Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight

Summary of the story

Edward lost the uses of his legs in accident and has been confined to life in a wheelchair. He hates his life but what happens when he meets Bella she shows him that just because he is in a wheelchair doesn't mean he can't live life to the fullest. All human

A/n this is an idea that I have had in my head for a really long time so please let me know what you think thanks and I want to say thank you ADADANCER for helping with this chapter


It was like any other morning I wake up get ready head to school. I honestly hated going to school, everything was hard, not only that but the look's that I received from people made it even harder. See my name is Edward Cullen, and I'm twenty three years old, and I have been in a wheel chair since I was sixteen.

Your probably wondering how I got in wheel chair well let me tell the reason I'm in one.

It was the night of my sixteenth birthday; my friends and I decided to have a party, which included some heavy drinking.

So that night I had a couple of drinks, it was around one in the morning when I told them that I needed to head back home, that's when my friend Ben told me he would drive me home since he had to leave anyways.

Anyways to make a long story short, Ben had been drinking too but not as much as the rest of us had, he got behind the wheel that night, and while we were driving we thought it would be cool to blast the radio. The music was blaring and we were going pretty fast. It was blast driving at this speed but before we knew what happened we didn't't see the stop sign or the red light. He was going so fast that he hit the car in front of us, that when I heard the screams of Ben and myself I was knocked out before I could even see what happened.

I woke up the following week in the hospital, where I saw my mother and father crying .I tried to move my legs, but I felt nothing at first so I tried again and again I still couldn't feel a thing.

I started to get worried. "Why can't I feel my legs?" I yelled.

My mother was sobbing when she whispered a broken sob. "Edward, you were in a car accident and you have been in here for a week.

When I looked at my mother she was so sad and that when my father wiped his tears; tears were rolling down my cheek. My mom came over and hugged me to her, before she started to brush my hair the action was soothing but I wanted to know what had happened.

The only thing I remember is being in accident.

My father was just looking at me. he just bent his head that when the doctor came in the room he gave my mother and my father a sad smile, he looked at me and took a deep breath " I see your awake Edward. "

I just looked at the doctor and he came closer to me and looked at my mother and father when he began to tell them "Mr. and Mrs. Cullen I know you're going to have questions, so I will answer them but let me explain first what is going on with your son." He said, his tone sounded very distressed.

He then turned and looked at me. "Edward when you were brought in the hospital you were in a coma. You had several injuries and a few broken ribs."

I looked at him and he took a deep breath, looking over at my mother then my father when finally his gaze fell upon me and began to speak. " Edward you broke your spinal cord, we took some x-rays to see how far the damage was and I hate to tell you this but Edward, you won't be able to walk ever again the damage in your back is just far to extensive for us to repair."

Everything around me seemed to stop I couldn't't believe what the doctor was telling me he was telling me that I wasn't able to ever walk again tears were rolling down my cheeks when I looked at the doctor and I asked " What do mean I can't walk again."

He took another deep breath, "Edward you won't be able to walk for the rest of your life."

I was feeling both angry in that moment and sad, I mean I wouldn't be able to walk or run or even do anything. I would be confide to a wheel chair for the rest of my life.

The doctor turned back to my parents and told them that it would be best if I would be involved in some physical therapy, that it would help and that hospital would supply me with a wheel chair he turned to look at me and gave me a sad smile while walking away. My mother looked at me and while my father just had a sad look on his face.

That's when my phone rang; breaking me from my thoughts. I rolled myself to pick up the phone and I saw it was my sister Alice's number, I sighed and I picked it up.

"Hello Alice." I greeted.

"Hey Edward how you are?" she asked, I just wheeled myself in the living room.

"I'm fine Alice, what do you want?" I could hear her taking a deep breath.

"Nothing Edward I just wanted to know if you wanted to come over to my house, I'm having a party and I wanted to invite you".

I just sighed I knew she was having a party, she told me about last week when she came over.

"I don't know, if I'm going to come Alice." she huffed.

"Why Edward I know that you are doing nothing tonight so please come, I was planning on introducing you to my best friend Bella." She whined, I just sighed.

"Look Alice I will come all right but next time I won't give in easily." I warned her.

"Fine Edward, the party is at seven o'clock sharp." She said.

