A Boyfriend's Guide
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Night World.
The Last Chapter! I hope you'd enjoy it! ;)
Mark wiped his eyes – finally stopping his laughter – and sighed. Maybe he does need to read this book. I mean… come on! Jade's in a bitch fit (A/N: I got that from White Chicks – awesome movie!) because of Morgead. And… drastic times call for drastic measures, they say.
So why not give it a shot?
He opened the thin book; and started reading.
Jade shoved the lame, boring book towards the edge of the table. If I could just put my hands around Morgead's neck… and choke the damn life out of him, then I'd be the most happiest Redfern in the Redfern family!
But – vampire as she can be – it can't and won't happen. Why – because one; Morgead's older than her (Ha ha – he's old!) and two; he's much more stronger than her (even if Jade would never admit that). So, consequences are: Not gonna happen.
Two words that came from Morgead's mouth which kept repeating itself in her brain over and over again: Fucking Redferns.
That made her cold blood turn icy – no one (and she repeats: No one) insults the Redfern legacy! Not even… uh… not even the witches do that! Jade sighed. She shouldn't be so worked up on this thing, right?
Answer: Yes and no.
Look at it this way; What if you let a person insult you – or anybody that matters to you – and just let them walk away? How would you feel? Correct. You'll feel absolutely insulted. And that's how Jade is feeling right now – offended.
The young vampire squealed in delight at her friend's arrival. "Hi, Iliana!"
Iliana walked over to Jade, as graceful and beautiful as usual, and gave her a smile. "Do you mind if I hang out with you? For now, anyways."
Jade nodded enthusiastically. "Sure – and while you're doing that, can you tell me where Morgead is – if you know?"
"Nope. No idea." Iliana shook her head, her pale blond hair swaying. "I know it's not my business… but why are you looking for Morgead?"
Jade gave Iliana a sharp glance and shrugged. "I have to talk to him." Paraphrase: I'm going to kill him.
"Oh, I see." Iliana said, also shrugging her shoulders. That's a good thing that suspiciousness is not a nature of witches, Jade thought.
Iliana's purple eyes instantly widened as she looked at Jade with a huge smile on her face. "How about we go shopping? Just the two of us? Or maybe we could bring Mary-Lynette and Rashel – oh! And Hannah! And maybe Keller! I would definitely feel safe if Keller was there – she's more of a sister to me nowadays too! And I can't help but think –"
Jade laughed while Iliana babbled on about how Keller was so amazing – so much like an older sister that she never had.
Iliana took a long breath. "So, are you up for it?"
"Certainly." Jade breathed, clasping her right hand with Iliana's left hand.
"Great! I'll just have to tell Lord Thierry and the others – you know, to let them know where we are." Iliana said, pulling Jade with her.
Jade smiled and nodded. Ever since Iliana had learned the truth of being 'wanted by other Night World People' , she never allowed herself to go out with at least two bodyguards with her. Two Night World bodyguards, anyway.
"So… who are we bringing again?"
Iliana smiled and opened her mouth.
Ash nearly ripped his blond hair in frustration. That damn book must be here somewhere! It's just… impossible if it isn't here.
"How about… we ask Galen?" Quinn suggested, walking beside Ash, straining his eyes to find the book.
The blond lamia gazed at Quinn. "We already did, but let's still ask."
Quinn grinned, and pointed straight ahead. "Hey look, there's Galen."
Ash jerked his gaze towards Galen, and sure enough, there he was. Galen had just stepped out from his room – seems so déjà vu, don't you think? But this time, Galen saw them first and waved his hand to acknowledge them.
"Hey guys."
Ash nodded as he shoved his hands in his pockets, striding towards Galen. Quinn followed, though walked slower than Ash. Galen looked as if he'd been extremely refreshed, yet tired at the same time. How peculiar, Ash observed when they reached Galen – again.
"Did you get your book?" Galen asked, looking at Ash.
"No." Ash sighed, and started pacing forward – knowing that the two men would follow.
