Title: Their Secret
Author: Grasshopper (A.K.A. The Undertaker's Muse)
Rated: G
Warnings: Fluffy, hetero-type romance.
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Challenge: Are You Game?
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII, Rude/Tifa: secret relationship - It wasn't like there was anything wrong with it
Spoilers: None really, but set sometime post-AC or DoC.
Pairings: Rude/Tifa
Summary: Tifa didn't keep many secrets, but this one was for her and Rude alone.
Author's Notes: So much love, but not nearly enough skill to write them the way I want.
Disclaimer: All things Final Fantasy VII belong to Square-Enix. Grassy only lays claim to the plot.

Just because they kept it secret didn't mean they were ashamed - it was simple practicality.

Even ignoring how her friends might react, between the children and Cloud any relationship Tifa entered into was going to be subject to scrutiny. Add in the fact that she was involved with Rude of all people... Well. The Turks were possessive of their own. And Reno would likely never shut up about it with the way he already teased Rude about his partner's crush on Tifa.

Once it finally became public knowledge - and it would, when they were ready for it to - they would deal with the fallout of nosy friends and family. Until then, they could just enjoy their time with one another.

(And, okay, Tifa had to admit - it was nice to be the one keeping a secret for once. Especially from the Turks and Cloud.)

The End