DISCLAIMER: I do not own Warriors or The 39 Clues.



The moon was clear and the night was was filled with silence. The pool in the middle of the clearing was free of any ripples.

Four cats emerged from the forest and sat at the edge of the pool.

The black she-cat spoke first, "It's almost time for them to come."

"It was not our fault these Twolegs are coming. Echofur was the one who wanted to become the kittypet." the pale gray she-cat replied. "He's the one who brought Grace! We didn't want to be involved with the Contest."

"Echofur isn't to be blamed, Dovewing!" a gray tabby tom snarled, "He was a reliable Medicine cat! Most of StarClan agreed to participate in the Contest! This doesn't only involve Twolegs! The fate of all cats is involved!"

"Jayfeather, just because he was your favorite Medicine cat doesn't mean you can call him by his true name anymore!" said a golden tabby tom.

"All cats deserve to be called by their warrior name, Lionblaze!" Jayfeather snapped.

"He gave that right away when he became a kittypet!" snarled the black she-cat.

Jayfeather bared his teeth at her, "You were always to obsessed with the Warrior Code, Hollyleaf!"

Hollyleaf glared at her brother, "Following the Warrior Code isn't a crime, Jayfeather!"

"It isn't a way of life either." Lionblaze replied.

Dovewing stepped up and snarled at the three littermates, "This meeting isn't to discuss your problems as siblings! This involves the Three!"

Hollyleaf narrowed her eyes at Dovewing, "I have as much right to be here as you do! Just because I'm not one of the Three doesn't mean I didn't have an important role in that prophecy!"

"Silence!" a new voice yowled, introducing the new arrivals.

"Yellowfang, you know this meeting was private." Dovewing said.

"We need to talk to you four," said an orange tom, "it's about the Contest."

"We know, Firestar! That's why we met here!" growled Hollyleaf.

"There's more that you don't know, Hollyleaf! So you shouldn't be arguing with Dovewing right now before such an important matter." growled a blue-gray she-cat.

"You didn't tell us? Bluestar, you know we are the only ones who can take a role in this!" said Jayfeather.

"Quiet Jayfeather! We are here to tell you information we had just received!" Yellowfang growled.

Firestar continued, "So you all know that Grace had a special connection with StarClan, even for a Twoleg. She had a daughter and two grandchildren. These grandchildren have joined with Lucians and have 38 Clues. Echofur chose to create a vote to see if StarClan would help these Twolegs."

"Don't you dare call him Echofur!" Hollypaw hissed.

"Hollyleaf, you are the only cat who does not respect his decisions! You know he did it for the good of every living thing!" Yellowfang retorted.

"It was not any cat's fault that Echofur wanted to help by leaving with Grace!" Bluestar added.

"Anyway, you must be friendly with the Lucians! They both have special bonds with Amy and Dan Cahill! For their mission to be complete, we must make them all cats. Echofur, Applefang, Goldenlight, and Beetlefur will escort each Twoleg to the Clans. They must have a connection in every Clan!"

Hollyleaf's tail kept twitching with frustration.

"Hollyleaf, let it go! They were supposed to leave the Clans!" Dovewing hissed.

"I don't like having to work with Twolegs." muttered Hollyleaf.

Firestar stood up and faced Hollyleaf, "This is the only way to save everything. If working with Twolegs is going to solve the problem, then that is what we will do."