," Katie glared over at Aimee who was watching her with amusement.

Aimee chuckled and tried to look innocent. "I told you it wasn't my idea. It was Parker's. So blame her. Why don't you go say hi to them at least?"

"You're all a bunch of traitors," Katie snorted indignantly. "Besides, he left me, not the other way around. Why should I go to him?"

"He just flew here from Boston! I think that's more than halfway. Lot more than he did for me," Aimee pointed out. "Besides, you have to get up and make a speech in about five minutes so you better hurry."

"I'll talk to him after the speech. I'm already nervous enough about that."

"Katie, where have you been? People are asking about you," Brent said pulling at her arm.

"Just trying to calm down before I go announce the biggest change in my life in a long damn time, so cut me some slack you two. I'll be social after I make the announcement," Katie snapped back. Her stomach was doing somersaults.

"It's not too late to change your mind," Aimee replied. "We can just announce…"

"No, it's now or I'll never do it. Besides, I know it's the right thing for me." Katie smoothed her hair back and took a shaky breath. She snuck another look at Eliot. He looked good, really good. Despite this being a big event, Katie had made it clear that it wasn't a formal event so he was dressed casually, but nice: a dark blue shirt that probably brought the color out in his eyes and nice snug jeans that…

"I'm sure the wait staff could find a plate to serve him up on," Aimee said under her breath as she bit back a smile.

"You know what? Fuck you and the horse you rode in on," Katie growled and pushed past Aimee towards the podium. She ignored their chuckles.

"Can I get everyone's attention?" her attorney, Mr. Smithfield said from the stage. Everyone settled in and Katie was aware of all the eyes drifting to her. She had been very elusive and tried to stay out of the spotlight since the shooting incident so she instantly felt uncomfortable. "I'm sure there is no need to introduce Ms. Stanton-Williams so I'll just let her make her announcement and explain why everyone is here."

He moved aside and Katie stood at the microphone, silent for a moment. She bit back a smile thinking of the old saying 'think of everyone in their underwear' because she really didn't want to go there for some of these people. When she raised her eyes to scan the crowd they instantly fell on Eliot, causing her heart to skip a beat. Glancing away quickly, she took another deep breath. Her gaze fell on Hardison, Parker, and Nate. While Nate seemed more interested in his drink than what she was saying, Parker and Hardison both gave her comforting smiles with Hardison throwing in a thumbs up sign.

"Well…umm…I'm sure that everyone is aware of the fact that there have been some big changes at the ranch in the last few weeks. As soon as the insurance money from the fire came through and we were able to settle the dispute over the land in process of being sold, I began working on a few special projects here. You've most likely wondered why we haven't began purchasing horses or trying to retrieve the ones that were sold. There is a very good explanation for that. We're no longer going to be in the horse breeding business," Katie announced and watched as concern flickered on some of the faces of the long time employees.

"Don't get me wrong. The ranch is going to stay intact and will continue to be a horse ranch but my interests have changed quite a bit. I think my family would approve of my decision," she glanced at Aimee for a moment who smiled reassuringly. "Yes, I really think they would approve knowing what has happened in the last few months that this land, the work of all of you here, mean something more than just a bottom line profit."

Removing the mic from the stand, Katie walked a few steps away from the podium and began pacing a bit as she added, "This is about more than money. My family has always put the ranch and its people first. But in the end, it was also about maintaining the legacy and reputation of the Stanton name. And now…now, it's time for us to give back. Not when our bloodlines die out but now, when too much blood has been spilled because of the money."

"The reason for this party is two fold. To celebrate and announce the future of the ranch plus let you know what part you can play in it," Katie stopped and looked out at the guests and smiled. "If you want, of course. This is a great opportunity to do something more than having the best horse bloodlines in the area because in the long run, what does that mean to the world? Nothing but social standing and a lot of money. But you guys, you've put so much hard work into this ranch and I didn't want to take anything from that or destroy your stake in this ranch. It didn't seem fair for me to let it go without letting you have the right to make your own choice. I've been lucky enough to have the opportunity to decide what my future here will be. And my family owes everyone in here that same opportunity."

"Therefore, Mr. Smithfield has drawn up papers to divide the ranch into equal parts for each second-generation or older or long time loyal employee that gives you a choice to be part of the future or take the money and do what makes you happy." Feeling confident once again when she saw the looks of shock on their faces, Katie grinned and added, "I hope you all don't take the money and run because we're going to need a lot of people to continue the work here."

