If I owned Hetalia would I be writing fanfiction for it? Nope. Therefor, I don't own Hetalia.

Early that morning Canada had called Sweden too ask him about a new, stronger door for the front entrance. He hadn't known if Ikea made doors but they seemed to make everything so he had just assumed that they would have something. It was getting sort of cold in the house with the front door not being able to stand upright anymore.

Gilbert had gone out to get the door Berwald had recommended (apparently it had lasted a minute and 12 seconds against Russia when he had come to fetch Iceland!) and come back announcing that Ikea sold frozen yoghurt. Who would have guessed? Prussia got strawberry for them both which they ate in the kitchen while figuring out the instructions.

Once the door's instructions had been figured out Matthew and Gilbert got to work. The door appeared to be regular pine but was actually enforced with steel on the inside and extremely thick. This would be sure to keep out any uninvited visitors.

Installing the door taken up the rest of the morning and a good chunk of the afternoon. Afterwards Prussia had insisted going to look for attack birds that could be unleashed if the unwelcomed guests wouldn't go away or made it past the door. Canada sighed but finally agreed after much pestering.

The 'attack birds' turned out to be just a lot of Gilbird-look-alikes that would be kept near the front door. Matthew didn't think they would make all that great attack birds but Gilbert had declared that they were so awesome, they could fend off anything.

"MAAAAAAAAATTIIIIIE!!!" a certain American called from behind the new front door. The couple inside could hear the pounding of Alfred's fists against the door as he tried to break it down.

"Haha!" Gilbert cried in victory, "Success! … May I release the birds?" The albino cackled maniacally while rubbing his hands together, edging closer to the button that would release the 'attack birds'.

Matthew sighed. "Fine… Release the birds."

Prussia slammed his hand upon the button with a giant grin on his face.

"H-he-hey!! Mattie?!?! Wh-what are those? Mattie?? MATTIE!! Heeeelp!! Help meee!!"

Inside the house Prussia and Canada clutched their sides and laughed so hard they could barely breathe. The window offered a perfect view of America being chased by the little Gilbirds back across the border.