Chapter 12
Jareth didn't care about the dignitaries and nobles in the crowd as he kissed Sarah as passionately as possible. It was like a fire had been burning low and when his lips touched Sarah's the fire turned to a roar of flame and desire. He felt her pull away though and he grudgingly allowed her to breathe. He smiled at her flushed face until he heard the muffled thud. Sarah jerked forward, her mouth forming an 'o' of surprise. She started to fall towards him and he caught her in his arms. "Sarah?" his voice sounded foreign to his own ear.
Then he saw it, the black shaft of an arrow was sticking out of her back. Panic swooped through him. "Sarah! Stay with me, please! Someone help us!" he pleaded as blood dripped out of Sarah's mouth.
The crowd of dignitaries were in a panic driven retreat though. They were scattering toward the castle and those with magic were simply disappearing on the spot. The roars and cries of Hoggle, Ludo, and Sir Didymus could be heard as they tried to fight their way toward their fallen friend. Jareth looked up and saw the determined look on his mother's face as she cast a shield around the immediate area to protect them from any further attacks. He felt a hand on his shoulder. "Let me see her," a voice said.
Rahbyn the healer had made his way to the front from his place in the back of the crowd. Jareth pulled back a little so Rahbyn could see the ominous dark shaft sticking out between Sarah's shoulders. Rahbyn's face blanched. "We need to get her to the healing quarters now," he said as calmly as he could.
Jareth grabbed hold of the healer's wrist and held tight to Sarah as he teleported them to the healer's quarters. "Lay her down on the table," Rahbyn directed as he hurriedly took off his formal jacket.
Jareth gently laid the inert form of Sarah face down on the table. Rahbyn was by her side in an instant. Using a knife, he sliced open the back of her dress. He handed Jareth a small bottle, "Pour a few drops of this on the wound once I pull the arrow out. It will help stop the bleeding and remove infection."
Jareth nodded and watched as Rahbyn put a hand on Sarah's back and another around the shaft of the arrow. Gently, he pulled and with a squelching sound the arrow came out. Rahbyn laid it aside as Jareth poured drops of the potion on the wound. "Why isn't she breathing right?" Jareth asked.
Rahbyn paused and could hear the wheezing gasps the woman before him was making. "The arrow, it nicked her lung. I need to seal the wound before too much blood makes it's way in," he said moving toward a potion cupboard.
He ruffled through the bottles, making a clanking noise until he found the one he wanted, a medium sized blue bottle. "I only have one shot at this. This potion heals cuts and open wounds so the hole the arrow made will close as well. Her body won't stand me opening it up again, so please give me some room your Highness," Rahbyn requested looking into the worried stormy eyes.
Jareth backed up reluctantly. Rahbyn took an eyedropper off the tray of instruments and loaded it with the potion. He carefully centered it above the wound and unloaded the potion all at once. The result was almost instantaneous. The wound closed and all that was left were the smears of blood and a faint scar. "What now?" Jareth asked, his voice still a couple octaves higher than normal.
"Now we clean her up, make her comfortable, and wait," Rahbyn said taking a wet cloth to clean up the blood.
"How long before we know?"
"Shh… listen."
Jareth listened and could hear Sarah's breathing steady. He smiled at the healer who was grinning as well. The two cleaned Sarah up and Jareth magically changed Sarah into a more comfortable nightgown. "She should stay here until we're wakens Sire, just to make sure nothing else is wrong," Rahbyn said loosening the buttons on his shirt at his neck.
Jareth nodded and pulled a chair over so he could sit next to Sarah.
o O o O o O o
Desideria examined the black arrow shaft the healer had pulled out of Sarah. The rest of the council had gathered and were arguing once again. Only this time they were arguing over who was to blame for the attempted murder. Considering all he had to gain from it, Lord Abbadon was high on the suspect list. However there were a few Council members who were loyal friends of Abbadon who insisted he would never do such a thing.
After the initial attack, Desideria had thrown up shield barriers around the area then proceeded to calm the crowd. Those who couldn't teleport were directed into the castle to a lounge area. Desideria had then left Devon in charge and teleported to the healing quarters to find her son gripping the hand of a very pale and very still Sarah. At hearing his mother's entrance, Jareth turned and smiled. Desideria took that as a good sign. "How is she?"
"Stable, but she lost a lot of blood. Rahbyn gave her a potion to help her body speed the process of producing more, but we still just have to wait."
Desideria laid a hand on her son's shoulder. "Devon and I took care of the wedding guests."
"Thank you," Jareth said placing a gloved hand over his mother's.
"The Council is meeting tomorrow to discuss the most likely guilty party."
