A/N as of 2015: Better late than never, I guess. The rough draft of this fic has been sitting on my hard drive for years now, and while I feel it's not nearly as good as you deserve, I figured it'd be better to post it now anyway. Beyond that, I've edited and restructured previously posted parts of the story in hopes of improving them, as well as saved the old A/N from 2010 for posterity underneath this one. Thanks for your time and sorry about the delay.

[A/N: Well...I've always wanted to try writing a darkfic and a...umm, fascinating discussion I had with someone more versed in Nordic history inspired me to write this. So, this is my first darkfic ever, the plot was put together while I had a fever and it stars Denmark exhibiting France-like qualities. I fail to see how this can go wrong. :D Anyway, any and all constructive criticism will be HIGHLY appreciated.

I originally planned to make this a two-parter, but thanks to me being a lazy bast- because I had trouble writing such long chapters in one go, I decided to break the story into four bite-size chunks instead. I do have the whole thing mapped out, but it might take a while to finish the whole fic. Be patient with me, please? Hope you enjoy this.]

The Odd One Out

Betra er einn aŏ vera, en illan stallbróǒur hafa.

Better be alone than in bad company.

An Icelandic proverb

"It was nice of all of you to come."

"It was the least we could do, Ice-kun."

"'s right."

"We didn't want you to be stuck here with nothing but Norway's boring rambles, after all."

Norway cast an irate look at Denmark. "...Shut up."

Finland laughed, and Denmark grinned. Sweden stayed as expressionless as ever. Iceland, too, smiled weakly. "It's fine, really."

Denmark waved his hand "Not yet it is, but soon it's gonna be. I brought enough beer and spirits with me to drown out everything he says."

Norway sneered at him. "Very funny."

Finland chuckled.

"He thinks it is."

"Well..." Norway cast a lingering glance at Finland, before focusing his attention on Iceland once more. "Anyway, I don't think you should be drinking until you get better."

Iceland nodded feebly and coughed. "I agree."

"Aww, and after all that trouble I went through to lug it all here." Denmark winked at Iceland. "No matter. More for me."

Finland chuckled again while the others rolled their eyes. Denmark, a slight smile still on his lips, decided to take the time to look around Iceland's bedroom where they were all cooped up.

Despite the chilly air outside, the sunlight shining from the window enveloped the room and everything inside it in a warm glow. Denmark cast a brief glance at the small garden outside, grey and miserable now in November, before looking at the contents of the room itself. White-washed walls, dark brown desk, chairs, and bed, pure white linen: a stark contrast between white and near black, much like the contrast between the fire and ice that were both part of Iceland. Usually, the fire of his soul was hidden deep within his cold exterior, but today, it was betrayed by the sweat glistening on his forehead and his flushed cheeks.

Iceland had began ailing several years ago, and while his collapse had been sudden, it hadn't truly surprised anyone. But now, after his recovery had looked certain, he had fallen sick once more, worse than ever, worse than any of them had ever seen. So sick there didn't seem to be any way for him to recover...

"So..." Denmark eventually said, determined to break the prolonged silence to rid himself of his dark thoughts. "You need anything? Like, something to drink?"

Iceland stirred up a little and shook his head. "No thanks," he mumbled evenly.

Denmark scratched the back of his neck as he felt his fears rising once more from his subconscious. He wanted away. It wasn't like standing awkwardly around Iceland's bed was doing him any favors, anyway.

"How about we go grab a bite and come back to see you in a few hours?" He gave Iceland what he hoped was a confident grin.

Iceland nodded, his expression unchanged.

"I'll stay here for a while still," said Norway. His voice didn't give away his thoughts, but Denmark met his eyes and got a barely perceptible nod as a response.

"Sure." He winked at Norway. He then opened the door and left, indicating with his head at Sweden and Finland to follow him.

As they walked down the dark wooden staircase back to the lounge, he looked back to see the other men's expressions. Finland seemed to be utterly lost in thought, and while Sweden's face was as stoic as ever, Denmark could tell he was feeling downcast.

Yeah, it's not like is easy for any of us. Four years now, and he's as sick as ever. It's just not normal these days. We have to find a way to cure him and fast.

Denmark sighed. Iceland hadn't been his charge for several decades now, but nevertheless he felt certain responsibility for his condition. Standing idly around in Iceland's house, unable to actually aid him due to his duty to his own people made him feel impotent.

He raised his head. Enough feeling useless. He had to do something, whether it was for Iceland's benefit or not.

"We should leave tomorrow then," he said out loud.

Finland froze midstep and blinked a few times. "But we only just arrived, Ta-san."

"Yeah, but there's really no point in staying, is there? What can we do?"

Sweden shrugged. "Dunno."