"Ok Alice, I will see you then." I said.

I wheeled myself back into the kitchen where I placed the phone back in its place, I saw on the stove that it was nine o'clock in the morning, and decided that I needed to get school ,so I grabbed my bag and I put my jacket it on.

Once I had everything I rolled myself out in the hallway and closed my door. I made my way to the front door where I pressed the handicapped button that was marked on the door; I waited for the door to open so I could roll my way out onto the streets.

Once I reached the campus I wheeled myself to my first class which was sociology, making sure to get my usual seat.

While I was waiting I got out my books, the class started filling up and had just gotten started when a girl ran into the classroom, I noticed she was out of breath. The class stopped and we looked at her when the professor just cleared his throat.

She began to speak, but the professor cut her off before she even began to speak. "Just take a seat Miss Swan."

She looked shocked and then her eyes wondered around until she saw the only seat left was next to me, she came over and sat right next to me, which was strange since usually no one sat next to me.

I turned to look at her as she was getting her books, when the professor went back to teaching I just couldn't stop looking at her. She had long brown hair that went down to her waist and it was wavy with a bit curls to it, she looked up and I noticed that she had brown eyes.

When the professor began to speak my attention went back to the class halfway through the class the girl next to me leaned over and asked me. "Umm excuse me but you wouldn't happen to have white out with you by any chance?"

"Yeah I do." I replied.

She just stared at me as I handed her my white out, she took it, and then handed it back to me while saying a quick thank you, she blushed and went back to listen to the lecture that was going on .

Once class was done I got ready and left. I went to my apartment where I decide to take a shower which was really hard because I would have to lift myself and hold on to the bar in my shower, which was design to help people who were handicapped. There was a bench that was designed for me to sit on so that I could take a shower.

It was hard getting into the shower and it was even harder getting out of the shower without any help but I knew I was able to. Once I was clean I got out of the shower and dried myself.

When I was finally done it was around five, I decide to have some dinner where I had decided to make Mac and Cheese from a box, I never really ate things that were hard to cook and plus if I wanted to use the oven or the burners it was hard at time as I could not move easy as a normal person who could walk.

I was waiting for the water to boil when I thought about class today it was fairly interesting, the professor was talking about how the reactions of people when they see something strange.

Once the water began to boil I dumped the pasta in and watched it carefully when it was done I took it off the stove and followed the directions on the box.

So I fixed my dinner and poured everything into a bowl and started to eat it. Once I was done I washed the dishes. I glanced at the clock it was around 6 so I decided that I would get ready and go to Alice house.

When I was getting ready I wondered who would be there at Alice tonight. I grabbed my jacket and I rolled myself to the front door.

Once outside I went to Alice apartment building, when I got there I had to use the elevator. I got to the top floor where she lived, I went down the hallway heard the music from outside the door.

I knocked and Alice opened the door, "Hey Edward come on in." she moved out of the way to let me in

"Hey Alice how are you." she just took my jacket and hung it.

"Oh I'm doing good Edward, how are you doing?" she asked.

"I'm fine." I replied keeping it short.

We made our way into the living room; there was whole bunch of people who I didn't' know which wasn't a surprise, since I didn't't really have many friends. I rolled myself next to the couch and Alice sat down.

"Ok Edward, my friend Bella is going to be here soon so be nice ok." she warned.

I felt confused "Alice I'm nice." she started to laugh and then she looked back at me, there was knock at the door suddenly and she got up but not before turning around to ask if I was going to be okay.

"Yeah Alice I won't roll away you know" I joked.

She looked at me and laughed it was so easy at times to joke about me being in a wheelchair, so the times I would make jokes at least I could try to be happy.

It was only a couple of minutes that Alice came back. Suddenly there was the girl from class this morning that when Alice cleared her throat.

"Ok Edward, this is my best friend Bella." I just looked at Bella she just smiled at me.

"It's nice to meet you Edward." She greeted.

"It's nice to meet you to Bella." I said back.

We both shook hands. I felt something when I shook her hand I couldn't't explain what it was. She pulled her hand back she looked nervous that when Alice spoke up.

"Ok guys, I have to get something from the kitchen, I will be back ok." She said.

We both turned at the same time "Yeah ok Alice no problem." I said.