"Isn't it obvious who is responsible?" Jareth said, his voice becoming irritated.
"Just because Lord Abbadon dislikes mortals doesn't mean he killed her. There are other Fae who were not supportive of your union with Sarah."
"Yes, but Abbadon had the most to gain from it!"
"Admittedly he is among the top suspects, Jareth, and I've already sent guards to apprehend and hold Lord Abbadon, but it might be wise to step back and view this objectively."
"How can I view this objectively Mother? My wife nearly died!"
"Yes, I know, Jareth. All I'm saying is don't jump to hasty conclusions."
"Fine, I'll leave the investigating to you, but promise me you won't let Abbadon go until you've made a thorough investigation of him."
"Of course."
After that, Desideria had left her son and new daughter-in-law to return to her council chambers. She then went to meet with Lord Abbadon who was being kept in a room under security lock-down in the High Council Palace. She'd walked in to find Lord Abbadon pacing. "Grand High Council Woman," he addressed her when he noticed her presence. "Why am I being held against my will here?"
"You have been brought up on charges of attempted murder, Lord Abbadon."
"Murder? Who am I to have tried to murder?"
"The Lady Sarah Williams, now the Goblin Queen."
Abbadon stood still, his face a mixture of surprise and conceitedness. "I told that boy of yours he shouldn't have married her. I told him no one would accept her as royalty, but I most certainly did not kill her!"
"Lord Abbadon, I should tell you now that if you are cooperative with us and tell the truth, the High Council will consider lessening your punishment."
Abbadon sighed and sat down in an armchair, pinching the bridge of his nose between forefinger and thumb. Desideria moved farther into the room, her personal bodyguard moving behind her. "I will admit to having plotted to killing the mortal, but I swear to you that I did not command my man to enact the deed," Abbadon finally said.
"Are you saying someone else killed Lady Sarah?"
Abbadon nodded, "I hired a man to put poison in her evening meal, but I was not going to give the order to carry out the deed until next week."
"Why wait?"
"I was going to try to avoid making a scene. As much as I dislike mortals, I do hold respect for you, Lady Desideria, and therefore your son. I did not want it to be a public ordeal for him."
"Well it was. Lady Sarah was shot in the back with an arrow at the end of her union ceremony."
"An arrow? No, no… I never ordered such a thing!"
"I am merely stating facts, Lord Abbadon."
Abbadon threw his head back against the chair and breathed out a sigh of irritation. "Just out of curiosity, Grand High Council Woman, what did this arrow look like?"
"Black, completely black with black fletching. Why do you ask?" Desideria answered confused.
Abbadon looked up at her with a determined expression, "Aha! You see, my people use only the standard white fletching on black arrows! It's my land's colors!"
"That does not prove your innocence in the matter."
"No, but it's a mark in my favor."
"Fine, I shall concede the point. However I suggest you take legal council Lord Abbadon, you're going to need it."
"Thank you Grand High Council Woman, I shall."
Desideria nodded then left the room. She'd made her way back to her rooms for the evening. Now, approximately eighteen hours after the attempt at Sarah's life, she sat at the head of the table in the council chambers, turning the arrow used on Sarah slowly in her fingers. The council members were growing louder. Irritated, Desideria used her authority on them, "Quiet!" she commanded.
The other twelve council members fell silent. "Thank you. Now, it is obvious that Lord Abbadon is one of the prime suspects and has been apprehended, however he pleads innocence and we must therefore look at other options."
"Grand Council Woman, just because a man pleads innocence does not mean he is not the guilty party," a younger member of the council said.
"That is true, however we cannot single-mindedly prosecute Lord Abbadon without looking at the other options. I declare the council adjourned until two days hence. Then we shall go over the evidence again and perhaps any new material that is brought before us."
The council shuffled out the double doors, leaving Desideria to ponder over if not Abbadon, then who would try to commit such a despicable crime?
o O o O o O o
Sarah felt sick. There was a pounding in her head and nausea curled in her stomach. Not to mention the dull throbbing below her shoulder. But there was a comforting warmth near her hip. She slowly opened her eyes to see a dimly lit, small room. She didn't recognize it. Glancing down, she saw a mussed blond head resting against her hip. Sarah smiled and lightly ran her fingers through the soft locks of hair. The softness soothed her and she closed her eyes again. Sarah felt the soft locks move out of her reach. "Sarah?" a gentle voice asked.
She opened her eyes again, "Hmm?" she murmured looking at the stormy eyes before her.
"Thank the gods you're awake!" he smiled. "How are you feeling?"
"Alright, I've been better. What happened? Where are we?" she asked grabbing hold of Jareth's hand.
