"Man, your performance tonight was amazing!" Adam strode up to Kris and wrapped him in a hug.

"Ha-ha. Thanks. It was so fun! I loved your rendition of Play That Funky Music. As Kara would say, true artistry!" Kris giggled.

"So, I was thinking, we should go hang out tonight. Maybe, go to the bar down the street or something. What do you think?" Adam asked, shaking hands with the other contestants.

"Hmm. I don't know. I'm kind of tired after tonight. Could we just hang out in our room? Maybe watch a movie?" Kris replied with a yawn.

"Yeah I'm tired too. Movie it is then!" Kris and Adam made their way out of the performance building and to the limo.

Kris and Adam were the last ones back to the mansion. Allison, Lil, and Megan were talking and laughing on the couch when they walked in.

Allison bounced over to where they were standing. "Hey boys! You guys want to watch a movie with us?"

Adam stole a glance at Kris then replied, "Nah. We're going to watch a movie upstairs."

"Alright." Allison said with a shrug. Then made her way back to the couch.

Kris and Adam made their way to the stairs and Kris pushed Adam into the wall, while trying to get up the steps.

"Oh so you want to race do you?" Adam smirked then pushed Kris back down onto the steps. "Ha! Looks like I'm going to win!" Adam took a stride of 3 steps and was at the top before Kris could even answer.

"Not so fast, Glambert!" Kris ran up and jumped onto Adam's back.

"Ahhh! Careful there Kristopher! I could have fallen." Adam chuckled and lifted Kris to a comfortable position on his back and started walking.

"Uh, Adam? Kris?" Danny was staring at their backs, shocked.

Adam put Kris back on his feet. "Yes Daniel?"

"It's Danny, and what were you doing?"

'Danny always was a bit slow' Kris thought to himself. "It's called a piggy-back ride. Ever heard of it?" Kris turned and walked into his and Adam's bedroom.

"What's his problem?"

"No one knows, Daniel. No one knows." Adam laughed and skipped into the bedroom.

"Ha-Ha. Danny sure is good entertainment." Adam sighed. "Anyway, what movie do you want to watch?"

"Not sure. We could raid Matt's little collection of Disney's." Kris suggested.

"Hah. Why not. I've always been a sucker for the Lion King."

Adam and Kris made their way down the hall to Matt's room. Matt was already in his room. Probably getting ready for bed. Kris knocked lightly and there was no response. He knocked again and got the same result.

"Oh Matty! Open up the door! I want to watch the Lion King!" Adam shouted.

Matt opened the door and threw the tape at Adam.

"Well someone needs to get laid." Adam huffed after Matt slammed the door in his face.

Kris laughed and they walked back to their bedroom. Adam got the VCR set up and popped in the movie. Kris was already sitting comfortably on his bed. Adam walked over and gave him a look as if to say 'You gonna make room for me?' Kris smiled and rolled his eyes, but moved over anyway. Adam sat beside Kris and tugged on the covers that Kris was sitting on.

"What?" Kris half whined.

"I get cold. Lift your butt and give the blanket."

Kris lifted his hips and Adam pulled the blanket from underneath him.

"If you're gonna use my blanket, you've got to share." Kris pulled about half the blanket on top of himself.

The movie started and Kris yawned. Adam glanced at Kris and half smiled at the sight. About halfway through, Kris' eyes were starting to droop heavily. Adam could feel the soft warm body next to him, start to become still. He waved his hand in front of Kris' face but nothing happened. Adam laughed to himself at the sleeping Kris. He realized Kris' head was nestled between Adam's neck and shoulder. He could feel the soft spikes of Kris' hair. He smiled lazily and closed his eyes. Before long, he was asleep as well.

Adam was awoken by Kris. Kris was mumbling. 'Sleep-talker.' Adam thought. He closed his eyes again and listened to Kris' jumbled words. About 5 minutes had past and Adam was still awake listening to Kris mumble. But this time, he could have sworn that he heard his own name. 'I'm just imagining it.' Adam softly shook his head to clear his mind but to make sure not to disturb the sleeping Kris. Kris shifted the position of his head in Adam's neck so that his face was looking directly at Adam. Adam studied the smaller man as he slept. With each breath Kris took his nostrils flared a little bit and his eyes fluttered beneath his eyelids. 'He's so beautiful. His eyes, his soft hair, those lips…' Adam's eyes widened. "No." Adam accidentally said alloud. 'What am I thinking! This is Kris Allen. Little, small town Christian boy from Arkansas. Who's married!' Adam scolded himself in his mind.

"Mm. Adam." Ok, Adam was sure he heard Kris say that this time. "Mmmmmmmm."

'What the hell is he dreaming about?' Adam's mind was racing. 'We are just friends. He's just dreaming. Just friends.' Adam sighed silently. He cleared his mind and leaned his head back. Kris stirred a bit and Adam looked down at him. 'But…. There's just something about him I can't seem to resist.'