Yay! I'm finally getting a sequel started! I'm not supposed to yet, but what my parents don't know won't hurt them. So, I'm going to need your guys help on this one because I'm not going to have any time thinking of good ideas. Help me out alright?

Chapter 1

I wake up and can't see anything but darkness. "Where am I?" I start when I hear my echo being said back at me. It felt humid and hard as rock in here. I try to move my arm to see if I can feel around to figure out where I am, when I notice I was chained to a stone wall. "What's going on?" Then it hit me, what happened in my room.


I wake up to Sakura shaking my shoulder. I stretch before opening my eyes, "Good morning Sakura." I look at the time to see it was already eleven.

"Someone wants to talk to you."

"Who?" She points to a man in the doorway. My whole body tenses and starts to tremble. I scream and pull Sakura behind me. "Naraku, what are you doing here?"

"Just taking back what's mine."

"I have nothing of yours."

"Oh, but you're mistaken. You are what's mine. Kikyo called, she told me about that dog Inuyasha and we made a little arrangement. She wants the half-breed and said that she'd make sure you were all mine. After that little lap dance I realized that you were still useful to me. So, I'm alright with that little deal. You're coming with me."

"I'll do no such thing! Now go away, you're not wanted here!" I pull my night shirt down nervously.

"Kagome, don't you realize? You don't have a choice." The next thing I know, Inuyasha charges into my room and growls.

"Who the hell are you?" Naraku chuckles and then I see nothing but darkness.

Before I lose consciousness I hear Naraku say something, "Don't you remember me? My name's Naraku, I'll be taking your precious friends now."

(End Flashback)

That's right! Where's Sakura. "Sakura, Sakura do you hear me? Where are you?"

"K-Kagome? I-I'm s-scared."

"It's going to be alright. I'm right here."

"I know, I-I can see you."

"You can?" Yeah, of course she can. She's half demon, her eyes are going to be a lot better than mine. "I can't see a thing since I'm human. Can you make it over to me?" I hear shuffling, it sounds like she's crawling over to me.

"Why did he do this?"

"It's a very long and scary story. He's just a very bad man and you need to stay away from him no matter what alright?"

"Uh-huh" I feel her hugging my leg. Then I hear someone chuckling.

"Well, isn't that cute."

"What do you want with us Naraku?"

"My dearest Kagome, I've already told you. I want you to be mine, and you will be mine."

"Just leave Sakura alone, she's got nothing to do with this."

"Actually, she does. She knows where I'm hiding you, she knows too much and for that she must die."

"She's still just a baby!"


"Look, I'll stay with you and she can stay here so your hiding place isn't given away. But, spare her life."

"Fine, your meal will be here shortly. And I'll unbind you now; don't betray my trust Kagome or not only you will pay but the dear baby you seem to care so much about will get punishment as well."

He walks over and puts a key in each handcuff that was holding me up against the wall and I, unwillingly, fall into Naraku's chest. He grabs my wrists and pulls them over my head as he starts kissing my neck. I go to hit him to get him to stop and he chuckles a disgusting laugh. "Now, now, my dearest. You don't want Sakura hurt now do you? Behave yourself then." I close my eyes in disgust as I feel a single tear fall down my cheek. What's going to happen to us here?

(Inuyasha POV)

Damn…damn…damn…how could I let this happen? I call Miroku and tell him what happened. He calls Sango to let her know. We're going to find her. I run into the shed and grab the Tetsusaiga, the sword that my father gave me, and a picture I drew of Kagome. Maybe we can ask people if they've seen her or something with this. Come on old man, you gave me this piece of junk, but I need power to save Kagome. I put the sword on leap outside and sprint to Sango's house, we're meeting there.

When I get there, I see them already in the car ready to go. I get in quickly and we try to figure out what to do next.

"How are we going to find her?"

"I remember the horrible scent. I can track him."

"What did he look like?"

"He had long black hair that went down to his waist and dark red eyes. I smelled some kind of poison in the air right when Kagome and Sakura passed out."

"We'll have to report this to the police. The more help, the better it will be." Sango puts the car in reverse to pull out of the drive way and drives toward the police station.

(Kagome POV)

I sit curled up against the cold stone wall and cry silently with what just happened to me. I can't believe he just did that to me. Sakura was asleep in my lap as I stroke her hair and rub her ears to comfort her. I hear someone walking towards the cell we were in. I can see a little bit now thanks to my eyes adjusting to the dark. A woman slides a plate and a bowl through the bars. I'm guessing this is my meal.

"Is this for both of us?"

"It's for you, he ordered me not to give the brat anything since she shouldn't be here anyway." She walks away and I put Sakura on the ground so I can go to get our meal. That bastard thinks I'm honestly going to let her starve while I eat away? I walk over to grab the food and bring it over.

I shake Sakura awake gently. "Wake up sweetie, it's time to eat." Sakura sits up and rubs her eyes. I get the spoon and bring it full with soup to her lips. "Here, you need to eat something okay?"

She eats obediently until she was full. "I done now, thank you." I look to see what was left for me to eat. There was some soup left, maybe a third of the bowl, half a piece of chicken and a handful of rice. Well, so be it. I'm going to make sure Sakura is well fed. She's going to need it a lot more than I do, she's got plenty of growing to do still. Besides, I've still got some. I eat it in silence.

"When we going home?"

"I don't know…I hope soon…"

Well there you go, what do you think so far? Like I said earlier, I'm going to need a lot of help on this one. Tell me any ideas you can think of. Please review!