She sighed as she walked through the dense forest toward the village. She couldn't even remember how she had directed her way though in the zoned state she was in. As she walked out of the line of trees she could see the small village where the elderly priestess taught her to use her powers and improve her aim. Lady Kaede could be seen leading a group of small children to the berry bushes. Her friends were watching happily blissfully unaware of her aching heart.
Kagome had just returned to the feudal era and witnessed Inuyasha in the arms of Kikyo. Again. She knew she told him that even if he chose Kikyo she would stay by his side, but it was getting harder and harder for her to endure. Especially with the clear evidence right in front of her. She loved Inuyasha so much and she knew that he loved her too, but Inuyasha's heart would always belong to Kikyo.
A slight breeze kissed her cheeks and bare legs, bringing her out of her trance like stance. She shook her head and almost felt the need to slap herself. She had to get a hold of herself if she was going to hunt the shards. A moments weakness and she could put others in danger.
She smiled at the realization of why she went back home. She had gone to get more treats for her friends. She had a bunch of new sweets for Shippo to try, and more bento boxes for Sango and Miroku, and new flavors of ramen for Inuyasha to try. Yes. She would make sure that she would make this a good day.
As she descended toward the village, Shippo spotted her first like she had expected and ran happily to greet her. "Kagome! You're back!" He jumped up into her arms and hugged her, "Inuyasha gets cranky when you're gone! He was really mean to me this time! Called me baka and hit my head!" Little tears formed in his eyes.
Kagome could only muster a small smile. If only Shippo knew where Inuyasha was right now he would know how much Inuyasha didn't truly miss her. "Oh Shippo, don't worry. I will get him back for you when he gets back." She set him down and put her backpack down. She bent over and reached into it as Miroku and Sango came over.
"Welcome back Lady Kagome." Miroku smiled at her and tried to look eager to see her and not the goodies in her bag. Sango pulled off the greeting better because she was actually more excited to see her friend than the treats in Kagome's bag.
"Welcome back Kagome! You know, I nearly beat the hell out of that demon. He's a real handful while you're not here. He gets very bossy." She snuffed with crossed arms.
Kagome smiled at her friends as she handed a small box to Shippo. "Strawberry Pocky. You will like this I promise!" She turned her attention to Sango as she handed Miroku a bag of barbeque chips, "That's what Shippo said. Is he really that bad?"
When Sango nodded her heart fluttered. So he did really miss her? She smiled at the thought and gave Sango some pocky as well. She took out a box for herself and set her bag in Kaede's hut.
Sango nearly snorted as she huffed about how Inuysaha tried to pick fights with poor Shippo all day and mumbled about how Kagome took too long to just a few things. As she rambled on, Kagome felt her heart grow in hope, but as it did she would recall the scene she had walked in upon.
Inuyasha's back to her, his arms wrapped around Kikyo, pulling her into a passionate kiss. Kikyo was readily drinking in all Inuyasha was offering and silently demanding more as she pushed herself closer to him.
She closed her eyes and shook her head, trying to banish the image away. Even if she managed to discard the image she was left with an aching heart.
"Kagome? Are you okay?" Sango was looking at her, her face had worry written all over it. Obviously Kagome's discomfort was harder to hide than she thought. Quickly regaining herself she shook her head laughing nervously.
"Oh yeah! I'm fine! I just remembered I have a test coming up soon! You know me! Always worried about passing!" She waved Sango's worry off and laughed some more before standing up and stretching. "I think it's time for a bath! Let's go look for a hot spring or something. Just us!"
Sango looked at her surprised. "Uh…Okay." She giggled and stood up. "Let me go tell the boys and we will be on our way." She smiled as she popped the first pocky stick in her mouth. Her eyes widened at the fruity taste. "Wow! These are amazing! Do you have more of these things?"
Kagome chuckled as she started walking with her friend, "Yes, of many flavors!" She giggled happily with her friend.
Kagome and Sango stripped of their clothing and eased into the hot waters several miles from the village. Kiara glared at the water and went to go sit away from the water. It had gone completely dark by now so Kiara was completely hidden in darkness.
Sango cried out as the hot water hit her muscles and eased them. "Ah! It's so nice to bathe!" She smiled and looked at Kagome, looking for approval, who smiled at her and nodded.
"It is! In my time we get hot water all the time." She giggled at her friend's amazed expression. "Yep. It's so nice, of course it doesn't last as long as a hot spring!" She reached over and grabbed her Shampoo. She poured some into her hand and lathered it up in her hair. The smell of lavender and vanilla came to both girls noses.
Sango sighed, "I love the scent of that potion you put in your hair." She closed her eyes and inhaled.
"My Shampoo? You want some?" She offered the bottle to Sango but she shook her head and said she didn't trust the ingredients in it.
Something splashed behind them. Kagome looked up at Sango who looked at her just as puzzled. They knew that Miroku hadn't followed them and Inuyasha wouldn't follow them knowing they were bathing. Shippo would have joined them by now…so who was there?
Something else splashed behind them.
