A/N: Sorry for have taken so long to update this, I know I took a while. ::Hits her hand:: bad, bad Unicorn Lady! Ahem… yeah, so here is ch. 8, I hope that you like it and I'm starting on ch. 9 now. I will try to update every 2 weeks, since I'm working now and being a grown up takes a lot of your time. Special thanks to my muse, for helping me to keep the folks in character, and to keep up with me and being my keeper of sanity... well, that one is still debatable. You know who you are!

Also, thanks to all of you who have reviewed and I know you guys waited for a long time, your reviews is what keeps me going: Anne-Marie (Bruce might make an appearance in another fic of mine, a xover with LotR), Scattered Logic, Zabella, Ivy Adrena (it was very stupid, cutting bread, but finger is back to normal, thank God), gally (I'm glad you like so far), IfOnly (yup he's certainly here now), barbie3sunset (I'm sorry, I made this chapter longer because I haven't updated in such a long time, hope you like it), Silver Space (thanks for becoming one of my regulars), RKW, Lexi, InnocentDreamer, Romm (I try to be original in my fics, I get tired very quickly of cliches unless is making fun of them), and Addie (Thanks, I try).

Also, please excuse my English, as is not my first language. So, if something is amiss, let me know so I can fix it.

If you want to post this story somewhere, do it, but let me know first.

DISCLAIMER: Oh yeah, you know the standard disclaimers. No? Disclaimers, reader, reader, disclaimers. Everything Labyrinth belongs to Henson Productions and Everything Star Trek belongs to Paramount. Now that we know each other, enjoy this piece of craziness.


Chapter 8

Qruisin' Along into a Quandary

Sarah froze in place, watching as the man of her dreams and sometimes nightmares appeared before them. Everything about him proclaimed royalty. Her eyes opened wide as she saw the Goblin King's face. He looked exactly like her hologram.

Arms crossed in front of his chest, Jareth looked from Sarah to Q. Raising an eyebrow he turned towards his friend, giving Q a look indicating that he better explain himself.

"And what is the meaning of this?"

Q, as usual, was enjoying this. Giving his best smile, he decided to ham up his self appointed role as the King's advisor as much as he could, making a bow with much flair.

"Your majesty! You have finally arrived. I am pleasured to inform you that we have captured the mortal Sarah Williams as you requested. I sentenced her to have the fate of the one wished away. I thought that a fitting punishment in the light of wishing away a non-existent sibling so many times. In fact, her two friends are in the labyrinth right now, in hopes of saving her."

Arching an eyebrow, Jareth looked at Sarah, his right hand resting on his chin, deep in thought.

"Interesting… now, what were you two doing here?"

Q gave Jareth a devilish smile in turn.

"I have been showing her around the castle, since she will probably live here when her friends fail their quest."

His eyes never leaving Sarah's form for a moment, the king approached the girl.

"So, your friends are traveling through the labyrinth, are they? A welcome change after all those holodeck sessions you have put me through."

Sarah's mouth opened, eyes widening as realization of what he said dawned on her.

"What? That was you all the time? But… that's impossible! How could I've known you are real? Why you didn't say something before?"

Jareth gave a silent chuckle while shaking his head. His Sarah had spirit; that was one of the main reasons she had caught his attention…. Wait a second, when did he start thinking of her as his? Shaking his thoughts, he recovered quickly, smiling smugly at her.

"And spoil my fun? It was better letting you think I was part of your little program. So imagine my surprise when you didn't show for your scheduled recreational holodeck time. Although, I think I like this much better."

As the awareness that these powerful beings were real and not a figment of her imagination, Sarah had a sunken feeling in the pit of her stomach. They wouldn't harm her friends, would they?


Geordi and Data were still trekking (a/n: sorry for the pun, couldn't resist!) throughout the stone maze. Data was following a pattern that was making them advance through the labyrinth. Geordi followed Data, tricorder in hand, scanning for life forms that they might encounter.

Scanning the walls, he could see that plant life was growing on the walls, some kind of lichen. Geordi paused for a moment, Data stopping as he noticed his friend's hesitation.

"Is there something wrong Geordi?"