"We're in the healing quarters. An assassin shot you in the back with an arrow during our union ceremony."
Sarah was dumbstruck for a moment. "Someone tried to kill me?"
Jareth nodded, squeezing her hand. "My god Jareth, is it always going to be like this?"
"Like what?"
"First Lord Abbadon tried to break us up then someone tries to kill me. Jareth I don't know if I can live like this."
"Nobody is ever going to hurt you again Sarah. I promise."
"How can you promise something like that after what's just happened?"
"Sarah, we'll find whoever did this and punish them. Word will get out that you are a changeling and eventually, this will go away."
"What is your species' prejudice against humans?"
"I think it has to do with the fact that humans were prejudice against us first."
Sarah narrowed her eyes, "Two wrongs don't make a right."
"I know that, but others of my species only see it as justice."
"Then perhaps we'll have to show them how different I am."
Jareth smiled, "That's my Sarah."
o O o O o O o
Desideria woke to a pounding on her door. "M'am? Please m'am, Captain Phoebus is insisting that you come," Nahni's voice sounded from the bedchamber door.
Desideria drew a dark red robe about herself then opened the door to her bedchamber that led to the study. "Thank you Nahni, I'll take it from here."
She marched to the door that led to the hallway and wrenched it open. "Yes, Captain Phoebus?" she said trying to keep civil.
"I'm sorry m'am, but this couldn't wait till morning. I think it's best if you see for yourself," the blond Fae said apologetically before turning to lead her.
Desideria pulled the tie on her robe tighter then followed her Captain of the Guard down the hallway. After several turns it was evident where he was leading her. "Captain Phoebus, why are we going to Lord Abbadon's room?"
Instead of answering, Captain Phoebus opened the door. Desideria stepped into the entryway and stopped with a gasp, her hands rising to cover her mouth. Before her lay Lord Abbadon. He was sprawled on the floor in a pool of his own blood that seemed to have surged from the gaping slash across his throat. Desideria closed her mouth and turned back toward Captain Phoebus. "When?" she asked simply.
"We discovered him shortly after the changing of the guard around midnight. Prior to that, nobody had been in his room since his son visited around seven pm. We've secured the area, there's no intruders."
"Take care of the body and summon Abbadon's son in the morning. I'll be in my chambers should something else arise."
"Yes, Lady Desideria," Captain Phoebus gave a short bow.
Desideria nodded and went back to her study. There was no way she was going to be able to sleep after what she'd seen tonight. She sat at her desk and leaned her head against the high back of the chair. "Did you need anything m'am?" Nahni asked.
"I think I can manage tea on my own Nahni, thank you though."
Nahni nodded then exited the room. Desideria closed her eyes. She was slightly unnerved that someone had been able to slip in and kill Lord Abbadon. The High Council Palace was not heavily guarded, but murder among the Fae was so rare, it was almost unheard of.
Desideria sighed and got up to make herself a cup of tea. She was going to have to address the council and tell Jareth about this tomorrow.
o O o O o O o
The next morning, after the council was assembled, Desideria retold the account of what happened last night. The council members were taken aback by the ferocity of the crime and one of the female members fainted. After making sure the woman would be all right, Desideria left the room, leaving the council to discuss the situation. She went to an antechamber where Lord Abbadon' son, Nephron, sat waiting for her. He'd already been informed of his father's death; thank the gods she didn't have that duty. "Young Master Nephron, I'm sorry that the first time we meet is under these circumstances," Desidera addressed the younger Fae.
Nephron looked amazingly similar to his father. The only distinct difference being that instead of his father's topaz eyes, he had coal black irises that made his pupils look constantly wide open. Nephron stood and gave a short bow to her. She nodded, allowing him to straighten. "I thank you, Grand High Council Woman, for sending my father's body to our home so that it may rest with his ancestors. Especially considering the recent charges against him," Nephron said.
"Of course, it was the least I could do. In actuality, the charges against him were becoming more in question."
"You mean there was evidence saying that it was another?" Nephron asked a gleam of something in his eye that Desideria could not identify.
"Yes, things your father said and of course, his death puts a different perspective on things," Desideria replied arching an eyebrow.
"I see. Do you have any leads on who killed my father?"
"Not yet, I'm sure Captain Phoebus has already questioned you?"
Desideria wasn't sure, but there was a kind of indifference in the young Fae before her. Almost as if he didn't care that his father had just been murdered. The feeling grew stronger when he asked his next question. "When will the council official hand over my father's title to me? Just so I can prepare of course."
"Of course," Desideria said slowly. "Nephron, how old are you now?"
