
(Chapter One: Salvation)

Elliot stared up at the gun pointed at his face. He sat in the shower floor under the pouring water in the bathroom of a yacht owned by one of the biggest drug runners in North America and Olivia was now the man's girlfriend.

"Olivia, Don't! God, don't do this!" he pleaded as she stared at him down the barrel.

She watched as the steam of the hot water filled the room and she stared into his eyes.

"Shut the fuck up! Where is Mason?" She demanded.

"I don't know what you are talking about. You have to believe me."

"Don't talk to me like you know me! Tell me where he is!"

"I don't know where he is, lady! I have no idea…."

Elliot's sentence was cut short when Olivia closed her eyes and fired the gun hitting him in his right shoulder. Elliot groaned and grabbed his arm.

"Go get Nick," she ordered the two men behind her. "Now," she growled spinning around and aiming the gun at them. "I've got this! Go!"

Both men ran from the room to the upper deck to find the man in charge. Olivia kicked the door shut behind them and locked it. She dropped to the floor beside Elliot to inspect the wound.

"Give me the wire!"

"You fucking shot me!" He said staring at her in disbelief.

"It isn't fatal. And that is a lot less than what they are going to do if they find a wire on you! Give me the wire! We only have a minute!" She pushed her hands up under his shirt and ripped the wire from his chest then climbed onto the toilet pushing open the window and tossing it out into the water.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"You can thank me later."

"Thank you? You just lost the only contact we have with the outside world. Now we're all alone out here."

"I just saved both our lives. If they found that wire and realized we know each other, Nick would kill us both."

"Nick? Olivia, what the hell are you talking about? You are calling the man by his first name now?"

She pushed the window shut and turned her attention back to the bathroom door where the men now banged against the outside trying to get in to where she was. She picked up the gun and aimed it at Elliot once more.

"Tell me what you have done with Mason!" She shouted bringing the gun back and hitting him across the face with it just as the men kicked the door open and barged into the room.

Olivia spun around to see Nick standing behind her laughing.

"Feisty little thing, isn't she?" He said looking down at Elliot. "Put the gun down, baby. Let the guys take care of him."

"No!" she replied raising her weapon and placing it against Elliot's forehead. "He knows where Mason is and I don't want him killed until he talks! Promise me," she said looking back a Nicolai Deltorro, the Godfather of this operation. "Tell them not to touch him. Let me handle this," she ordered as Elliot worried she had taken this way too far and they were about to be made.

Nick stared at Olivia and then looked back at Elliot.

"Fine. You heard her," he said turning to look at his men. "No one messes with him until she gets what she wants. He knows where Mason is. I don't even want anyone in this room. Vinny, tie him up or something. We can't have him running around loose on board. Keep him back here and keep him contained. I want you on the bedroom door. Nobody gets past there. Just she and I. And when she says it is time…..take care of it."

Elliot watched as Nick slipped his hand into Olivia's and lead her toward the door.

"Why don't you come with me, baby? I will fix you a little something to help you relax. He will be just fine here for a little while. You can come back later and try again."

Elliot stared at the man as he brushed his fingertip against Olivia's cheek and stared into her eyes and he could tell by the way she was acting, things had gone a lot further than she had ever intended for them to go. She looked over her shoulder at Elliot as Nick pulled her toward the door and it closed again, leaving Elliot alone once more in the bathroom floor.

He sat there replaying the events that had just taken place and thought about the look in her eyes when they were alone. Olivia had been on the inside of this operation working side by side with the DEA for almost nine months now, posing as Nick's dead brother David's widow.

Nick and David had been arch rivals their entire lives and lucky for them Nick had never even met David's wife. So when he was killed in a take down nine months earlier and his wife was taken into custody, Olivia was sent in in her place to beg Nick to help her find her son Mason and bring justice from the men who murdered his brother.

In reality, she was their informant and was sending back information and helping to build the case against him and try to take down the operation from the inside. The real eighteen month old, Mason Deltorro, had been taken by child services and was now safe in foster care.

Olivia had been gone for nearly nine months and for the last six, the DEA had kept them out of the loop. Elliot decided he just couldn't take anymore and approached them demanding to know where she was. Somehow he managed to convince them to strap a wire on him and send him as a waiter at a dinner party being hosted by Deltorro for some of his business associates.

During the party Elliot strayed from the crowd in search of Olivia. Instead, he was found by Nick's men and beaten before being dragged away from the party. Olivia happened to see him and made him for a cop just moments before the men threw him into the shower and turned on the water. Standard procedure around here, when they are about to execute someone and want less mess to clean up. Olivia took the gun from the men demanding information about her son, Mason and creating a distraction, no doubt saving his life.

But it was what happened after that that was really troubling him. The way Nick looked at her when he pulled her from the room. The way he lead her away like he owned her. The way she made demands and he ordered his men to follow her wishes. This man believed without a doubt that she was with him. And Elliot worried what exactly it was that Olivia had to do to convince him.