"Exactly. I suggest we stay for one night, see how he's tomorrow, and head back home." He looked both of the other two Nordics in the eye. "After that, we shoould schedule another meeting with the four of us."

"For drinks?" Finland asked.

"No, to discuss some kinda relief package for Iceland." Denmark hesitated. "And also for drinks."

"'Kay," Sweden mumbled.


"That's settled, then." Denmark rubbed his hands together. Norway would certainly agree with his decision without having to hear his opinion. "Now, who's up for some lager and a game of Monopoly? We don't have to worry about Iceland right now. He's in good hands."

Norway leaned into the door, silently peering outside.

"Are they gone?" Iceland asked weakly from the bed.

"They are." Norway shut the door firmly before turning towards his brother, a rare smile on his face. "They went downstairs, the lot of them. I doubt they'll be checking up on us any time soon."

Iceland smiled back faintly. Norway made his way to the bed and planted a soft kiss on Iceland's forehead.

Iceland closed his eyes and sighed peacefully. "I've missed this."

Norway replied to his words by kissing him again, this time on the lips. After that, he climbed onto the bed and snuggled against Iceland. The bed made a loud creak.

"Careful, they might hear us," Iceland whispered.

"Don't worry, Denmark will keep them distracted. We have a deal," Norway replied quietly while running his fingers through Iceland's hair. He smiled warmly, an expression only reserved to his dear brother.

"Well, he does owe us that." Iceland mumbled between kisses. His breathing grew heavier as Norway started unbuttoning his shirt. After finishing with the last button, Norway continued kissing Iceland's neck and his now bare chest. He leaned in as close to him as possible, while Iceland continued attempting to remove Norway's own shirt from the way.

Suddenly, Iceland froze and waved his hand, trying to indicate to Norway he wanted to stop.

"Sorry, I have to—" He turned away and broke into a violent cough fit. Norway quickly got off him and sat up, wrapping his arm around Iceland's shoulders. Iceland leaned against him and continued coughing for a long while before finally leaning back on the bed again, trying to breath calmly. A trickle of cold sweat ran down his forehead.

"Do you need a break?"

Iceland nodded weakly. "Sorry."

"No problem." Norway's smile didn't fade, but a shadow appeared in his usually emotionless eyes. He leaned towards Iceland and hugged him gently, his skin like ice against Iceland's burning flesh.

"Such a fever," he whispered.

"I'm kinda used to it already."

Norway pushed Iceland's sweaty fringe off his forehead. "I hate that you are."

"Can't be helped. Besides, there's something I'm more worried about than my sickness."

Norway's eyes widened. "There is?"

Iceland glanced at the door as if to make sure they were alone before continuing. "Close your eyes."

Norway did as he said. Every nation was capable of sensing the atmosphere and every possible disturbance in it at their own house, and sometimes, depending on their relationship and proximity, could do the same at other people's houses too.

"Can you feel anything strange in the air?"

Norway concentrated. "Seawater...hidden fire...dead leaves? But that's just your illness, right?" He opened his eyes. "Sorry, nothing I haven't felt before."

Iceland shrugged weakly. "Well, it comes and goes. Only, I felt it this morning again."

"Is it still here? What's it like?"

Iceland closed his eyes and meditated for a few brief moments. "It's here, alright...stronger than ever." He opened his bright eyes wide. It feels like old times. Really old times. Like sagas and animals bleeding to death.

Norway looked at his younger brother, his expression revealing nothing. "Are you worried about it?

Iceland shrugged. "Not to the point where I'm scared for my life, but I'm curious. And hoping I still had my spear with me."

"You still have it hidden out?"

Iceland coughed. "Yeah, in the same place where you saw it before. Too bad I can't go get it right now." He leaned towards Norway and closed his eyes. "Doesn't matter, really. I'm too old for a safety blanket."

"That's one sharp and pointy 'safety blanket.'" Norway wrapped his arms around his brother and rocked him like a small child. "If it's still in the same place, I can get it for you."

Iceland gave him a surprised look and smiled faintly. "Really it's fine as it is." He leaned his head against Norway's shoulder.

"If it makes you feel even a little safer I'll do it." Norway's voice was as somber as his expression. "You know I would do anything for your sake. Anything."

"Thank you," Iceland whispered and hugged Norway as tightly as his arms could muster. "But," He lowered his voice ever further, "please don't tell the others."

Norway opened his mouth, but said nothing. He simply hugged Iceland's feverish body closer to him.

"Of course." He whispered back. "It'll be our secret."

Iceland gave him a tired smile and leaned forward to kiss him. Norway answered to it eagerly.

But as heated and loving as the kiss was, only one of the brothers closed his eyes for it.