"One hundred forty eight years."
"That's rather young to be inheriting a title such as your father's."
"I believe I am up to the task, even though the Goblin Kingdom will be annexed on to my land."
Desideria's eyes widened. "What did you say?"
"The news of the Lady Sarah's death is all over the Underground. I naturally assume that since King Jareth now has no way of producing an heir within the time limit that his lands will be annexed onto the Plains of Vuhlr," Nephron said calmly.
"The Lady Sarah is not dead," Desideria said plainly.
Nephron's calm visage broke for a moment, showing fear and anger, before he controlled the emotions. "But I was told…"
"Lady Sarah is not dead. She is healing quite well even as we now speak."
"That… that's good," Nephron said, his anger barely in check.
"Nephron, is there something you want to tell me?" Desideria asked, hardly daring to believe what her mind was coming up with.
"Are you accusing me of something, Grand High Council woman?"
Desideria, unwilling to believe her mind's theory, called to her personal guard outside the door. The muscular Fae entered. "Yes, Lady Desideria?" he asked.
"Please relieve young Master Nephron of his dagger."
The guard moved forward and held out a hand. "You have no right to take my personal belongings!"
"Actually, yes I do. You see, being Grand High Council Woman has its advantages, one of them being that I can order people to do as I say when they are in my palace."
Nephron glared at Desideria, but grudgingly loosened his belt and removed his dagger from it. Desideria held out a hand to her guard for the dagger. He placed it in her palm and she unsheathed it. The six-inch blade gleamed under the sunlight coming from the windows. Upon closer inspection, Desideria found a dark flaky substance near the hilt, as though the blade had been wiped clean hastily then jammed back into its sheath. She held the blade out to the guard. "What does this look like to you?" she asked.
The guard took the blade and examined the dark flaky substance. "Like dried blood m'am."
"That's what I thought. Place Master Nephron under arrest for the murder of his father, Lord Abbadon, and the attempted murder of Lady Sarah Williams."
The guard handed the blade back to Desideria and moved forward to put Nephron in a pair of manacles. "This isn't fair! The mortal was supposed to die so I could get what was rightfully mine!" Nephron shouted at Desideria.
"And what was the purpose behind killing your father?" she asked keeping icy calm front.
"He was in the way of my inheritance and I was getting sick of waiting for the old fool to kick the bucket," Nephron replied showing no signs of remorse.
"Take him to secure room and post guards. He will not be allowed visitors," Desideria instructed the guard who nodded and led Nephron from the room.
o O o O o O o
Sarah sat dumbstruck in the personal study of the Grand High Council Woman. Jareth was just as motionless beside her on the small couch. The woman who'd informed her that morning of who'd tried to kill her sat across from her son and daughter-in-law sipping a cup of tea. "He was how old?" Sarah asked.
"One hundred forty eight years, or loosely translated to mortal years, that would be about fourteen," Jareth's mother answered.
"And he killed his father? How could any child do that?"
"I'd like to think it was solely greed, but Lord Abbadon was not known for being a caring parent."
Sarah shivered at the thought and Jareth put an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him as though unconsciously trying to protect her. "Its just so horrible…" Sarah trailed off.
"Yes, it is, my dear," Lady Desideria said taking another sip of her tea. "Not to change the subject, but how have you been? You're feeling better?"
"Yes, Healer Rahbyn says I'm fully recovered. There's still some pain in my shoulder, but he says that's to be expected."
"Good, good."
They sat in silence for a while longer. "Not to be a spoil-sport, but I believe we should head home. I know I'm exhausted from the days events," Jareth said rising and pulling Sarah with him.
Jareth was right; it had been an exhausting day. Sarah and he had been called to the High Council's Palace early that morning to testify against Nephron. The council had pronounced Nephron guilty and stripped him of his magic and his titles and declared that he live the rest of his natural life in the Aboveground. As a result of this declaration, the Plains of Vulhr had no ruler. The council had inquired if Jareth would be up to the task of annexing the land to his own. Jareth, after a discussion with Sarah, had agreed. He would put one of the Fae Lords in his kingdom in charge of the Plains of Vulhr. Another result of the annexing of land was that Jareth could give Sarah the few years she wanted before having a child. Sarah had commented that she wasn't sure she wanted the few years now, but it was nice to know they had them.
"Farewell mother, I'm sure we'll being seeing you soon," Jareth said.
Lady Desideria nodded and in a swirl of dark glitter, Jareth and Sarah transported to the Goblin Kingdom. Sarah found that she was sitting on Jareth's lap in his throne. "You know this throne is large enough for us to sit side-by-side," she commented.
