So I'd thought I'd treat you guys to an Easter gift and crank another chapter out quickly. It's been so long since I have written my creative juices are flowing well. Enjoy and any reviews that you leave, negative or positive, will help me continue to get better as a writer.

"DAMN THAT MEDDLING FLAMEL!" Dr. John Dee screamed tossing his phone to the floor of his limo. He had just learned that Josh Newman had awaken from the illusion and the group was getting ready to leave the hotel for their next destination. "I was so close... I was so close to perfecting it... it isn't ready yet." Dee hung his head and a chill ran up his spine. He knew the price of failure, and it wasn't a pretty sight, nor one that he would want to endure. For the Elder that gave him immortality, could just as easily strip it away; he would age, and die instantly.

"I need more time. I need a distraction." He looked at his limousine driver, and sighed. The golem driver turned its head and looked at his creator then back to the road. "If only I more materials I could create more golems... that'd keep them busy for at least.." It was just then that the doctor had an idea. He sat up in his seat and thought about what he would need to be able to create one. Quickly he snatched his phone from the floor and opened it to the grimoire he kept as a PDF. That's when the doctor's panic turned to a chuckle of delight, for all he really needed was a few drops of blood. "Take us close to the hotel!" He ordered the driver.


It only took 15 minutes before the hotel where his prey was hiding away was in sight, and Dr. Dee was ready to stall them for a little while longer. They may escape even after this fight, but either way he knew with his creation on the verge of completion, their hours were limited.

He took a step out of the limo and walked a few paces, making sure he was concealed to the view of the hotel, and took out an iron dagger from the inside pocket of his suit jacket. He kept it around just in case he had to use it on any Elders, but he never thought he would be so desperate that he would have to use it on himself. Dee removed a glove from his hand, took the dagger and sliced a rather large cut into the palm of his hand. He winced only slightly at the pain but chuckled again, knowing that those inside would have a hard time dealing with something of this caliber.

Blood seeped from his hand and dripped to the ground beneath him. For a few moments a small pool gathered, and then Dee began the incantation "Krv mog života dao oblik. Volja mojih strasti se oblik. Iz mog života da steknete tvoje. Golem krvi, ustati i obaviti ponude."

The pool of blood began to bubble, then churn as if it were boiling before something began to take shape. The necromancer summoned his fire magic and closed the wound on his hand, and laughed. The true game was indeed about to begin.

"Is everyone prepared?" Nicholas Flamel asked the group that had gathered at the front of the hotel. They all nodded and said words of readiness, all except for St Germain. He walked up to his former mentor and said in a low french voice, "I'm afraid I can't come any further with you now. I must return home to Joan. I'm sure that the Elders have made her into a target for us assisting you. I don't doubt that she can take care of herself, still though I worry. We shall meet up with you again in the future."

The older man smiled and placed a hand on his former student's shoulder before drawing him into a hug. "You have done more than I can ever hope friend. Take care, and make sure that you stay on the down low." St. Germain smiled and patted the old man's back. "Once again Flamel, I am Comte de Saint Germain, down low isn't something I excel at, but I'll see what I can do." They parted and Germain turned to the twins.

"Looks like I'll be taking my leave for now. Josh, I apologize that I couldn't teach you any fire magic, but you shouldn't worry about that because you have the blade of fire on your back there! Sophie, just remember what you learned from me, and keep practicing. I look forward to seeing how you have progressed the next time we meet! Who knows, you may even be better than me at that point." He let out a hearty laugh then cut short. "On second thought, don't get better than me. I don't like being outdone." He winked at the two and looked up at Scatty. She nodded knowing that he was asking her to watch over them.

"Thank you for the laptop... and everything that you've done for us so far." Josh said awkwardly, not sure if he would ever see the Comte again. He grew fond of his nature and hated to see him leave. St. Germain bowed lightly and left through the front doors of the hotel.

Scatty turned to Flamel and said "We should be taking our leave here as well." The Alchemyst nodded in agreement and slung his bag over his black shirt. "Yes you're right. Sophie, Josh, we're going to the Leygate."

Sophie nodded and asked "Where are we going next?" Scatty turned to her and said "You know 2 magics, Fire and Air. Josh knows none. It's imperative that we find a master of water magics soon." Flamel nodded in agreement. "There's always Gilgamesh I suppose... but he is quite, quite insane." Scathach nodded in agreement. She didn't want to run in with him unless it was absolutely necessary. "What of any elders? Are there any who still believe in the humani?"

The old man shook his head softly, "Ever since Hekate was killed, I'm afraid they are all staying out of humani matters in fear of their own lives." Nicholas crossed his arms and sighed, thinking of what Perenelle would do in a situation like this. A thought crossed his mind. "You know..." He started. "Maybe no Elder would help us, but what about a spirit?"

