DISCLAIMER: I claim NOTHING shown in this story! The only character I own (and created) is Neo and Nightshade, the others belong to their rightful creators/owners.

"I can't believe it! I can't believe we're doing this!'' exclaimed Sokka.

"Stop worrying. It'll be okay.'' replied Neo.

"I know the manager of that store said a lot, but before we left, he mentioned this guy is psychic?!" complained Sokka.

"Guys.'' said Aang.

"There's no need to worry Sokka. We just talk to him and see if he'll help!'' Neo said.

"Guys?" Aang said again.

"This dude broke someone's arm, and then caused him to have freakish nightmares!" shouted Sokka.

"GUYS!'' Aang yelled. The two stopped their bickering. "Look.'' Aang pointed up ahead.

There stood a large cave entrance. Neo ran up first anxiously. "Neo, wait! We don't know what's in there!'' Katara shouted.

Neo ran inside the cave, slowly walking. Up ahead, there were four tall stage lights surrounding one spot, where he saw a wooden table and chairs around it. He took a single step forward, the four lights immediately shut off. Aang, Katara, and Sokka stopped behind Neo. A small glint of blue light flashed inside the tunnel and quickly vanished. A twirled twist of purple energy hit Neo in the chest, knocking him out to the edge of the entrance. The heroes watched him fly. When they weren't looking, the light flashed again. They heard running footsteps coming towards them. The gang saw a black cloaked figure stop in front of them.

"What…do you want?" asked his raspy voice.

"We…came to see if you could help us.'' answered Katara.

The strange figure breathed heavily, and very angrily. "I help…no one!'' he was enraged.

The gang flinched in fear by his evil voice. "I don't give a damn…about your problems. LEAVE….NOW!!'' he demanded.

"Please, we just need your help with something!'' Katara begged.

"I have a name. Nightshade. Call me…Nightshade!'' he responded.

The gang took his threats into account and walked out of the cave. They stopped beside Neo, who just sat up.

"What…in the world…was that?" he asked in-between breaths.

"Let's just get out of here.'' Katara noted, helping Neo up and walking back down the hill.

Nightshade watched them, making sure they wouldn't have any second thoughts. "Dammit. I must have that…device.'' he said, walking backwards into his cave.

The gang regrouped in a hotel which they were graciously given rooms to. "We have to get his help.'' Katara stated.

"You heard what he said! I don't know what was worse! His voice or threats!'' shouted the Water Tribe warrior.

"He can solve the mystery behind the Transformator! We need his help!'' Neo added.

"He practically lives there! How are we going to get him out?" asked Sokka.

"Maybe we should just keep a keen eye on him. Not everyone born is evil.'' Aang said.

"That's what I'm afraid of.'' said Neo.

"We'll try again tomorrow, for now, let's just get some rest.'' Katara said. With so much quarrels, the group all went to sleep, in hope for a better tomorrow.

At 10:30 am, the next morning, the group got dressed and ready to give it a second try. The gang walked back up the mountain and stopped at the entrance to the cave. They all walked in. The four lights remained on. "Hello?!" shouted Neo.

"Will you be quiet!?" he said in a hushed tone.

Katara walked towards the table up ahead. Strangely, there were newspapers from New York city, and even Chicago, littered on the table and around it. Most were ripped or torn, even some were colored out with black. "Now this…is weird.'' said Aang, holding up a drenched newspaper, then dropping it back on the ground.

"You….'' said an eerie voice.

The gang knew who it was. At the end of the tunnel stood Nightshade. The blue glowing crystal in his forehead was still easy to see. "Why do you bother me?" he asked.

"We came to ask you if you could help us…with this.'' Neo said, raising his arm with the Transformator around his wrist.

Nightshade slightly twitched, the crystal burning away at him. Nightshade walked over to Neo. Nightshade was only four foot tall, so he looked up at him.

"Let me…see it.'' he said.

Neo had much regrets, but he stuck his arm out. Nightshade stretched his right hand out and grabbed his wrist. Neo widened his eyes. Nightshade's right arm was entirely one metal bar, and two shorter ones on both sides of it. His hand was also robotic. Sokka immediately fell unconscious.

"Do you want my help…or not?" he asked. Neo slowly stepped forward to Nightshade again. Nightshade grabbed his wrist, holding his other hand over the Transformator. Nightshade tilted his head. He looked up at Neo.

"This…belonged to someone.'' he said.

Neo raised his eyebrows with surprise. "I holds much power.'' he continued.

The gang looked confused at this point. "And I want it.'' he said.

Nightshade grabbed Neo by his shirt collar and tossed him out of the cave. Aang, Katara, and Sokka stared in horror. A mist of black energy surrounded him, then he flew out of the cave. Neo bounced up and down the hill, until he had the chance to change into his hedgehog form, and got back on his feet to stop himself.