Bella was standing. I didn't't know what to talk to her about, I felt sort of awkward until she cleared her throat. "So, how are you?" she asked.

"I'm good, how are you?" She laughed nervously.

"I'm fine just really bored, I don't really like this type of party or anything like this for that matter." She rambled.

She came and sat on the couch which was next to my wheel chair, "Yeah I know the only reason I came here was to make Alice happy." I mentioned.

She looked at me with a strange expression, "Oh ok."

There was uncomfortable silence when Bella started to speak. "So, what did you think of class today?"

"It was good although it was a tad bit boring." She replied.

She pushed a piece of her hair back I couldn't't help but stare."Thanks for the white out."

"No problem." I just chuckled as she laughed "So Edward how old are you?"

"I'm 23 years old how old are you are you Bella?" I asked curiously.

She looked at me as she was biting her lip, "I'm 21"

"So, Edward what other classes are you taking?" She asked.

"I'm taking music theory, some history classes; I'm not sure what I want to do with my life yet." I answered.

She just nodded her head looking like she was digesting what I had just said, although it wasn't very interesting.

"Yeah I know the feeling it's so hard, to choose what you want to do in life." She noted.

I nodded my head, ran my hand through my hair, and then noticed that the room was full with more people. I was about to ask Bella if she wanted something to drink when she looked at me.

"Hey Edward I was going to get a drink so want anything?"

"Yeah I will have coke thank you." I said, a little embarrassed that she was getting the drinks since it usually was the guy.

She just blushed and got up and went into the kitchen. When she came back she gave me my coke, she had water in her hand which to me was weird. I mean don't all college kids drink.

"You don't drink Bella?" I asked.

She just laughed and shook her head "No Edward I can't really drink too much it gives me a headache, plus I don't like to drink when I'm at a party."

"Yeah, I don't like drinking either." I said it in a very sad voice; she was looking at me funny.

"So Edward what's your favorite type of music?" she changed the subject.

"Umm I really don't have a favorite type of music, it's more like several artists." she sighed.

"Come on you have to a favorite type genre to listen to like right what's your favorite song?" she insisted.

I just ran my hand through my hair, "Ok I guess it would have to be "Use Somebody" by Kings of Leon." I replied.

She just looked around the room before her eyes looked at mine "So Bella what's your favorite song?"

She blushed "You're going to laugh but right now I'm like really into Lady Gaga , she is so awesome."

I just laughed "Yeah that is she."

She got up to take off her jacket and set in on the couch next to her. She sat back down when she took a sip of her water; I just kept looking at her and she caught me. I moved eyes to the dance floor and she started to giggle. She excused herself a few seconds later to use the restroom.

I just kept drinking my coke and Alice came back to join me. "So Edward are you having a good time?" she asked.

"Yeah Alice I'm having fun, your friend is pretty nice too." She just gave me a smile and went on her way.

Bella came back after ten minutes and sat back down she just looked at me and I looked at her when she saw the time.

"Oh wow there is so many people here tonight I didn't think that this party would be this packed." Shock in her voice.

"Yeah I know but Alice is always known for her parties." Belle giggled

"So does she always throw parties like this?" she asked.

"No, not most of the time it's just a couple of people." I replied.

Her gaze wondered on the dance floor when I moved my wheel chair a bit and that got Bella attain she looked like she wanted to ask me something but wasn't sure.

She cleared her throat "Edward I have an idea let's play 21 questions." I just looked at her.

"Sure". I said, it wasn't like there was anything else to do.

"Ok umm what is your favorite memory as a kid?" she asked.

I thought about that and I would have to say it was when I went to a baseball game and got my ball signed by my favorite player.

"Umm I went to a baseball game when I was younger with my dad and I got my ball signed by my one my favorite players."

"Oh wow that sounds awesome how old were you?" she asked.

I cocked my eyebrow and said "Well Bella I think you asked me two questions but, it's ok I will answer it I was nine years old."

She just took another sip from her water when I asked "What's your favorite memory as a kid?"

Bella had put her cup down on the table next to her. "It would have to be when I got my easy bake oven I had wanted that thing forever."

I just laughed and Bella was laughing to that when I noticed that Bella was looking at the dance floor and I asked her "Do you have any brothers or sisters?"