"I had it earlier – and Kestrel told me that she was going to give it to you. So, I gave it to her." Galen explained in a sheepish way. "I don't know why she hadn't given it to you – straight away."
Ash groaned and Quinn snickered. Kestrel. Why does it have to be her?
"No wonder why she was acting so smug, earlier." Quinn said, rolling his eyes.
"Yeah, well, do you mind if you help us find that book?" Ash asked, stopping to look at Galen.
"Sure – it's the least that I could do." Galen replied, trailing behind Quinn and Ash.
"Jade!" Iliana called as she ran towards her vampire-friend. "I've got to cancel our shopping trip today. I'm sorry."
Jade shook her head. "It's alright. Maybe we could go some other time then."
"Yeah!" Iliana nodded, reaching towards Jade to hook her arm to hers. "Even so, do you wanna come with me? Blaise said that she has to tell me something – I'm not sure if I can bring someone along but I'm still bringing you with me."
"Sure." Jade said, slightly uneasy because of how her cross-cousin is acting – and to think that it's Blaise Harman – it's just… weird.
The two teenagers chatted – well, it was mostly Iliana who did the chatting, and Jade who did the listening – as they trudged through grand hallways, searching for the one that has room number of 1011. And after a few minutes of more walking, they finally reached the room 1011.
Iliana nudged Jade with her elbow. "Don't you think that there're some freaky auras seeping out through that hinges of Blaise's door?"
Jade had to agree with that – even if she couldn't see it, she could feel it. There was a silent poof inside the room, and Jade wondered; what the heck was that? Anyways, Blaise's room was placed at the end of this huge hallway, where most former Circle Midnight witches sleep in, and the hallway's somewhat dim – as if the sun is setting; when it's still high up in the sky.
"Yeah…" Jade said, lifting up her knuckles to knock on the door.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
The door creaked open, and Jade was relieved to see her cross-cousin's face. Her dark black hair streamed down her pale shoulders, and her eyes reminded Jade of James Rasmussen's gray eyes. Blaise gave them smile – neither warm nor cold – and beckoned them to go in.
"Hey Jade. Hey Iliana." Blaise greeted as they settled on her white carpeted floor.
Iliana gazed apologetically at Blaise. "I hope you don't mind if I brought Jade along."
"Nope." Blaise grinned. "I don't mind at all."
Gauche peace followed as the three girls stared at each other.
"So… I guess that you have to tell me – us – what you brought me – us – here for." Iliana said, looking around Blaise's dark room.
There isn't much to see here in Blaise's room. But what caught Iliana's attention was the drawer that held ingredients to do spells. It's not too noticeable when you come in from the door – but when you take a look around more closely, then you can actually classify that plain drawer as the spells' ingredient holder – or something like that. She probably has those gems – covered in Dragon's Blood – and some other medical ointments inside that drawer.
" – had to be aware." Blaise was saying, looking from Iliana then to Jade, and back again.
"Aware of what?" Iliana asked, not caring if she wasn't listening – or she if didn't hear it.
"Of this book called; A Boyfriend's Guide." Jade answered, looking uninterested.
Iliana giggled. "Why should we be aware of that? Aren't the guys suppose to be aware of that?"
"It makes men go crazy." Blaise repeated, remembering her talk with Gillian.
"And by 'men' – you mean any kind of men?" Jade inquired, raising an eyebrow.
Blaise nodded her head. "Any kind."
"I still don't see the point as to why we –" Iliana motioned her hand around the tiny triangle they formed. " – have to be aware."
"You don't see?" Blaise asked but never gave Iliana the chance to speak. "Iliana, Iliana, Iliana." Blaise shook her head. "The point here is; if the dudes kept on reading that – that – that book – " She spat the word 'book' as if it's poisonous. " – then they'd start telling you lies or use the guides or whatever from the book to make us – girls – feel like they're 'learning' something from all those lectures we give them. And the truth is; they never did learn anything from us – all they learned was that; we look sexy when we get angry." Blaise took a slow breath. "Now do you see?"
Iliana felt that Blaise would be in a mental hospital sooner or later, but while she listened to Blaise's point of view on this 'problem' – she finally understood.