After looking around and scanning the area once again with his tricorder, Geordi sighed and scratched his head.

"It's nothing, Data. I just thought I heard something."

As they resumed their walk, Geordi could have sworn he heard faint snickering. Shaking his head, he continued walking.

Suspiciously, two of the lichen on the wall were shaking with no breeze.


"Dude, what's up with the headband covering his eyes?"

"Yeah, and look at the other one, walking like he had a stick up his AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Look busy, it's the King!"

The lichen whistled innocently while the Goblin King approached the unsuspecting travelers.

Geordi stopped once more halting Data's stride with a hand on Data's arm. The tricorder had just indicated a life sign that wasn't there just a minute ago.

Data looked curiously at his friend.

"Have you found anything interesting, Geordi?"

Before Geordi could reply, they heard a voice behind them.

"I would certainly think so."

They turned around and found a tall man in a nonchalant pose against a wall, arms crossed in front of his chest. His long almost-white blond hair was spiked at the top, while his eyebrows resembled a Vulcan's. His clothes looked like something out of a Renaissance nightmare, purple leather vest with light leather armor on the same color on top, light blue tight pants, black knee-high boots and a cloak that completed the ensemble.

The Goblin King acknowledged the two Starfleet officers with a slight nod.

"Gentlemen, I was just informed of the events that have you now traversing my labyrinth. I am curious, how do you find it so far?"

Data just blinked at him.

"I am finding it extremely interesting. The mathematical computations used to create the seemingly random pattern of change are very complex. "

The King then looked at the chief engineer.

"I find it very interesting as well, but I am curious. What is your connection to Q?"

Jareth's eyes narrowed at the mention of his friend's name. He then made a gesture of dismissal with a wave of his hand.

"He is an acquaintance, nothing more. I am sure you are eager to resume your journey, so I will say good-bye for now and good luck. You are going to need it."

Saying this, he disappeared in a cloud of glitter and light. Data and Geordi turned around to continue, just to find themselves in front of a wall. In fact, they were surrounded by walls. Geordi addressed the android.

"Data, this would be a good time to say when and where the next opening is going to be."

Data looked pensive, analyzing the walls, a frown creasing his forehead.

"I am afraid that it is impossible, Geordi. He just changed the pattern to a truly random order. We might have to climb the wall…"

Data paused as no answer was heard.


Data looked at his surroundings, as he became aware that his friend was no longer with him. He then noticed a hole in the floor that hadn't been there before. He shouted down it.

"Geordi, can you hear me?"

A muffled voice responded.

"Loud and clear! You will never believe what is in here!"

Data jumped in, expecting to land on solid ground. Instead, numerous hands that sprouted out of the stone walls halted his fall.

Looking up, Geordi saw Data hovering on top of him, being prevented from continuing his descent because of the hands that were holding the android in mid-air, just like him.

Suddenly, the hands in front of him started moving, forming a sort of face. Then, a voice that seemed to come out of said face was heard.

"Which way, up or down?"

"What do you think Data, up or down?"

"We should go up. If we are still trapped we can go down the hole again."

"Good idea, Data. Up it is."

The other hands started forming different faces, snickering at their two captives.

"They chose up! Good luck!"

They were hauled up, until they arrived at the top. As soon as Geordi climbed up helped by Data, the hole closed with a slam! A door with a tiny barred window was covering it.

As the door was closed, the place where they were turned pitch black. Geordi adjusted his visor to compensate for the lack of light. Data's vision adjusted so he could look around in the darkness. Geordi spoke first, looking at the readings of his tricorder.

"Great. Looks like we are in some kind of cave chamber with no way out. Wait a minute, there is something in the middle of this chamber. Looks like some kind of gas lamp."

Geordi approached the lamp, and seeing matches next to it, lit the lamp. As the light became brighter, Geordi noticed a note next to where the lamp was. Data took the note and opened it, proceeding to read its contents. Data just blinked for a few seconds and looked back at Geordi.

"We need to get out of here, and fast."


A/N: Well? What you think? Your reviews is what keeps me going, so I would love to hear from you letting me know if you liked this or if it sucked big time, so

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