Age of Innocence.

Ok a prompt on Spn kink meme made me do this and I wondered whether it would work that instead of Dean being shrunk in "a life changed", he was cursed as adult baby. I am weird like that.

Warnings; infantilism, language, extreme au.

Disclaimer; not mine, now or ever

Sam sat at the table in the front room of their small house doing some homework, watching his watch as his Dad and brother Dean were due back from the witch hunt they were on in a nearby town. They were at the moment in Dayton Ohio, for the school year apparently but Sam wasn't holding his breath. He was a sophomore now and he enjoyed school, more so now without Dean there. It was his space. He jerked his head up at the sound of the impala returning and the screech of the tires as the car stopped. He heard the doors slam shut, and heavy steps, only one set and then the door swung open. John was carrying and unconscious Dean. He laid him out on the couch, getting Dean comfortable.

Approaching them, Sam couldn't see any injuries or growing bruises on Dean to explain why he was unconscious.

"Dad what's wrong with Dean, why is he out?" he demanded urgently, freaked out by his dad who just stood over Dean watching him and hadn't said anything.

"Dad!" he snapped when John failed to respond. The yell seemed to snap him out of whatever trance he was in. John rubbed his face tiredly sighing.

"Come here Sammy." John said. He directed Sam away from Dean back to the table in the open plan room where they sat down. John explained about the witch hunt and how as they had her cornered she had smirked and had said maliciously "Hope you enjoy your baby" and a curse had hit Dean before John shot her full of consecrated rounds, killing her. The curse as John found out when he was able to get to Dean was a regression type curse, a very complicated one and he had immediately got them in the car and he rung Bobby for a cure or help.

"I got told Sam, this curse is so rare, Bobby has heard of variations but not this specific one. Dean is going to be different from now on." John said gravely to his youngest who had listened with wide eyes.

"How will he be different Dad?" Sam asked.

"Like a baby Sam, he will be like a baby until I can get this reversed." Sam was shocked, he just couldn't believe it. His big brother was so strong and independent; he was having a hard time wrapping his head around the concept of Dean as someone who needed taken care of.

Frowning he voiced a horrible thought. "Will he need baby things like diapers and stuff, gods please tell me he won't Dad" Sam begged. John shook his head sadly.

"He does Sam, I already had to change him into his spare sweats in the car, and Bobby told me he will need help with eating too." John said thinking back to the conversation he had had with him earlier as other types of this curse were explained to him. Sam hung his head feeling so embarrassed on behalf of his brother and how other people were going to react to this.

"Finish your work, Sam; I will need your help soon." Sam nodded and got back to work, though he wasn't really concentrating and he watched John create a list of supplies.

After a while, John got up and reached for his keys. Looking at Sam, he smiled crookedly at his youngest son.
"Alright, I'm going to get necessary supplies for Dean. You stay here and watch him Sam." He ordered. Sam spluttered at him.

"But he I…Dad what if he wakes up." Sam exclaimed.

"He won't, I gave him a sleeping pill. Dean will be out for another hour at least." Sam nodded and John thumped him on the shoulder in approval and headed out to the nearest Wal-Mart.

Sam was sitting watching Dean Move restlessly in his sleep. He was getting nervous and wanted dad to get home soon. No sooner had he finished that thought when John came home carrying bags of things. Seeing Sam standing near the couch he directed him to the car for some more to be bought inside. Sam hurried out to the car, pulling 3 large sacks out of the backseat, the last of whatever Dad had bought. Shutting the door, he went back inside, depositing the sacks on the table.

John heard Sam shut the front door from the boy's bedroom when he heard a thud and Sam screech, "Dean! Dad he fell!" from the front room and Dean break into sobs. Running for the lounge he saw his son sitting up by the couch, a hand over a spot on his head, sobbing hard. Seeing him Dean extended his arms calling for him in an unmistakeable gesture. John went to him and pulled him up onto the couch and cuddled him against his shoulder, feeling hot tears stream into his shirt. He noticed Sam standing at the table, unsure of what to do.

"Sammy, get me towel with some ice will you." He directed him into action and Sam went to get it. Coming back, Sam handed him a hand towel that had some ice in it as well as the first aid kit if necessary. John nodded approvingly at him, making Sam smile. John leaned Dean into a cradling position in his arms and placed the ice against his sore head. The raised bump was going to be a beauty when it fully bruised but there was no blood.

"Here we go buddy, you're alright, Shhh Shhh." He soothed Dean whose cries were lessening, his face a mess of tears and snot. As he tended to Deans head, Sam began to unpack some of the sacks. Dad had also got food and he put that away in the kitchen.

While Sam busied himself in the kitchen, John lifted Dean into his arms and carried him to the bedroom to redress him. Dean was a little wet and John wanted a diaper on him before any major accidents sprung. Laying Dean out on his bed, John watched Dean gaze around the room with wonder while John unpacked the diaper, wipes and powder he had bought. He leaned over Dean as he undressed him, tickling him gently, making Dean giggle softly.

"Dad what are you doing?" Sam asked from the doorway to the room as John ran a wet wipe up and around Dean's private area and spread thighs.

"Cleaning up your brother Sam, come here and watch this and learn." He ordered. Sam scowled at him but came over and watched as John pulled out an adult diaper which he placed under Dean and then powdered him before taping up the diaper.

"And that's how a diaper is put on." He told Sam who nodded mutely at this. Dean was then redressed in a pair of pyjama bottoms and clean t shirt and John noticed that he was drifting back to sleep.

"He's going to sleep now, hopefully for the night and then you can ask me what you want Sam." He said, noticing the angry look he received before and the general confusion from his youngest. Pulling back the cover of Deans bed, John heaved Dean up and placed him in under the blankets. Dean was blinking heavily at him and John gently stroked his face until he fell asleep. Pillows were placed on the side of the bed so Dean couldn't roll out; it was a temporary fix until they were sure what was going on.

In the front rooms, John was bombarded with questions from Sam on how they were going to deal with this and what it meant now for hunting.

"Dad what will we tell people if they ask?" Sam fretted.

John grunted shrugging, "He's disabled a brain injury something like that Sam."

Sam was silent for a while then very determinedly said. "Dad I will help in any way I can but I will not change Dean's diaper. No way with how big he is." He kept eye contact with him as he said this.

To his surprise his dad nodded. "Fine Sam but you have to help in other areas alright." The Winchester conference over, both went to bed as they were both going to be extremely busy as they got used to the new Dean.