Title: Invitation
Author: Grasshopper (A.K.A. The Undertaker's Muse)
Rated: G
Warnings: Hetero-type fluffiness.
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Challenge: Are You Game?
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII, Rude/Tifa: fleeting moment - We've so little time to be/Alone together/Watching you/Watching me/Let's break free
Spoilers: None, but set sometime post-AC or DoC.
Pairings: Rude/Tifa
Summary: Time together was short and not to be wasted.
Author's Notes: Yet another try for this pairing, which does not get the love it deserves.
Disclaimer: All things Final Fantasy VII belong to Square-Enix. Grassy only lays claim to the plot.

Tifa always knew when Turks were frequenting the bar, especially those she'd come into the most contact with. Reno's frenetic energy hidden behind an indolent smile. Elena's boisterous chatter. The weight of Tseng's solemn tranquility. Rude's quiet strength and piercing gaze hidden by ever-constant sunglasses. She'd spare a glance now and again, keeping an eye on the bar's occupants - some a bit more than others.

The hour would grow later and then earlier, patrons slowly hitting their limits and heading out on their own. And eventually all that would remain would be one tavern owner and a lone Turk. These nights were rare - Rude usually working and Tifa taking care of her children - and not to be wasted.

"Care to join me?" Tifa would smile at Rude, sweet and fierce and inviting.

Sliding into a seat before her at the bar with a small smile of his own was always answer enough.

The End