Fire and Ice

Chapter one: I

Lucy had been resting for the first time in three days; her last mission with Natsu had been exhausting, so it was good to get some shut eye again. Natsu was in her room, peering at her from the side of her bed as she slept. He smiled. She'd always meant so much to him, but he hadn't told her of course. That would have to wait until some other time.

She stirred in her sleep, cradling her sheets to her chest. She was having another nightmare. Natsu frowned, shifting closer to her in case it got too bad. She'd been having some pretty bad one's lately, usually waking up either in tears, or screaming. He brushed her bangs gently out of her eyes.

'I wish I could help you, Lucy,' he thought.

* * * * * * *

In Lucy's dream, she and Natsu were in the Icy caves of the North, one of the most dangerous lands to be in. They had been searching for something when Lucy had wandered off, and lost track of Natsu. She finally realized he was gone when she heard his scream from somewhere within the caves.

(A/N: I came up with the idea for the Icy Caves of the North because I haven't watched enough Fairy Tail yet to know what the actual really dangerous place to be is.)

She turned, nearly slipping on the ice.

"Natsu?" she called, searching up and down for him.

Surely he'd be able to handle himself if something went wrong, but suddenly Lucy wasn't so sure.

"Natsu? NATSU?!" she began feeling frantic, tripping over herself as she searched desperately for him.

She stopped in her tracks, looking down at her feet.


* * * * * * *

Natsu watched in distress as she tossed and turned in her sleep. He wanted to reach out and comfort her, but he knew she would probably just slap him if she woke up and saw him. He ran his hand through his pink hair, wondering what on earth he should do..

* * * * * * *

The blood was forming into a trail that had already begun to freeze on the ice.

She followed it, swallowing back her fear. She had to find Natsu, wherever he was. The trail of blood was now fresh, and looked as if it was steaming hot. She looked up in horror at the figure lying sprawled across the ice, covered in his own blood.


* * * * * * *

Lucy screamed, shooting up out of bed. Her face smashed into Natsu's, their lips missing each other by an inch.

"N-Natsu?" she stammered, blushing as she pulled away.

Natsu tried to hold back the intense heat blowing up in his face, and managed to compose himself.

He grinned stupidly, successfully faking his general stupor.

"Hey, Luce, did I wake you up?" he asked, thinking how stupid he must have sounded.

Lucy gawked at him.

Natsu was still alive... He'd been watching her.... And he was in her ROOM?!

She immediately grew red with anger and embarrassment.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM?!" she screeched.

Natsu flinched.

"I....Uh..." he fumbled, scraping his brain for possible excuses.

Lucy pushed against him, shoving him towards the door.

"!" she hollered pushing him out of the room.

Natsu turned to her.


"OUT!" she said, shutting the door.

"I promise.. I'll make the bad dreams go away." he said sincerely to the door.

* * * * * * *

Lucy stormed to her bed, practically throwing herself into the sheets.

She was so angry and yet so flustered at the same time.

Lucy touched the spot where Natsu's face had clashed with hers and blushed deep red.

'Why do you have to make me love you, Natsu..' she wondered.

She sat up, remembering her nightmare.

Natsu had... died... in the nightmare...

If anything had happened to him because she'd kicked him out, she'd never forgive herself.

She raced back to her door, throwing it open.


He was already gone.

She had to find him. How could she be so stupid kicking him out like that!

Lucy shut the door, running back to her wardrobe.

She was going to catch up with him.

* * * * * * * *

Natsu and Happy had just left the guild together, walking aimlessly down the street.

Natsu was so preoccupied with his thoughts about Lucy that he didn't notice Happy staring at him.

"You look worried Natsu." Happy noted out loud.

Natsu glanced at Happy.

"What, me? Nahhh, I'm not worried," he said, faking a smile.

"Then how come you were staring at Lucy's room?" Happy asked.

Natsu stopped in his tracks, his eyes wide.

Happy was right, Natsu was worried, and for good reason.

"Lucy is still having nightmares," he said frowning.

"They've been getting worse lately, I've noticed-" he cut short mid sentence.

Happy blinked.

"You've been watching her sleep?" he asked.

Natsu felt a blush exploding across his face.

"I..." he said, looking at his feet.