"So you're saying that the guys wouldn't learn if that book's around?" Jade said, staring at Blaise.
Blaise laughed briefly. "It took me how many words to say that – and you summed it all up in one sentence – but yes, that's what I'm trying to say."
"Okay…" Iliana said hesitantly. She turned her face to stare at Blaise. "Are you going to do anything about it?"
Mark ran down the steps. Growl. Oh – the pain!
He had never been this hungry in his whole, entire life! And no, it isn't his fault – it was the book's fault. That book made him forget about eating lunch – so look at him now; he's eating like a pig (?). Mark reached the kitchen in less than five minutes, almost ripping out the page he was clutching onto, and swung the refrigerator door open. Mm… that smells great.
In the refrigerator, the vampires' food were separated from the humans, witches, shape-shifters, and werewolves; therefore, Mark was looking at a mouth-watering hamburger in the middle of the refrigerator – growl. Mark had to purse his lips to prevent himself from dripping his saliva on the floor. He took the cold hamburger out and left it in the microwave.
Beep. Beep.
After taking the – now heated – hamburger, he moved to the living room, seeing that there was a coffee table near the symmetrical couch. Once he reached the couch, he slumped down, and examined the hamburger.
Bottom bun, hamburger meat, melted cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise, and the top bun – definitely a hamburger. A yummy one that is. Mark brought the hamburger to his lips and started munching. And soon enough, he forgot about the book that slid from the edge of the couch, going downhill and – thud – making contact with the floor.
"Let's try and retrace your steps." Galen recommended.
Ash slapped his forehead – and for a moment there, Galen thought that he infuriated Ash Redfern – and halted to look at Galen. "Why haven't I thought of that?"
"Maybe because your brain's working upside down." Quinn said, attempting to get his payback for Ash dragging him in his problem.
"You wanna bet? I bet I can make your brain work upside down as well." Ash gritted his teeth. Best friends – he might never understand why he and Quinn are best of friends.
Quinn positioned himself in a fighting stance with his fists raised near his chest, feet a few inches apart. "Try me."
Ash grinned and positioned himself with his fists raised by his waist, his feet spread out. "Alright then."
Galen stood in the middle – always the one to stop fights, eh? – and settled his stern gaze on both of them. "You guys have to stop. I'm not going to waste my time if you guys are just going to fight."
Both of the vampires stared at each other before dropping their arms to their sides.
Quinn grumbled, and crossed his arms. Ash locked his hands together, putting it behind his head, and leaned slightly to his intertwined fingers. Galen followed them, still on a look out for the book. This might take a while, though.
Oh well.
"You're planning to burn the book?" Jade asked, nearly laughing at her cross-cousin's face. "Don't you think that you're overreacting?"
Blaise glared, clutching the amulet closer to her – and then tucking it away in her pocket. "No. I'm not overreacting. I just think that it's infectious."
"Mhm…" Jade smiled smugly.
"What?" Blaise snapped at Jade. The young vampire laughed and grinned, shaking her pale blond hair.
Blaise glared, and turned her gaze to Iliana – quickly swapping expressions. "Are you going to help?"
"Hey! What about me?" Jade protested – but Blaise only gave her a quick glance.
"Maybe…" Iliana murmured, lightly scratching her cheek with her thin finger.
"Well, you've got five minutes to decide." Blaise said, mentally counting in her head.
Jade huffed as she intersected her arms over her chest. Iliana sighed exhaustedly.
"So… I found the book in the living room – where Ash must've left it accidentally." Quinn said, recapping the events that had happened to him – not so long ago.
"Okay." Galen said in a thoughtful manner. "We should go to the living room – and hopefully, it would be there."
"Yeah, hopefully." Ash muttered… completely forgetting that he had previously checked underneath the coffee table in the living room (Check chapter five).
Lupe rounded the corner, with Chess right behind her – screaming; 'I was not eavesdropping on Hannah and Lord Thierry!'
"Oh shit." Lupe cursed as she ran blindly towards Ash and the others. "I'm so sorry you guys."