"Yes, but I like it better this way," he replied smirking as he pulled her closer.
Sarah smiled and draped an arm around his neck. "As his majesty wishes."
Jareth pulled her into a kiss, lips caressing hers, his tongue tracing the outline of her lips. Sarah's mind went blank with the gentle kiss, she earned to make it more passionate, but allowed Jareth to control it. He pulled away leaving her flushed and mouth gaping. Jareth smiled and closed her mouth with the tips of his gloved fingers. His face came back toward her and he started to kiss neck. She tipped her head back so he had easier access. His hands were roaming her body, leaving trails of tingling flesh.
"Ewww!" a high-pitched voice exclaimed.
Jareth and Sarah broke apart and looked down to see Meep covering his eyes. Jareth raised an eyebrow and frowned at the little goblin. Sarah smiled and blushed at being caught like this with the goblin's sovereign. "Sorry Meep," she muttered.
"Meep don't mind, so long as Meep don't see! Meep think Kingy and Lady should get a room!" he said still covering his eyes.
Sarah laughed at the human phrase. Jareth smirked, "What an excellent idea, I happen to have a room available."
Meep uncovered his eyes just in time to see a grinning Jareth and a surprised Sarah disappear in a swirl of glitter. He frowned as some of it drifted gently down to land on his long nose. He brushed it off in irritation then slipped off to Kingy's private wine cellar downstairs. With Kingy so preoccupied Meep was sure he wouldn't get caught and what Kingy don't know, won't hurt Meep! Meep settled down with a bottle almost as tall as him and toasted the Lady Sarah for giving Meep more time to sneak some of Kingy's wine.
o O o O o O o
**Ten Years Later**
Eight-year-old Gwynn strolled down the hallway of his father's castle. His constant companion, a goblin named Meep, was at his side. Gwynn had managed to escape his governess an hour ago and was enjoying the quiet, but was quickly becoming bored. He traversed the familiar hallways down to his father's throne room. His father wasn't there, so Gwynn snuck in and crawled up on the throne. He liked to pretend he was King sometimes. "Should Princey be on Kingy's throne?" Meep asked a little nervous.
"Stop being such a worry wart, Meep," Gwynn replied.
He didn't notice when his mother strolled into the room carrying his baby sister, Arianna. "Gwynn? What are you doing in here?" his mother, the Queen Sarah, asked the startled boy.
"Nothing, just pretending."
"Shouldn't you be in your lessons with Cerulean?" his mother asked mentioning Gwynn's governess.
Gwynn huffed, "Yes…"
"Why aren't you?"
"Because it's boring!"
"Gwynn, what've we talked about?"
Gwynn crossed his arms and recited, "That learning is important and I should attend all my lessons."
"That's right, now go find Cerulean and apologize to her," his mother said gently rocking Arianna.
Gwynn rolled his eyes but got down off the throne. Meep followed the dejected young Prince, leaving Sarah alone with her daughter. She cooed softly to the young princess and smiled as Arianna gurgled back. She had been pleasantly surprised to find that both her children had the upswept eyebrows of the Fae. Gwynn looked like a miniaturized version of his father except for his eyes. He had Sarah's emerald green eyes. Arianna however had dark wild hair and her father's stormy blue eyes. Of course it didn't matter how her children looked, Sarah was just indescribably happy to have something as precious as a child to share with Jareth.
Sarah's own features had changed over the course of the past ten years too as a result of being a changeling. Her features were more angular and fair, while her ears became slightly pointed at the tips. According to Jareth and Healer Rahbyn, more than just her appearance had changed. Her chemical make-up had altered slightly, allowing her age slowly like the rest of the Fae. More recently, she discovered she was able to control small bits of magic. She wasn't quite able to produce a crystal sphere like Jareth yet, but he said that with practice and time her abilities would sharpen and she'd eventually be able to do all the things he could.
Sarah moved to sit in the recently vacated throne, smiling with the joy that motherhood brought.
o O o O o O o
Here ends this tale. It's been a wonderful (and at times stressful) journey from start to finish. This story has been fun to write and I'll continue to write. I've actually got more ideas already starting to float around. I've loved reading all the reviews I've gotten. They've made me want to keep writing. Also, just out of curiosity, what would you, my loyal readers, think of a sequel to this tale? I've an idea that might branch out, but be forewarned, it'll be a few months before you see any of it. Please leave your responses in review or message form.
Also, check out my profile page for a link to my Live Journal if you are interested in my trip through Europe this summer. I leave June 15th and get back July 5th.
One more thing, huge thanks to my mom and sister for letting me bounce ideas off them and for reading my chapters before I post them!