There was a loud cry and a splash from the garden and Nikki sighed loudly, breaking away from her husband's kisses and pushing him away slightly. Harry chuckled and took her hand in his, leading her to the French doors that lead into the garden.

"Go and sort your sons out" she laughed as they walked through to the large back garden to see their three oldest spluttering around in the swimming pool, two of their other children were standing by the edge of the pool, laughing loudly, and one was sitting on the hammock between two of the trees, watching the proceedings and grinning.

"Boys what are you doing?" Harry sighed dramatically as he walked over to the pool and saw Nathanial, Theo and Samuel treading water.

"Nothing dad" the ten year old identical twins replied at the same time as they grinned. While their older 'brother' was the spitting image of Nikki (Harry had always thanked whatever he believed in that her father had at least had some taste in women), the twins were exact replicas of Harry, right down to their floppy hair and cheeky smiles.

"Why don't I believe you" Harry chuckled, turning around and grinning at his fourth son who was eight. "and what are you laughing at young man?" he grinned. Picking up the laughing boy in his arms and turning to his other children "What shall we do with Thomas?"

"In the pool" the other children yelled at the same time and Harry threw his son into the water, the young boy rising to the surface as he continued to laugh.

"Daddy you're mean" he poked his tongue out, pushing his blonde hair away from his eyes and pushing Theo out of the way. "Tony is laughing as well" he pointed to the six year old boy next to Harry.

Anthony took one look at his father and ran off down the garden, Harry following quickly, both of them laughing loudly. Nikki rolled her eyes at her family and sat down on one of the benches in the garden, smiling as Theo hauled himself out of the pool, Nathanial doing the same, followed quickly by Samuel, who was quickly pushed back into the water by his older brothers. Nikki chuckled and shook his head as he shouted at them indignantly, the boys running down the garden as he hauled himself out again. They had explained to their children about why Nathanial had a different birthday to Theo and Samuel but was still the same age. The three of them acted more like triplets than twins and an older brother anyway, and when they heard the truth from Harry and Nikki, the twins, six years old at the time, had asked Nathaniel if he wanted to become their triplet. Nikki remembered almost breaking down in front of them but had held herself together as Harry smiled proudly at their boys. Nathanial had then made everyone celebrate his birthday on the same day as Theo's and Samuel's, saying that when he was older he was going to change it officially.

"Tony too fast for you in your old age dear?" Nikki sniggered as her husband walked over and collapsed onto the bench next to her.

"I'm not old" Harry spluttered, kissing her quickly much to their son's disgust "Quiet you lot" he glared playfully at them before kissing Nikki again "Just wait until you get girlfriends or boyfriends and you want to kiss them"

There was a chorus of 'eughs' from the five boys and they all laughed, running in different directions as Harry quickly jumped off the bench, running after them around the huge garden.

"Ah look who I've got" Harry laughed triumphantly as he scooped four year old Adam into his arms, kissing the laughing child on the cheek "I've caught an Adam"

"No daddy" Adam laughed hysterically as Harry started to tickle him "Mama help"

"Mummy can't help you now" Harry told his son in a 'menacing' voice, making his way over to the pool where the other boys were getting in to try and escape their father. Nikki laughed loudly as Harry gently through their four year old into the pool amongst his brothers, knowing that they wouldn't get too rough with him in there, even though they could all swim perfectly well.

While the boys messed around in the pool Harry took the opportunity to go and sit with his wife, wrapping his arm around her back and kissing her soundly.

"I love you, do I ever tell you?"

"Only about five times a day" Nikki giggled, kissing him again "I love you"

"What time are Leo and Janet getting here with their lot?" Harry enquired, glancing at his watch that was on the table next to them.

The older couple had managed to conceive a son three months after Nikki had given birth to Theo and Samuel. Then two years after that another little boy. However over the years there had been various miscarriages as well, two for Janet and four for Nikki, it had been difficult but they all found their feet again afterwards.

"About twelve" Nikki replied "We have half an hour"

"Before we're overrun by more children" Harry laughed and Nikki nodded, fiddling slightly with his floppy hair. "What is it?" He could always tell when there was something bothering his wife.

"Well we have about seven months before we're over run with another child" she whispered. Harry stared at her for a few seconds before a grin spread over his face and he pulled his wife into a gentle hug, kissing her head repeatedly as he whispered 'thank you' over and over.

"You're brilliant I hope you know that" Harry grinned to her as he kissed her soundly.

"So I've been told" Nikki giggled "God, seven children" she laughed and Harry smiled, kissing her again. "I never even thought I'd have one with you"

"and here we are" Harry whispered as he pulled away, placing his hand on her still flat stomach over her swimming costume, just above her shorts. "Can we please have a girl this time? I mean six boys is lovely but it would be nice to have a little girl"

"Well that's nothing to do with me" Nikki laughed, flicking her long hair over her shoulder "That's up to you Dr Cunningham"

"Hmm" Harry nodded, kissing her once more.

"Dad that's gross" Nathanial moaned as he ran over to grab some food from the table "Do you have to?"

"Yes I do" Harry nodded, poking his son in the side and making the boy giggle "Just you wait until you're older and you bring someone home"

"I'm terrified" Nathanial grinned cheekily at his father and Harry glared playfully at him. Nikki giggled loudly at the look on her husband's face. Nathanial may look just like her, but he had developed Harry's cheeky personality and dry sense of humour. Their son grinned as he chewed his piece of carrot, swallowing it slowly as he backed away from the bench and back to the pool. Harry quickly ran after him and jumped in the pool, causing the boys to laugh and splash him mercilessly.

"Mummy you come in as well" Antony called, beckoning Nikki over to the pool. The other children all shouted 'yeah', 'come on mummy' and generally pleaded with her. Nikki couldn't help but comply, walking over and sitting on the edge of the pool with her legs in the water, a smile on her face as Harry eyed her stomach.

"Now boys..and Theo" Harry said, a grin on his face.

"Hey" his son pouted, splashing his dad and poking his tongue out at him.

"I'm sorry" Harry sighed dramatically before smiling up at his wife "Anyway, you all have to be careful with mummy okay? Because she's going to have another baby"

There was a loud chorus of cheering from the boys as Harry pulled Nikki gently into the water and kissed her, all of the boys happy that they were getting yet another younger sibling.

"We're going to have to stop at some point" Harry told Nikki quietly as the boys went around playing in the pool, his hand resting on her stomach under the water. "I know we have the room and the money but I'm only thinking of your health"

"Harry" Nikki sighed, running her hand through his wet hair "We've done well already. We'll know when to stop"

Six months later when their identical twin daughters, Imogen and Faye, were born after an unassisted home birth just like the rest of the children, even Nikki admitted to Harry that these were their last children. Harry however had been too wrapped up in his tiny newborn princesses to hear Nikki tell him that he was getting the snip. Nikki smiled at her husband as he cooed over the newborns, both of them glad that they finally had girls to add to their brood of boys. Both of them completely satisfied with what life had given them.

Hehehehe again :D.

So that's it guys, all over. I know it kind of branched out from the whole 'Harry is injured thing' but you know, muses and all that. Thank you for all your reviews, they've been amazing :D