"It's okay." Ash said, gazing at the human behind Lupe. "You were eavesdropping on Lady Hannah and Lord Thierry?"
"NO!" Chess cried, freezing on her spot. "I wasn't eavesdropping on anyone – but Lupe accused me of doing that rude thing!"
"That's because you were doing that 'rude' thing!" Lupe exclaimed.
"No I was not –"
"Hold on." Ash said, immediately silencing the two teenage girls. "As much as I want to know who wins this argument, I have to ask you girls something."
Lupe dropped her glare at Chess and settled her now-calmed gaze on Ash. "Go ahead and ask."
"Have you seen a book called –"
"A Boyfriend's Guide?" Chess interrupted, her skewed green eyes sparkled.
"Yeah – wait, how'd you know?"
"I saw Lord Thierry reading it earlier." Chess said, stepping forward. "And then I left it on a window sill just a few distances from their room."
"How come you had it when you said that Lord Thierry was reading it?"
"He left it on the bench – so I decided to give it back to him, since I thought it was his – and then, that's where Lupe came in accusing me of –"
"I was not accusing you. I was –"
Quinn laughed out loud. "Lord Thierry was reading that book?"
"Yup." Chess nodded.
"If you don't mind, I best be on my way." Lupe said, in a form of bidding her goodbye. "I've got lots of things to do."
"Sure, go ahead." Ash shrugged. "Thanks for the information."
"No problem." Chess muttered, briskly walking towards Lupe – eager to catch on.
Ash, Quinn, and Galen continued to head north of the mansion, keeping their senses aware for that book. The gigantic, similar-looking hallways made them feel like they were walking in a circle. A never ending circle.
Quinn sighed exasperatedly. "We're never going to find –"
"David!" Ash called, waving to a tall and dark form at the end of the hallway.
"Find David?" Galen interjected confusedly.
"No –" Ash laughed. "Look, it's David – I bet he knows where the book could be."
"But we already asked him… didn't we?" Quinn said, trudging behind Ash and Galen.
David trotted towards Ash, with Gillian holding his hand.
"I found your book."
"Really?" Ash asked, feeling totally giddy. "Where is it?"
"It's with Mark." David said regretfully. "I left it there because I didn't know where to find you – so he offered to give it to you."
"Oh." Ash sighed. "Where's Mark?"
"In the Green Room."
"Oh, okay. Thanks." Ash nodded at David and Gillian. "See you both around."
The soulmate couple smiled before continuing their stroll to their room.
"Do you want to go to the Green Room?"
"Nah, the living room's nearer than the Green Room." Quinn answered lazily.
"Alright – to the living room!" Ash pointed towards the stairs that lead downstairs.
"I'm not so sure about this…" Jade muttered to Iliana, following Blaise out of her room.
"Me either – but she is kind of right… right?" Iliana whispered to Jade.
"I guess… but I'm – still – not that sure." Jade whispered back.
Blaise was planning to get the book and burn it – she wasn't kidding about the burning part, Jade thought with great humor – and she wants them – Iliana and Jade – to help her with her 'schemes'. Isn't Blaise suit for the evil villain role? Yep, she absolutely is.
"Now let's start by asking some guys…" Her gray eyes flickered around dangerously, until she spotted what she was looking for. "There. Ash, Quinn, and Galen."
"Ash?" Jade asked, at the same time Iliana's head perked up and she gasped, "Galen?"
"Okay you girls could ask Ash and Galen while I'm left with… Quinn." Blaise said, abruptly walking to the teenage guys.
"Where do you think –"
Blaise cleared her throat in the middle of her cross-cousin's question. "Hey guys."
"Uh, hey… Blaise." Ash greeted, peeping behind Blaise to gaze uneasily at his sister.
Jade made a 'Come here' motion with her hand towards her older brother while Iliana walked gingerly towards to Galen – which left Blaise with Quinn.
"She wants something." Ash grumbled to his sister as soon as he reached her.
"Trust me, she is." Jade whispered softly to her brother.