Scatty placed her hands on her hips giving the old man a skeptical look. "A ghost is going to teach them water magic? Your wife isn't here and if I recall correctly she was the one who could see ghosts." Flamel smiled and shook his head. "No not a ghost, a spirit. Not just any spirit either, but the spirit of water itself."

Scatty thought for a few moments before her face lit up with realization. "You mean Undine?!" Nick nodded and said "Who better to teach these two about water magic than the one who more or less created it?" Scatty sighed and said under her breath "Yeah... if we can actually convince her to do it." She then said to him "I assume you know where her Shadowrealm is then?" Nick nodded and said "She is actually in greenland right now. Luckily for us we can take the leygate there and-"

He stopped the sentence short, as the smell of sulfur wafted into the hotel. Everyone frowned while the humans working at the reception desk covered their noses and talked about a gas leak. The small group knew what it meant though. Trouble.

"We need to move now." Scatty said calmly and started walking towards the entrance. Everyone followed suit, and they all jogged over to the SUV that St. Germain had so kindly loaned to them. They all piled in, with Josh in the driver's seat. He fished the keys out of his pocket and turned the ignition over, however nothing happened. He looked at the steering wheel with a blank expression before turning around in his seat and saying "Guys... We may be in trouble. The car won't start."

Sophie who was sitting behind her brother kicked the seat hard leaving a dirty footprint on the black leather. "Now's not the time to be pulling jokes!" Josh turned the key again and shouted "I'm not joking the car isn't starting!" And as she said that, the man in the three piece suit that was giving them so much trouble sauntered out from behind the hotel, approaching their vehicle waving around what looked like spark plugs in his hand.

"I'm afraid you won't be going anywhere without these." He said with an amused tone, knowing they had them trapped. Nicholas moved to exit the vehicle when Sophie grabbed his arm to stop him "No Mr. Flamel... you've already used so much of your aura today. You're exhausted. Let Scatty, Josh, and I handle it this time." The old man opened his mouth to protest, but he knew that she was right, and he was in no condition to be fighting. He frowned and cupped her cheek gently.

"You remind me of my dear Perenelle... please don't do anything reckless. I hate that I've dragged you in as much as I have... but you may be ending up as humanity's last hope." She nodded and held his hand, looking out the windshield to the approaching doctor. Josh hopped out of the driver's side and drew Clarent, holding it tightly in his grip.

"It's unlike you to face us alone Dee... no backup, no creatures, you do know that Scatty will launch you into next week just by herself right?" Dee smiled and said "Now dear Josh... Whoever said I had no backup?" When suddenly a giant monstrosity, oozing with blood and bones visible everywhere stomped out from behind the building.

Just looking at the thing, Josh thought he was going to retch. The smell of it was equally as offensive. Like a combination of rotting flesh and sulfur. "Uh... Nick? What the hell is that thing?" The Alchemyst lost any color he had left as he looked at the creature that Dee created. "Gods... He's created a blood golem..." Scatty grit her teeth together and said "He must really be at the end of his rope then." She and Sophie exited the vehicle at the same time, before she continued her sentence in a lower volume so Dee wouldn't overhear. "So... Any plans? I can't handle both the Golem and Dee." Josh thought for a moment and turned to his sister.

"If he took the spark plugs, we'll just have to create the spark ourselves." Sophie's eyes widened knowing what her brother had in mind. "Josh that's a risky idea, I don't have full control over fire magic yet." He nodded in response. "I know but it's the only chance we got." She nodded and popped the hood of the car.

"Mr. Flamel! I need you in the driver's seat, when I say so turn the key!" While those two worked on the car, Josh turned to Scatty and said "If you want to take on the golem, I'll handle Dee." Scatty nodded and very briefly gave his hand a squeeze. "Be careful... don't underestimate him." He nodded and said "I know. Go!"

Scatty launched forwards towards the Golem at a high speed cutting it across the stomach with one of her blades, and leading it away from its master, while Josh approached Dee who was now holding the twin of Clarent, Excalibur. "I have been looking forward to this." He said in dark tone. "I've gone through some pretty major changes and training since our last encounter."

"Good!" He said sounding quite pleased "Twice the pride double the fall!" Josh stopped for a second and asked "Did you... did you really just quote Count Douku from Star Wars?" Dee smirked and said "You Humani always had such vivid imaginations, especially when it comes to plays and cinematography. But enough talk... I have a date with my destiny."

Something about this situation seemed familiar to Josh. He realized it was close to their duel in the illusion. He hoped that this time around would go as well as last time.