I'm so sorry.

This is just another pathetic excuse but I feel I owe you an explanation.

You all remember my first excuse about my parents splitting up? Well, I'm moving out tomorrow with my mum and brother and it's killing me. I love my dad so much, and I love my mum, I don't know how I can be expected to choose between them.

Anyway I've been really busy with exams and packing, but about 3 days ago I reliased that I was going to have to leave my dad and I haven't been to.. stable since. I don't know if it affects everyone the same way or whatever but I haven't really stopped crying- all I can say is I'm so glad I have the most amzing friends. And you guys! Everytime I see an alert or favourite or review, I swear it makes me so happy.

So thank you so so so so much you guys for not getting angry at me and thank you for your patience. This has just been a really hard time- like I always thought people were just being dramatic when they said that but hello karma!- for me and I appreciate you being so patient.

I promise I will try my best to get chapters for you. I don't care how hard it is to think of ideas, I'll do it.

And I KNOW that you don't need to know about my life or whatever, I just wanted to explain.

Love you!