"She acts like me when I want something." Ash continued, glancing behind him to gander at Blaise. "Anyways, what does she want?"
"Well…" Jade laughed briefly. "This may sound silly but…" She giggled – I think she's drunk, Ash thought, but do vampires get drunk? – rather fanatically. "She's searching for this book called 'A Boyfriend's Guide', because she thinks it's contagious, and wants to burn it." Jade gasped inaudibly for oxygen. "So… have you seen it?"
"Have I seen it?" Ash croaked, his eyebrows shooting upwards. "I'm trying to find that book – because it's mine."
"It's yours?"
"It's mine." Ash repeated, irritated as his sister continued to recover from her 'gaping issues'.
Jade slapped her face and shook her head. "I'm going to help you find the book – but… there's a catch."
"You've got to be kidding me." Ash muttered to himself while glaring at his sister. "What do you want?"
"I want you to help me find Morgead." Jade grinned wickedly. "And then you could find me and Morgead a battle arena where there's more wood on my side and none on his side."
"Are you trying to kill him?" Ash laughed. "'Cause I obviously know who's going to win."
"That was the point." Jade paused and patted Ash's shoulder. "Thanks for supporting me – I know that I'm going to win, too."
Ash rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers in front of her pale, wickedly smiling face. "Are you sure you're Jade? 'Cause I don't think you are."
"I am Jade Redfern." Jade growled menacingly at her brother. "Now shut up and help me."
"Now, now." Ash grinned, holding his hands up. "If you don't find it – and if I find it by myself – then I'm not going to help you with your problem."
"Sure… wait a minute, aren't you even itching to know why I'm mad at Morgead?"
"Nah, it's your problem – I really don't care, since I have my own." Ash stated, shrugging his broad shoulders as if it doesn't matter to him.
Jade shrugged. "Oh, okay then."
"Hi, Galen!" Iliana beamed, feeling her cheeks turn red as she realized how loud she sounded – like some wake up call.
"Hey Iliana, how are you today?" Galen asked, always polite towards young ladies.
"Good and you?" Iliana smiled, trying to ease down the blood in her cheeks.
"Wonderful." Galen answered with the same politeness he typically uses.
"Well, I'll get to the situation – do you know anything about a book called 'A Boyfriend's Guide'?" Iliana asked bluntly.
"Yes, in fact – we're trying to locate it because Ash had lost it for quite a few hours now." Galen explained, smiling lightly at Iliana.
"Oh, really? We –" Iliana made a gesture to the two other girls. " – are trying to find it as well."
"Maybe we could team up and –"
"I don't think so." Iliana disrupted politely. "I forgot to tell you that we're planning to burn it."
"Burn it? Why so?" Galen asked, entirely surprised at the 'burning' part.
Iliana shrugged, peering back at Blaise. "I can't answer that question."
"Alright, I won't force you – but if you're looking for the book, I can't answer that question." Galen said, waving his hands in an 'I don't know' sign.
"Oh, okay. Well, thanks anyway." Iliana said, giving him one of her adorable smiles. "See you around – and tell Keller that I said; hi. Thanks again."
"Sure, no problem." Galen nodded.
Blaise looked like she had authority over something – which is not true. "Hey, Quinn."
"Uh… hey." Quinn reacted as confused as Ash. "What brings you here?"
"We're looking for a book." Blaise stated, hurrying over her next words as she saw Quinn's mouth open. "It's called 'A Boyfriend's Guide'."
Quinn whistled lowly. "Wow – I never knew that the book was that famous."
"Oh it won't be any longer – I'm planning to get rid of it." Blaise replied with her sing-song voice – if she has one.
"'Get rid of'? And by that you mean…?" Quinn trailed off, thinking of ways to chuck out a book.
"Burning the book, yes." Blaise nodded, glancing around her to see if her 'accomplices' had finished their task. "Back to the main point, have you seen it?"
"No, but we are –" Quinn started but was instantly cut off by Blaise.
"Sorry but I'm not interested in what you guys do – thanks anyway." Blaise said hastily, walking away as the two girls followed her.
