Love Hurts

Had this idea, hope you like it.


With love, vwvanlover

Buttercup's POV:

Butch Jojo is my life.

He's my everything.

I can't imagine my life without him.

But, today is the day I've been dreading for months now. My birthday.

Back when we were all sixteen, Brick and Boomer, Butch's brothers, moved back to Townsville.

They told us they had given up their lives as powerful puppets, that Mojo and Him manipulated. Butch didn't come back till I we were seventeen. That's when this all started.

We fell in love. But his brothers and I noticed something was wrong.

Butch started having these 'episodes', where he would just turn in a completely different person, out of nowhere. He would get really violent, and his eyes would darken. Not literally, but they would fill with just pure hatred.

He would snap out of it minutes later, and not remember anything.

Brick and I were the only ones that could calm him down, I guess because he saw us both as authority type figures.

The more episodes he had, the more violent he got. He hated himself for it and was always scared he was going to hurt me, or one of his brothers.

I ended up moving in with them, when we turned eighteen. Butch and I loved having more time together, but having me so close also scared him.

Mojo, who hadn't become good but neutral, tried to help us find a cure, but none of them would last for more than a couple of weeks.

Butch's last episode was about two months ago. He flipped out while the three of them were at the grocery store. Brick and Boomer got him out of there before he could attack the cashier. He came hope completely mortified.

Back to my original point. I've been dreading today for months now. I haven't seen my family since my last birthday, they don't know anything about Butch, other than I'm madly in love with him.

Blossom called me about four months ago, insisting that I bring Butch, and the guys to the party at the Professor's house.

I reluctantly agreed.

"What's wrong?" I whispered wrapping my towel around me and crawling on the bed, hugging Butch from behind. He had been really quiet this morning.

"Nothing, don't worry about me, Birthday girl." He said laughing, as he turned around and fell on top of me kissing my wet neck.

I giggled, but pulled away looking at his sad eyes.

"I do worry about you, I love you." I said kissing him back softly.

"I love you too, you know that." He said between kisses.

"Butch, what's wrong?" I asked pushing him up, and sitting in his lap.

"I'm just worried that's all."

"Don't be, it's been what two months, and nothing." I said trying to cheer him up.

"I know but…."

"No buts, It's my birthday. I am determined to make you have fun." I said trying to make him laugh.

"I know a way to have fun." He said smirking.

"Oh really, How?" I asked trying not to laugh.

He pushed me back on the bed again and started kissing from my lips all the way down my chest. I burst into a fit of giggles.


"Do you really think Bubbles is gunna like her present?" Boomer asked from the back seat.

"Oh My God!" Brick yelled from next to him. "How many time are you gunna ask that!"

"Boomer, she'll love it, I promise." I answered looking at him in my rear-view mirror.

We finally pulled up to the familiar white house, covered with decorations. Brick and Boomer jumped out of the car and flew to the door before I could even stop the car.

"You ready?" I asked Butch, smiling.

"About as ready as I'm gunna be." He said and kissed me and we flew to the door, behind his brothers.

I ran the door bell, holding Butch's hand.

"Buttecup!" Blossom and Bubbles said squeezing me as soon as they opened the door.

"Hey you two, Happy Birthday!" I said hugging my sisters.

"Ditto!" Bubbles squealed.

"And you actually, brought everybody." Blossom said beaming from ear to ear.

We walked in and there were decorations everywhere.

"Happy Birthday"

My head snapped up as I looked at the man in a white lab coat at the bottom of the stairs.

"Thanks, Professor!" I said as I ran to him and gave him a hug.

"Butch, nice to see you again." He said shaking Butch's hand.

We went on with the party, and everyone from Townsville was there. We ate, we danced, we opened presents. The whole time, Brick and Boomer were really nervous around my sisters, they all secretly had crushes on each other.

I never let go of Butch's hand.

Every one left after hours of partying, and we all were glad to finally relax.

Butch and I went to the kitchen to get away from everybody. He laughed as he lifted me up on one of the counters, as he kissed me.

I pulled away from him, laughing.

"Are you crazy, somebody will find us."

"So" He said still kissing me.

I laughed and kissed him back with full passion. Then his hand moved from the counter, and I felt him push all his weight as he pushed me against the cabinet with his forearm against my neck.

"Butch, calm down, it's ok it's just me." I said trying to calm him down, he had that dark look in his eyes.


He glared at me, and his top lip curled up to reveal his teeth.

"LET HER GO!" I heard Bubbles yell.

Then in a quick flash of red and blue, Brick and Boomer had him pinned up against the opposite wall.

I flew over to him slowly.

"Butch, it's just me ok….." I said still trying to calm him.

"Buttercup what are you doing, get awa…." Blossom started to say but Brick stopped her with a death stare.

I floated over to the angry man in front of me trying to pull out of his brother's grip, not loosing eye contact with him for one second. I put a hand on his face softly.

"Shhhh, calm down. Just look at me. It's just me, Brick and Boomer."

He slowly stopped fighting his brothers, and his eyes lightened up a little.

"See, It's ok." I said smiling

"No……did I hurt you?" He said looking me up and down, clearly worried.

"No you didn't, we caught it before anything happened, ok?" I said stroking his face, as his brothers let him go.

I kissed him lightly but he backed away.

"I'm so sorry." He said shaking his head.

"Don't be, you don't have anything to be sorry for." I reassured him.

"Yea dude its cool." Boomer added.

"Why don't you go home, with the guys, and I'll be home in a little while ok?" I said still smiling.

He shook his head and headed to the door, looking down. Boomer was right behind him.

Brick stopped and hugged me on his way out. "It wasn't as bad as last time, he'll be ok. You did good."

"Thanks." I said and hugged him, before he left.

I turned around to see a worried Blossom, Bubbles, and Professor.

I sighed and leaned on the counter facing them, and rubbed my eyes.

"What the hell just happened!" Blossom yelled.

"Butch had an episode." I said looking up at them.

"What does that mean?" She said still yelling.

"Why don't we go talk about this in the living room." The professor said ushering us to the next room.

I took a deep breath and followed them.