Kagome and Sango both stood up quietly and started to crawl over the large rock to examine what they were hearing. Silently they popped their heads over to see a stunning and shocking sight.
Inuyasha's older brother, Sesshomaru stood in the water. His eyes closed and head directed up to the night sky. His bare chest was dripping wet which explained the splashes, and his hips down were covered in water. His body was nothing but lean muscle. Gorgeous muscle…
Sango looked over at Kagome her eyes wide. Obviously she was thinking the same thing. Sesshomaru never looked so ….appealing. There was something else that Kagome noticed. His once severed arm was reattached to his body.
Sesshomaru lifted his hands and pulled his long silky silver hair over his right shoulder and began the run his long claws through it to detangle it. His movements were so graceful in even the most simple of movements, Kagome found herself utterly bewitched with watching him. She couldn't bare to tear herself away from the sight to see if Sango was as entranced as she was.
"Your starring is getting quite annoying." Sesshomaru's voice chimed through the very silent air. He opened his eyes and looked directly at them. His face without expression.
Sango and Kagome screamed and hid their heads. "You knew we were here?!" Kagome squeeked.
"Of course. You are no threat to me." Sesshomaru turned toward the two and started to walk over to them. He passed the boulder that divided them and looked at them both quickly cover themselves. Massive blushes erupted on their faces.
"Sesshomaru! What are you doing?" Sango roared as he walked up to Kagome. He lifted his newly replaced arm and grabbed Kagome's chin and shifted her head back and forth. Examining her.
"I'm trying to see what that fool see's in the human. My father had a weakness for you pathetic creatures and it baffles me." Sesshomaru suddenly jerked his arm away from Kagome, his face slightly puzzled, but as quickly as the emotion won over his face, it vanished. It made Kagome wonder if she actually saw it.
She looked at Sango who was equally puzzled. The slayer debated on inching her way to Kiara and get help, but that would leave Kagome alone.
Sesshomaru pursed his lips and reached for Kagome again who took a step back. His demonic aura suddenly so strong it suffocated her. Her arms went up to her throat because it seemed like she were being strangled.
"Hiraikotsu!" Sango had managed to get out and toss her giant boomerang in time to distract Sesshomaru long enough for Kagome to turn and run toward her friend.
She didn't get very far when Sesshomaru appeared in front of her, her back to her, facing Sango. He held up his hand and flung his poison claw at her. Before it could strike Sango down Hiraikotsu came back and blocked his attack, but it hit so hard it flung the large boomerang into Sango and knocked her unconscious.
Sesshomaru turned to Kagome and watched her inch back from him. She looked terrified, "Se…Sesshomaru?"
He walked up to her and grabbed her arm and pulled her close, completely ignoring her discomfort at their nude bodies touching. He closed his eyes and sniffed. Lavender and Vanilla. Such a sweet, pure smell. He liked it. A lot.
He leaned into her and she tried to pull away but Sesshomaru's light grip on her held her firmly in place.
Why was he interested in her? He couldn't understand. What was it about this human? Is this what his father saw in that pathetic half breed's mother? He didn't know, but he was beginning to understand why the mutt had affections for her. Something about her just pulled you in and kept you there.
He glanced over when he heard a roar. Kiara had transformed and was standing over Sango. "You don't stand a chance cat. Take your human home before I decide to kill her."
He then turned his attention back to Kagome. "Get dressed. If you try to run I will strike the feline down before you get 10 feet off the ground." He stepped aside from her and watched her.
"What?" Kagome watched him beyond confused. Was he…kidnapping her? Why? What did she do? She looked at him and then at Kiara and then at him again. He would kill Kiara, she knew that.
Kiara looked torn, looking back and forth between her and Sango. So Kagome took a huge gulp and nodded to Kiara. "I will be fine Kiara. Take Sango back…" She trailed off knowing Kiara would get Inuyasha.
Kiara hesitated before getting Sango onto her back and taking her Hiraikotsu into her mouth. She jumped up into the air and took off as quickly as possible leaving Kagome alone with one of the strongest demons in Japan.
She inched her way around Sesshomaru who simply watched her and then ran to her clothes. Though she was sure he already saw her completely nude from her getting out, she dressed behind a tree. Her face was beyond red. She felt so violated…
"Hurry up." Sesshomaru's voice interrupted her privacy and seemed to further violate her. When she walked around the tree Sesshomaru was pulling on his armor. His tail was damp from the water. She went to him and stood in front of him, looking at her feet.
"Nothing to say human? You're usually a lot more vocal than this…" Sesshomaru stated.
"Normally I'm not kidnapped by Inuyasha's older brother!" Kagome snapped. Her brows furrowed and she frowned.
"…That's better." Sesshomaru mused. "Follow me."
Kagome watched with wide eyes as Sesshomaru turned and walked away from her. He really expected her to just…follow? As if reading her mind Sesshomaru stopped for a brief second to look at her over his shoulder.
"It was not a request." His tone was so stern it sent chills down her spine. As he returned to walk away from her she went after him.