"Well, that was…" Galen trailed off as he walked towards Quinn – with Ash doing the same thing.
"Rude." Quinn finished for him, glaring at the distant form of Blaise Harman.
Ash shrugged. "What can I say? My own sister was the one who interrogated me."
"I was settling for a word that means 'rude' in a nice way but… I guess rude is the most basic word for 'rude'." Galen said, staring at the wall thoughtfully.
"Oh well, let's go to the living room – and hope that Blaise and the girls aren't heading for that room." Ash said, walking briskly towards the entrance of the living room.
Quinn and Galen nodded, picking up their pace to catch up with Ash. When they reached the living room, they saw Mark eating the last remains of his hamburger on the couch – where Ash was believed to have dropped the book.
"Hey Mark." Ash, Quinn, and Galen chorused as they entered the living room.
"Hey guys!" Mark greeted, almost jumping from the couch but then remembered something very important. "Oh and Ash, here's your book." He lifted something from the floor and extended his arm towards Ash. "Nice guides in there." Mark added as Ash thanked him, reaching for his book.
"Thank goodness you –"
"There it is." Blaise hissed unnoticeably from the living room's entrance. "Get it."
Everything seemed to be at chaos at that point. Iliana lunged herself towards the book – with Blaise doing the same thing – and Jade stood there, not caring if the book would be burned or would not be burned, yawning as she watched the chaos worsen. Well, she's obviously not in the chaos – so she might as well find Morgea – hey look, there's Mark. Galen and Quinn managed to stall for Ash as the male lamia ran away from the scene – and hopefully, with his book…
"Mark!" Jade called, rushing to him as soon as he turned his head to her. "Can you help with me something?"
"If Morgead's involved in this 'help' that you need then…" Mark shrugged. "I won't help you."
Jade pouted, hooking her arms with Mark's. "Please?"
Mark pretended to think about. "Nah. I know something that would be better than going around to kill Morgead."
Jade glared, unsuccessfully hiding a smile.
"You want me to show you some?" Mark suggested, clear mischief glinting in his eyes.
Jade nodded, allowing Mark to tilt her chin upwards, and letting him kiss her softly on the lips.
"You like that?" Mark murmured in her ear, sending shivers all over her spine – and immediately making her forget about killing Morgead.
"Yes." Jade breathed, raising her face to brush her lips against Mark's again. "Let's get out of here."
"Anything you want." Mark mumbled, pulling Jade with him as they trudged off to their room.
"That traitor." Blaise muttered, straightening her position. "You can let go of us now – since we're not after the book anymore."
Quinn scoffed. "Of course you're still after the book."
"Now we're not – we're after Ash Redfern right now." Blaise answered, glaring at Quinn.
"In other words, you're still after the book." Galen said with a chuckle.
"Oh whatever Galen." Blaise muttered, yanking her arms from Quinn's lose grip and pulling Iliana with her, mumbling something like, "We were so close to burning that thing."
"It's okay Blaise." Iliana reassured, rubbing her back. "We'll get it sooner or later."
"I hope it's sooner though." Blaise grumbled, stalking out of the living room – probably attempting to track down Ash.
Galen and Quinn sighed, both bidding their farewells and their "See you later's" to each other – also hoping that Ash would survive his cousin's wrath. Well, at least they had a chance to learn from the book, right? Oh well, as long as they're concerned; the search is finally over.
So, as I mentioned at the very beginning of this chapter, this is the last chapter for this story - and sorry for the super long wait. And I'm sorry for the Jade & Mark lovers that I only had small scene/s between them - so so sorry. This is probably the longest chapter that I've ever made in my life... so I hope it's all worth it.
Guides that Mark used:
1. Be mischievous to let them know the "typical" side of guys.
And that's it.. so... I appreciate ALL of your reviews, and since I'm really tired right now... all I could say is, Thank you (googleplex times)! I hope that you guys would continue to read some of my stories (since MOST of it are... eh.. ugh.. you know..)! And thanks again ;)
See you 'till the next time!