Katie glanced at Eliot and smiled faintly at his expression of concern and surprise. "There are some people here tonight who helped me out of a very difficult place and helped me realize that it's not about the money, it's about helping people who can't help themselves. I'd like to give my sincere thanks to Nathan Ford, Parker, Alec Hardison, and El…Andrew Winchester. Without them, I wouldn't be standing here and this land would be owned by the people whose hands are stained with my brother's blood." She had to stop for a moment and look up at the ceiling for a moment, willing back the tears that burned her eyes. After swallowing back the lump in her throat, she took a breath and looked back at the audience, catching a lot of them wiping away tears. With visible effort, she continued, "The ranch will be now owned by the John Stanton-Williams Memorial Foundation and will be managed a board that includes these people, myself, and people who have shown to be the most trustworthy, all of you here."

"Rather than rebuild the house, I have worked with Aimee to design a new type of ranch that she will be managing. The main focus will be The Stanton-Williams Center for Equestrian Therapy for the Disabled, which will serve both children and adults. If you are interested in being part of our new vision, we definitely need the extra hands. Plus we'll need to find specific horses for this center." Katie scanned the crowd's faces and saw a lot of them look obviously interested in the future.

"I want to extend my personal gratitude to all of you for your years of loyalty to my family and the way you came together in the last few months to set things to right here. As for me personally, I'll no longer be a resident on the ranch. But I'll always come to visit and be part of this land. So thank you again for all you've done and I wish you all the best. I'm going to let Aimee tell you more about the Center and then Mr. Smithfield will explain all the legal mumbo jumbo."

As everyone rose and applauded for her, Katie made a quick exit off the stage to retreat to the ladies room where she could gather her senses. It was done. Although she was thrilled at the future for the ranch and the chance for herself to make a drastic change, it had been more emotional than she had expected. She was free but felt like she'd lost her security net. Now she had no excuse not to live how she wanted or chase after anything she wanted. Or anyone.

She took a deep breath and realized what that meant for her. If she wanted to be with Eliot, she could be, there was nothing tying her down anywhere. If he wanted her, that is.

While she was thinking about that, she sensed she was no longer alone and looked up to see Parker, smiling at her.

"So now we own part of a horse ranch?" Parker smiled. "Have I mentioned that I don't like horses?"

Katie laughed then hugged Parker tightly. At first the thief tensed up but eventually relaxed. "I'm so glad you guys came. I've missed you."

"All of us came. Well, except for Sophie. And Tara."

"Tara? Is she the one who is helping out while Sophie is gone?" Katie studied Parker, a little concerned. She'd never stopped to think about the fact that Eliot could have found someone else until right now.

"Yes, she's a friend of Sophie's who is helping the team but Nate thought it best that she not come tonight. In fact we had to convince him to come."

Seeing the stress in Parker's face, Katie nodded. "Hardison said it had gotten a little…intense…with Nate drinking again and Sophie gone."

Parker did her typical half shrug that indicated she didn't want to talk about it so Katie let it go.

"Oh, by the way, I had something planned especially for you," Katie smiled. "I believe we once discussed a mechanical bull riding contest?"


It took Katie a full twenty minutes to make it from the bathroom to the table where Parker and the others were sitting because of people trying to talk to her or hug her. Some of these people had known her since she was born. It was difficult to say goodbye but this party was it, her bags were packed to leave tomorrow.

Hardison stood up and gave her a big hug before Nate shook her hand. They made small talk for a few minutes before Parker blurted out. "Well? We got him from Boston to here. You have to go the rest of the way. Just walk to the bar!"

After a smirk from Hardison, Katie sighed. Her hands were shaking and she felt slightly sick. When she looked at the bar, Eliot was leaning against it casually, watching her. The way he was looking at her, gave her butterflies and she had a hard time remember why she was mad at him. It gave her a little bit of strength to walk over to him.

"Buy you a drink?" he offered with a sheepish grin. When she didn't answer, he signaled the bartender who poured them both a shot. Eliot scanned the crowd before glancing back at her. "You look…good." His eyes drifted down her body making her feel even more nervous. "You know? Maybe we should go for a walk."

"Yeah, probably a good idea. Besides I want to show you something," she said and placed her glass on the bar. Walking toward the door, she averted eye contact with anyone hoping they wouldn't stop them. She was afraid if they did, she'd lose her nerve.


They'd been walking for a full five minutes in very uncomfortable silence before Eliot finally said, "So how are you? Complete recovery?"

"Yes. Clean bill of health." She nodded. "You?"

"Oh yeah, I'm good." He walked a few more feet before he stopped cold, placing his hand on her arm. When she turned around and looked at him, he admitted, "No, I'm not good. I'm…I…" Growing frustrated he rolled his eyes before looking at the sky for a few minutes. "I miss you. I didn't know it was going to so hard to leave you."

Katie studied him for a few minutes before saying, "But you did. You walked out of my life without a backwards glance. You didn't even call to check up on me."