"Yes, I... I like her..." he admitted sheepishly.

"But-" he looked up. "-every time I want to tell her--"

"Natsu-Kun!" a voice called.

"--I get interrupted.." he mumbled, turning around.

It was Lucy.

He went red for a split second before responding with one of his infamous grins.

"Ohayo, Lucy!"

He turned to Happy, who seemed to be thinking of fish.

"Ebi..Ebi..Ebi..Ebi..Ebi..-" (A/N: Ebi is Japanese for Shrimp.)

Natsu flared up.

"Hey, were you even listening to me?!"

Lucy stopped in front of them.

"Are you two fighting?" she asked, shocked.

Natsu rubbed the back of his head, smiling nervously.

"No, no of course not!" he said.


Natsu scowled at Happy.

All he could think about was fish.

Lucy looked down at Happy for a moment, who looked like he was starving.

"Should we get something to eat?" she asked.

Happy gazed at her with puppy dog eyes.

"Sure thing Luce, what do you feel like having?" Natsu asked.

Lucy gazed at Natsu, shocked.

He'd never asked her where she wanted to eat.

"Sushi?" she asked.

"Ebi!" screeched Happy, jumping up and down.

* * * * * * *

They all sat at the table, staring at the plates of eaten food.

"I'm full." complained Happy.

"Really? I could eat three more plates!" boasted Natsu.

Food bits were scattered across the table in various places, shreds of meat and noodles tossed across plates, sliding off the table..

Lucy shuddered at the sight.

"Remind me to just get you guys water next time." she said.

Natsu looked down at his plate, embarrassed.

He'd always eaten and acted in the same way in front of Lucy, but now, when he was so close to telling her that he loved her...

"What?!" he blurted at his own thoughts.

Lucy stared at him.

"Hoe?" she asked.

Natsu turned red.

"N-Nothing! I was just thinking."

Lucy slowly averted her eyes as Natsu mentally punched himself.

'!' he thought.

How in the hell had he associated his eating manners with how much he liked Lucy?

He watched her as the waitress came up to their table with the bill.

She placed it on the table and walked off.

"Arigato...or not..." Lucy said, watching her walk away.

Natsu snatched up the receipt before Lucy had a chance to even look at it.

"Wow, we actually stayed under 50 Jewel this time." he said.

"That's good." said Lucy, reaching into her jeans pocket for her wallet.

Natsu pulled out his first.

"I'll take care of it, Luce."

Lucy gawked at him.

'He has to be kidding, right?'' she thought. 'Maybe someone replaced the Natsu I knew while I was sleeping..'

She gazed out the nearest window, recalling her nightmare.

At least he was alive..

* * * * * * *

(Later at the Guild)

Natsu was sitting at the bar with a shot of fire-whiskey sitting, untouched, in front of him.

A few feet away, Mirajane and Gray were talking about something to do with the Icy North.

Natsu tried to ignore it, but his dragon senses were getting in the way.

"So this crystal can prevent nightmares?" asked Mirajane.

Natsu's head snapped up.

"That's what I heard anyway," said Gray.

"it's supposed to dispel dark magic as well, but it's extremely hard to retrieve."

Gray looked down at the counter.

"Even if you can survive the bitter cold winds in the maze of ice caves, the Crystal itself is guarded by three powerful Ice Dragons."

"Where did you hear about it?" asked Mirajane, drying some glasses.

"Macao told me about it a while ago, said he'd been interested in the ice dragons there." he said.

Natsu had become so preoccupied with their conversation that he'd sub-consciously shifted his gaze right at them.

Gray glanced at Natsu, who looked back at the counter.

Quickly, he downed the fire-whiskey, getting up from his seat.

"Thanks Mirajane." he muttered.

'And thank you Gray' he thought.

He ascended the stairs, plotting away in his head.

It was perfect! The ice caves... Everything.. All he needed was a plan...

He grinned, already feeling the flames burning inside of him.

He was going to put an end to Lucy's nightmares for good.

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Well, I hope you guys enjoy this. Didn't take me too long to write it. So maybe the next chapter will be done soon too! :D

Please R and R and let me know how you like it, or what you think needs improvement.

Thanks! X3

- Anni Mae15