"No I don't I'm an only child what about you?"

I shifted in my wheelchair "Alice is my only sibling."

She just nodded her head. There was a minute of comfortable silence, "Ok so what's your favorite type of food?"

"It would be Italian food I love lasagna its one my favorites." Bella was smiling.

"Yeah its one of mine to."

I was about to ask her something when her cell phone beeped, she went into her pocket got it out while her eyebrows widened and she began to text the person back that when she turned back to me.

"It was nice chatting with you Edward but I need to get going. It's all ready twelve something and I have to be at school early tomorrow." She explained.

I decide that I should head home to. "Yeah I know Bella I was about to leave anyways."

I moved my wheel chair and we both went into the kitchen to find Alice and she was looking at us with a smile.


Alice I'm going to head out I got to get up early, I have to meet with my thesis advisor tomorrow." Bella explained.

I cleared my throat "Yeah Alice I'm going to head off to."

She nodded her and turned to me, "Edward do you want a lift or are you going to be ok by yourself?"

While I was thinking Bella said "Well if you want I can drive you, its no problem where do you live?"

I turned to look at her. "I live two block away from here."

Bella was smiling at me, "Edward I live in the same building, I live on the top floor."

"Oh really I never knew, I live on the first floor."

Bella told Alice "Yeah, let me just go grab my jacket ok." Alice just nodded.

Once Bella left the kitchen Alice started to looked at me and asked me, "So what do you think of her?"

"She is nice I didn't know that she was in my class at school, until I saw her again tonight."

"I forgot to ask you do you want some help for when you go down to her truck?"

"No it's ok Alice; I can lift myself out of the car and put myself back in the wheelchair on my own."

I heard footsteps behind and that when Bella said "Ok Edward is you ready to leave."

"Yeah let grab my jacket."

I rolled my way to Alice room getting my jacket, Bella was waiting by the door when she saw come near her she opened the door and we went towards the elevator. We made our downstairs to her truck and she opened the door to this red chewy truck that looked like a monster "Bella is this car?"

"Yeah, Edward I had this baby since I was nineteen it was gift my dad." I just laughed.

"Bella this thing looks like a death trap."

She looked at me and pointed her finger at me, "Hey, stop hating the truck its awesome ok."

Rolling myself to the door that she opened before, Bella was now looking at me shyly. "Umm do you need any help getting in?"

I looked at her and saw the height of the truck "Please."

She came near helped me up so that all of my body weight, was leaning against her as she slid her arm around my shoulder. I grabbed the back of the seat and life myself in. I put on my seatbelt and she looked at me.

"Umm Edward, I'm going to put your wheelchair in the back of my truck give me like a sec."

"Ok Bella."

I watched as she opened her trunk and lifted my wheelchair into the trunk, she came around and got in the truck and started it. While we driving she said nothing, she kept her eyes on the road when we reached the building, she stopped the car and turned to me.

"Ok well we are here Edward."

She got out of the car and went to get my chair and wheeled it to the front of the door. She opened the door and looked at me "How do I do this Edward?"

I looked at her, "Just stand next to me, hold me around my waist and, help me sit in my chair ok."

She just nodded her head. So she did what I told her she put her arm around my waist and, I leaned most of my weight on her. My chair was right next to the door so I grabbed the handle, sat myself down in it. I looked at Bella she just had a sad smile on her face. She leaned over me to shut the door. We both went up the front door where she held it open for me; she walked me to my door which was pretty close.

When we got there she look at me and was playing with her hands like she was nervous and I cleared my throat and looked at her.

"Thank you for helping me Bella..."

"You're welcome Edward anyways; I will see you in class tomorrow goodnight."

She was looking at me "Ok goodnight Bella I will see you tomorrow."

She just simile and turned around and left and went to her apartment on the second floor.

I got my key and opened my door. I went in it I put my key in a bowl for my keys .I rolled myself to my bedroom. I made my way to my bed where I placed my chair in the front of my of bed , I moved myself to my bed and I lifted myself onto bed.

Once I took off my clothes I pulled up my covers and I thought back to tonight when I was talking to Bella it was finally nice to have someone talk to me like that.

I fell asleep that night thinking about Bella.

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