"I tried. But I didn't know if you'd want to talk to me so I hung up each time I dialed your number. I…shit, Katie. You know I suck at this." Eliot ran his hands through his hair as she watched him. Turning around she continued walking slowly.

"Come on. I want to show you something," she called over her shoulder and he followed her. They walked in silence but exchanged glances back and forth, making him feel hopeful that she just needed a few minutes to think or something. He was surprised when he looked up and saw them approaching a huge brand new barn.

"Wait…isn't this where the slaughterhouse was?" he asked looking around.

"Yeah, I decided it needed to come down after what happened. This is one of the barns for the horses to be trained for therapy. But there is only one in there right now until they finish the new one on your land," Katie answered as she pulled out a set of keys and opened the door.

"My land?" he asked as she stepped through.

"Yeah, I know you said you didn't want it but John gave it to you so I couldn't accept it back. Mr. Smithfield will want to talk to you later about the legal side but right now we're planning on running a Mustang rescue and the barn for that will be up there now. Hope that's okay." Her eyes lingered on his. He was speechless. Of all the things she could have done with his property, she managed to find the one thing that would mean the most to him. A slight smile lingered on her lips. "You did always say you wanted a Mustang, didn't you?" He nodded and she shrugged. "Didn't seem too logical in Boston so…you know, thought you could have a place down here to visit if you want. There is still plenty of land for a house and the fencing is going to be set up so that they have plenty of space to run, on both your properties and mine…I mean, the ranch. Guess it's not mine anymore."

"I can't believe you did all this Katie. I mean…it's amazing but you're giving up all of this? Are you sure that's what you want to do?" he asked, concerned that she was overreacting to her brush with death.

"I'm sure. Come on," she turned and walked to a stall, pulling it open. Inside was a black and white painted Mustang with a small foal. The mother was very skinny but still a beautiful animal. "We rescued her from Oklahoma then after bringing her here, she had this little guy. He's the first rescued horse born here so we named him Spirit Boy after the name of the rescue."

The mare stared at him with big eyes so he cautiously approached her before coming near Spirit Boy. "What's her name?"

"Hope. Kinda cheesy I know but I thought it fit. She was in pretty bad shape when we first got her but she's got a lot of spirit so it made sense to name him Spirit Boy."

The mare allowed him to get close to the foal after Katie pulled Hope out to stretch her legs a bit. Spirit Boy looked strong and completely healthy. Eliot found himself fascinated with him soon after. He had perfect markings and what looked like a star on his forehead.

"He's incredible," Eliot said when he sensed Katie in the doorway.

"Yeah, he's pretty special. I'm going to miss seeing him grow up," she said wistfully.

He turned and studied her for a moment before asking, "Why are you doing this? I mean, I get you wanting a new start and the changes you're making but leaving it all behind, giving away the ranch, I don't get. John, your father, and generations before them all poured decades of work into this ranch."

"You don't get it?" Anger suddenly flashed in her eyes. "John died because of this land. It's nothing but death here to me. With the changes, it's reborn…"

"Yes and you're walking away from it! Why? You're changing it completely so the memories and hurt will go away, in time."

"Like they did for you? Are you over your sad memories and regrets?" She tilted her head and stared at him. "When you walked back into your father's cabin, did you forget the times he hit you and the pain he caused you? What about your mama? Were those memories of her sick and dying gone?"

"Stop it," he rose, glaring back her. "It's not the same and you know it."

"Why? Because your pain is so much more intense than mine? Because it's always all about you and your feelings?" She came closer, within a few inches of him, looking at him coldly. "Or because I'm a cold, rich bitch who only cares about land and bloodlines?"

"I never said that. But the bitch part is certainly making an appearance right now," he replied taking a step back and crossing his arms over his chest.

"Oh I'm sorry. I forgot I'm supposed to be so grateful you're back that I rush right into your arms and pretend you didn't walk out on me, that you didn't leave me because you were scared of the possibility of a future with me." Looking him up and down quickly, she shook her head. "Thanks, but I'll pass."

Turning around she stormed out of the stall. Eliot moved quickly to catch her before she got to the door, grabbing her arm and stopping her.

"Look, I thought we could talk rationally but…" he began. Then he realized he didn't know what to say. "Katie…I mean…shit. Look, I fucked up, okay?"

"No! It's not okay. Nothing you did is okay. Do you honestly think you can just come back and everything will be okay between us? A quick 'I fucked up' will make up for everything? Hell no!" she yelled jerking her arm from him. "I thought you were the one but now…I just don't know anything anymore."