"Listen pal, I just need some help!" exclaimed Neo bravely.

"I'd rather help myself actually.'' Nightshade replied, firing a multitude of dark energy balls at Neo.

Neo sped to the side and charged, quickly punching Nightshade in the gut, throwing him straight up into the mountain side, resulting in a loud boom. Chunks of debris fell from the spot Nightshade was thrown into. Nightshade charged back down at him. Neo leaped up at his foe. Nightshade blasted forward, tackling Neo in the stomach and crashing into a building below in the village. The gang quickly ran down the cave to assist their friend. Nightshade lifted Neo up and swung him around, letting go to leave Neo crash into the side of a house. Neo formed into a ball to dislodge himself, drifted around and dashed towards Nightshade. The cloaked villain shot a ray of twisted purple energy directly into Neo. Neo bounced and banged against the ground multiple times until gravity stopped him. Nightshade was surrounded in a light, he then walked towards Neo's body.

"What…are you?" Neo choked.

"A person…looking for answers.'' he replied, picking Neo up by his throat.

"Give me it.'' Nightshade demanded.

"Trust me when I say this….I don't know how to get it off!'' Neo exclaimed.

"Then you're about to become left handed.'' Nightshade said evilly.

Neo's eyes widened in terror. Neo grabbed Nightshade's hood, and ripped it off. Nightshade quickly tossed Neo at a building, which he crashed into head first. Nightshade leaped up into the air, then in a flash, fled the scene by flying across the sky. The gang found Neo, who just dislodge his head from the building. His head spun slowly around and around. "I believe this is enough to convince you?" Sokka spoke up.

"Oh yeah…definitely.'' said a dazed Neo, returning back to his human form.

"What we need to do, is find out more about this guy. His origins, motives, anything!'' Sokka said.

"He's right, but where?" asked Katara.

Aang was pondering, the idea quickly came to his mind, and appeared on his face. "I know where we should go!'' said the Avatar.

"Where?" asked Neo, rubbing his forehead. Aang smiled at his friends, knowing this would be a surprise to them. "We're going to the Library.''

Hours later, the gang found themselves flying over a very familiar desert.

"I hope you know what you're doing.'' Sokka noted.

"If there's anything you're looking for about mystical or powerful beings, it's Wan Shi Tong's Library! Where else are we going to go?" replied Aang.

"Exactly, where is it? We're in a desert! And last time I checked, libraries aren't in deserts.'' Neo stated.

"This one's underground.'' Katara answered.

"Wow, seriously? This place just keeps getting better and better.'' Neo said, sitting back.

"There it is guys!'' Aang pointed up ahead.

The large sinkhole was easy to see. Appa landed beside it. "Okay Appa, you can fly around if you feel safe. I don't want those Sandbenders catching you again.'' Aang said to his longtime friend. Appa grunted, Momo chirped from the saddle. Aang quickly got a rope from the packing they put together. With that, the bison set off into the sky.

In the middle of the sinkhole was a large hole. Aang unraveled the rope and dropped it in, Neo holding it tight so they could climb down. Once the three made it to the bottom, Neo let go of the rope, changed into his hedgehog form and jumped into the hole. He landed right beside Sokka. "Lucky.'' he noted.

"Remember, last time Wan Shi Tong was being controlled, so he may still be a little angry.'' Katara noted, heading across one of the four walkways.

"But Shadow did come and remove that metal armor after the war ended.'' Aang added.

"Yeah, true. But you never know.'' Katara replied.

Suddenly, the massive spirit Wan Shi Tong landed in the middle of their path, glaring at the kids. "A little angry, huh?" Sokka said on a flat note.

"Why are you here?!'' exclaimed the giant owl.

"We're looking for some insight about a guy called Nightshade.'' Katara answered.

Wan Shi Tong backed his head away. "You mention such a name…here!? That creature is nothing but evil!'' exclaimed the knowledge spirit.

"You know him?" asked Aang.

"I read about him. He's a myth, but me, I'm the only one to believe he's not.'' replied Wan Shi Tong.

"A myth? Why would people think that?" asked Katara.

"I'll show you where you can find information about him. Follow me.'' he said, walking across the walkway and into one of the sections of the massive Library.

"Here. This will have all you need to know.'' Wan Shi Tong said, grabbing a book with his mouth and bending down to give it to Aang.

Aang grabbed the black book. It's spine was crimson red, and on the front showed six white pointed spikes in a circle. "I'll leave you to it.'' said the spirit, leaving them alone.

Aang opened the book. "Nightshade…the Cloakmaster. In ancient times, said to harbor the power of others for his own free will, but his memory is in tarnish. The mysterious entity never shows his true form to anyone. Most stories from around the world have said he is emotionless, constantly stealing from others to keep his horrified life going." Aang began.

