Chapter 1- First Sight
Leah POV.

After all this time I can't even try to stop this pain. It's practically eating me alive. It's been almost eight years since I lost my love. I left La Push two years to put distance between me and my ex-love . . . The one that imprinted on my cousin Emily, even if i still love her as my sister. Its hard to see all that love they have for each other and that is all around me. Even if I did try to make myself feel at least less pain.

How sorry I feel for myself. Every single time someone looks at me, I feel as if they think of me like I am a dead end. Even my little brother says that I should still feel hope and faith that one day the right man would catch my eye. Or vice versa. Even if day in and day out I feel no hope what-so-ever.

I finished studying in college and came back just to see my mom smile when she saw me at our old house. I missed her so much while I was away studying at college. When I saw my beautiful mother, it reminded me of how things were back in the past. In the past, when Dad was still alive. How sweet it was just toremember her cooking dinner in the kitchen for all of us.

After awhile of unpacking my things in my old room, I decided too see the beach. I'd miss it so much. The wind was hitting me in the face with the smell of salt water and the waves hitting the coast made it look so magical. I always love how I could have spent all my time there all alone. I started to walk closer and closer towards First Beach. I gazed down at my feet with every step I took, one by one. Suddenly, the ringing sound of laughing and fighting in the nearby water reachs my ears. It was merely a couple arguing about something that didn't catch my interest. I tried to tone them out, but then I realized that they are not a couple but brothers. I notice they were brothers by the arguing the guy was having with some local guys who were flirting with her.

It was hard at first to tell what they were. There was a tall white-tan about six feet tall, I think. Very handsome man looking to the girl at his side. She looked angry, attempting to make some local guys leave her alone and not get close to her. Like a father protecting his baby girl. I had too say how sweet this was; watching something that amazing happen.

The man must have felt me looking at him and looked up at me. With his big green-gray eyes watching me. In that moment I couldn't just look away. It was like someone just used a rope around me and was pulling me to him. He didn't look away was we stared at each other. I saw him smile a heartbreaking smile that stopped my heart for a minute that felt like forever.


Scott POV.

I always had lots of problems and all the fighting was crazy like a bad action movie. I decided it was time to move. He said its best if I was far away from the city in my heart, I was ready for something new and different. I really don't like the place dad said where we were going to not that miss my old house it's just the cold, snow and raining everyday. I'm not a fan but my baby sister lily is so a fan of the snow she would be in it every minute of the day is she could.

If she's happy so will I even if I'm not. Since we got out of the plane lily has been with her mouth in an ''o'' all the time. I could see in her eyes she was already loving this place so much.

''Scotty this place looks amazing live magic. Like nothing I've ever seen before. Don't you like it?'' she said while we where in the car driving to are new home.

''Well . . . honestly, I don't know. Dad said it always rain here. How will I go to the beach like that? I would love to spend my time surfing a while but I know you like it here and it is nice I guess so. If you like it, I'll try it first,'' I said while I drove. Dad was already in the house making it great for us. More like trying to convince me to live here.

''Well at least you'll try but please be nice. Try not be so over protective of me. I would like a least one friend here.' She said it like I would be not protective of her.

Lily was so beautiful since she shifted into her new teen body. Lily was almost 16. The guys back home just look at her like a thing not a person. So I always there to stop them if they try to do something to her. I just wish she saw that. The way they look at her but she is very blind when it came to guys.

''You know well I can't not be protective of your my baby sister and I don't like the guys you attract. they're losers!'' Lily didn't say anything more. She knew I was right about the guys she attracted to her. When we got to the house it is huge and amazing really.


''Come on princess! Its a great day! we have to get to the beach before the sun goes away for good!'' I yelled to Lily. I wanted to be by the beach so badly. I wished to feel the sun on my skin. Through the thought of that, I had a completely unexpected and strange feeling. I sensed something weird that made me feel like I would met someone. How crazy was that?

''I'm coming! I have to look cute just in case, you know I'm almost 16. I have to look good!'' Lily called down to me. I knew she had a huge smile on her face. She was growing so fast that most of the time it was scary to even think about.

''Well you do look nice and sweet like always my Lily-Boo!'' I shouted, mocking her. I knew that would anger her, but at least it would make her rush to get ready and hurry up. It had always worked.

When we both were finished and in the car, I called Dad to give us directions to First beach from his business office. It was very easy to find and La Push. La Push was already very small, so it made the car ride there even more easy to get to. When we finally got there, I parked the car.

''Awesome!'' Lily shouted randomly. It was obvious she was extremely excited to be here.

''Can you calm down? I should be the one jumping in my seat not you! Since when do you like the beach so much?'' I asked. With a roll of my eyes, I stared at the beach before us.

''Yeah right! Like your the only one that likes it here," Lily said it rolling her eyes at me in a way that lightened the mood and made me laugh. She looked so much like mom when she did that.

We both missed mom so much but well it was her time to move on and her death really hurt us terrible. We tried to moved on but it gets easier every day that goes by.

Mom died when Lily was barely one year old. When some man decided that it would be great being drunk and rob a house while everyone was asleep.

After coming out of the memories, I noticed that we were at the end of the parking lot and the beginning of the beach.

Just as we made are way to the sand, there where some people here but not that much. Just lots of guys. It seems that today is just not going to go my way. I can just feel it.

''Ugh!''' I said under my breath. How can taking care of our little sister be so hard? At least she was always looking at the water not at the guys who were starting to stare at her.

She went to the water and drove right in after setting are things on the sand. It started to bother me that guys don't even try to be subtle in watching her. The steps leading to the sand almost made me hit my head on the sand while glaring at them. I followed Lily to the water after taking my t-shirt off. Lily was at the coast trying to decided how to get in the semi-cold water. When I pick her up over my shoulder, I jumped into the water. After coming up for breath, Lily tried to push me to make me fall into the sand.

I just laughed. It was hard for her, to push me to the sand. i mean how can you push a 6feet guy with a boxer's body to the sand? but I let her do it even if she couldn't. then some guys walk by like 3 o 4 of them looked older then 16 but younger than 20 years old. I was so glad that they didn't try anything to talk to lily. They had started talking just then about something, i didn't get at first and then i heard them loud and clear.

''Man! That dude is so lucky that girl is super hot,'' the first guy said with a smirk on his face. ''Looks like they're not from around here. A visitor," I continued.

''Yeah man! Bet he already had his way with her,'' the other guy next to him said. That made me mad. I began stalking towards them. I was just about to hit them when Lily grabbed my arm and started to pull me away from them and started to argue with me about me temper that I had to control. While she was talking my ear off, I felt like someone was watching me so I looked up at the parking lot and walking to the beach was this beautiful amazing, red-set skin and dark hair girl. That in that moment when she stopped at the end of the parking lot. She looked in my eyes and then I couldn't tear my gaze away from. It was like a magnettugging me to her.

I Would Love To Thank Beta Reader For all Her help! She's Great I hope with her help I would be able to fix all my chapters and add all new ones! and Please RP To know your thoughts...

Att: StormLizVic