Hi guys:
All my fanfiction stories are officially on indefinite hiatus. My health still has not recovered from the severe illness I had last year, and I have to budget my energy extremely conservatively. I was faced with a choice: write fanfiction, or finish my novel. I chose the novel, because otherwise it was going to take me years to finish it, since I'd have to finish all the fanfic first.
I'm really, really sorry. I feel terrible for letting all my readers down. I do still intend to finish the stories someday, but I cannot in good conscience ask you to stick around hoping for more when I don't have any idea how long it will be. Please forgive me. I never wanted to be one of those writers who strings people along and then gives up, but... well, sh*t happened.
If you're curious about what I am working on, you can read sample chapters here: /lazarus
(In case Fanfiction dot net breaks that URL, here's the sanitized version: wellspringcd dot com slash lazarus.)
Thank you so much for years of joy and support. I would never have even started writing without this amazing community.