"I don't know what else to say other than I fucked up because I freaked out that you'd get hurt again if I was in your life. I wanted to protect you and there you were in a hospital bed almost dying because I didn't protect you. I didn't know how to keep you safe around me. I've done things that will always make me a target and I don't want to risk you being hurt because of me," he explained with a frustrated sigh. "I still don't know how it would work."

"In case you forgot, I was targeted and hurt just fine on my own before you came back into my life. My brother was killed because of me, not because of you. So what makes you think anything will change now as far as me getting hurt? I don't let anyone get close to me now. Because I'm scared to ever trust anyone again. And not just because of what Thomas and his family did to me, but because the man I loved more than anything ripped my heart out. That was worse than any gunshot wound, trust me." Tears welling up in her eyes, Katie turned away to try to regain her composure and he watched her sadly.

"I wish I could take it all back. I wish I could be the man you deserve but I just don't know if I can be. I just…I just know that I can't stop thinking about you and this has been the worst hell I've been in. You woke up something in my heart that I thought was dead long ago and it's been killing me ever since being away from you," he replied. He wasn't sure if what he was saying was wise or where the hell they were going to go from here but he had to tell her. He had to just say it before his heart exploded in his chest.

Katie turned and studied him for a moment and he could see she was really torn and conflicted. "Why did you come here, Eliot?"

"Because…I just had to see you. Even if you tell me to fuck off and never come near you again, I had to say that I missed you and I'm…well…I'm…sorry." He hated apologizing. It was the hardest thing to get out of his mouth.

Despite still being angry, she bit her lip and he could tell she was holding back a laugh. Finally she asked, "Have you ever said that before?"

"Not very often so you know I mean it," he admitted.

"But where do we go from here?"

"I have no idea." He shrugged. "I just know that I can't go on like this anymore."

Wiping the tears from her eyes, Katie studied the floor for a minute before looking back at him. The hope in her made his heart beat a little faster. Stepping closer, he reached out and caressed her cheek. She leaned into his hand lightly kissing his palm. Gently he pulled her to him, bring his other hand to her face, his thumb stroking along her chin, waiting for her reaction. He didn't want to push her and he still saw hesitation in her eyes.

"Katie, I love you," he whispered. "I wish I could take back all the pain I've caused you."

Tears filled her eyes again but she didn't turn away from him.

"I missed you," she replied. "I tried to hate you, I wanted to but I just couldn't. Even now I can't seem to stay angry at you even though you deserve it."

"I know I do." He smiled slightly, enjoying being close to her, her scent washing over him and everything made him feel right, like he was supposed to be here all along.

"So are you going to kiss me or are we just going to stand here, breathing each other's air?" she asked with a smirk.

"Either's fine with me," he whispered with a soft chuckle. "I just don't want to let you go."

Katie leaned forward brushing his lips with hers. He caught her lip with his own, sucking it gently before dipping his tongue into her mouth. Her hands rested on his waist as he pulled her even closer, so their bodies were touching and kissed her deeply. Neither seemed willing to end the kiss and clutched the other one tighter, his hand clutching her neck as hers wrapped around him. When they finally broke for air, Eliot kissed her nose and her eyes before returning to her mouth, amazed at how good she tasted.

Both of them jumped when Hope brushed against them and whinnied. Eliot chuckled softly as he rubbed the horse's nuzzle. "Let me put her back in the stall." When he was finished he returned to find Katie watching him uncertainly. "What?"

"I have to know. Where do we go from here? What do you want?" she asked.

He tilted his head to the side for a moment before glancing away for a minute. Finally he shook his head and walked towards her, resting his hands on her arms. "I want you Katie. I don't know how I figure into your new life or how you can figure into mine. I don't know anything but just that. I want you. And if you don't want me or can't forgive me, I'll go but I just had to see you again to tell you that I love you and I don't want anyone but you."

She nodded slightly and looked down at her hands. He squeezed her arms lightly before letting go, assuming she wanted him to leave. When he got to the door, she said, "I don't have a place to live."

Turning around he stared at her before asking, "What? What do you mean you don't have a place to live? You own a damn ranch and you're homeless now?"

Katie smiled. "Yeah I kind of gave it away, remember?" She shrugged and grinned a little more. "I could get a hotel I guess. But maybe I could stay with you until I found somewhere to settle down?"

Eliot shook his head with amusement. "I guess it's the only gentlemanly thing to do in the situation."

Walking up to him, she reached up and grabbed him by the shirt before jerking him closer to her. She raised her eyebrows before licking his lips. "Oh I don't expect you to be a gentleman."

"Well, ma'am. I'll be happy to oblige with that as well," he smirked then kissed her.

A/N Yes I know - I'm evil for ending it there. BUT There is a sequel named Revenge Comes Calling coming soon. :)