"Now that…that's just crazy.'' Neo said, poking at the book.

"People who see him, wake up from dreadful nightmares, awfully falling to insanity, never living a normal life. Only with the one of pure metal, will bring him to peace…and love?'' Aang said, closing the book.

"This guy loves someone?" Sokka said shockingly.

"The book said he's a myth. Either this is all just a coincidence, or the guy we saw…is real.'' Aang replied.

"Damn…book,'' said a raspy voice.

The gang turned to the left, seeing Nightshade, covered in another cloak. "Lies. All…lies.'' he mumbled.

"You're not getting the Transformator!'' Neo shouted, stepping forward to Nightshade.

Nightshade quickly charged forward, grabbing Neo by the throat and smashing him against the bookcase. The gang readied themselves. "No! Just get out of here! I'll be okay!'' he choked between words.

The gang regretted leaving him, but they ran to the rope that lead up to the surface. Neo kicked Nightshade in the gut, throwing him into the large bookcase on the opposite side.

"Give me…the device.'' Nightshade demanded, firing a ray of dark purple energy. The wave of energy blasted Neo back against the large bookcase, tipping it over and knocking down five others.

Nightshade stepped over the piles of bookcases. Neo smacked Nightshade in the gut, throwing him diagonally upwards. Nightshade hit a railing back first, causing him to fall into the depths of the Library. Neo wasn't done yet. Neo leaped forward, tackling Nightshade. The two smashed through a large column, snapping it entirely in half, for which the top half fell down into the depths below. Nightshade grabbed Neo by his face, lifted him up and smashed him down into the earth. Neo wrapped his legs around Nightshade's, throwing him over the railing. Neo jumped back on his feet. A purple energy ball hit the ground beneath Neo's feet, causing it to collapse. Neo fell through. Nightshade flew towards him, giving Neo a good punch across the face. Neo spiraled down into the ground with a bang. Nightshade landed on top of him, wrapping his hand around Neo's neck. Nightshade tossed him up through the hole he made. Nightshade held his hands apart from each other then shot a strong blast of dark purple energy up through the hole.

The gang just made it outside. Aang pulled out Appa's whistle, blowing it. In a matter of seconds, the sky bison landed in front of them. "What's going on Mommy?" asked Sonya.

"We'll talk about it later,'' Neo burst up through the ground, the beam of purple energy causing it.

"Keep your head down sweetie!'' Katara said, holding her daughter close.

Neo got on all fours. Nightshade flew up through the hole, landing in front of Neo's body. "You fool. It' best…that you heed my word.'' Nightshade told him.

"And instead of making threats,'' Neo began, quickly turning to him. The Transformator's button shined gold. "YOU SHOULD FINISH WHAT YOU STARTED!!'' shouted Neo.

A huge gold beam shot out from the button, blasting Nightshade miles away. The beam began to blink repeatedly before vanishing. Neo fell to his knees, extremely worn out. Aang helped him up, directing him over to Appa. As soon as they got on, "Yip, yip!'' Aang chanted. The massive bison swooped up into the blue sky, heading to safety. Nightshade blasted all the sand off him. Parts of his cloak were torn. In the cloak's hood, were two blank white eyes.

The gang found refuge in Nightshade's cave. Neo stood at the entrance. Katara saw him, seeing this as an opportunity to talk to him. Katara stopped by his side.

"I'm fine, if that's what you're wondering.'' he spoke first.

Katara felt no offense in his comment. "Listen, can you just say something? I know it's you!'' Katara said, kneeling down to his level, and putting her arms on his shoulders so that he would face her.

"Katara…'' he said.

"You act just like him! You lost your memory somehow, but I know it's you Sonic!'' she said.

Neo removed her hands from his shoulders. "I'm leaving Katara. I need answers about my past.'' he said.

Katara couldn't believe what he was saying. Neo stepped to the edge of the cliff. Katara stood to her feet, clasping her hands together. "Don't go…DON'T GO!!'' she screamed.

Katara fell to her knees in sorrow, letting tears stream down her cheeks. Neo got on one knee in front of her. "Katara? Katara, listen!'' he shook her.

She looked at him with her teary eyes. "Whoever you think I was, whatever happened to me, I'm not who you think I am. I don't have no memory of what happened! My name is Neo!'' he said.

Katara ceased her crying, suddenly hugging him. Neo broke from her hug, he turned his back to her. Katara stood to her feet. "Chaos Control.'' he muttered.

A blue stream of energy came from the Transformator's button. "You…you know Chaos Control?" stuttered the Waterbender.

Neo looked over his shoulder with a smile. "Who doesn't?" he shrugged. Katara managed to form a smile. Neo faced the blue portal, walking into it. In the instance he walked in, the blue portal…vanished into thin air.