Here it is!!! I wrote a sequel to my story and guess what?!?! I am also writing a third book to this story!!!! YIPEE!!!! I sorry this took so long and I'm sorry that this isn't so good....well, enough staling, READ!!!
The journey back to the mainland was relaxing. Valkyrie leaned over the railing, watching the waves lap up against the side of the ferry. Despite the calming of the water, she was nervous. Was it possible for him to get her pregnant?
She had never even thought about it when she gave herself to him. Her stomach churned more with each splashing wave against the ferry as more questions flew through her mind. She jumped as she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist.
"Did I scare you?" Skulduggery asked, the humor clear in his voice. She took a moment to collect herself and then turned to glare at him.
"No, you just...startled me," she replied meekly as she turned back to the water. They were silent for a moment.
"What's wrong?" Skulduggery asked, "You've been like this since we got on the carriage." Valkyrie hesitated.
"I'm just...thinking," she replied, playing with her fingers.
"About?" She shrugged.
"Stuff." Skulduggery turned her around to face him.
"Are you going to tell me or I'm going to force it out of you?" he asked, crossing his arms across his chest. Valkyrie rolled her eyes.
"It's not important, I'm just thinking about a few things. It's nothing to be concerned about...yet." Skulduggery raised an eyebrow.
"Yet?" he asked, "Now I'm concerned." Valkyrie shook her head.
"It's nothing, honest! Besides," she said slyly, uncrossing his arms and placing them back around her waist as she grasped the sides of his jacket, pulling him closer to her, "I think we should talk about this trip back." Skulduggery sighed and brushed his lips against her neck.
"Don't think I'm letting this go so easily Cain," he whispered against her skin and she smiled, "So what about our trip?"
"Well I was thinking we should take our time getting back, you know, see the sights and sounds on the way because I don't think the Sanctuary would approve of our current relationship so I think we should try and, you know, spend some alone time together," she said, running her hands over her his chest and gently kissing his neck, occasionally letting her tongue slip through her lips. Skulduggery was silent.
"Fine," he hissed, "But only because I think you're right and I really don't want to see Crux and Guild." Valkyrie laughed.
"Yeah, me either, but I thought you said Guild was starting to like you?" Skulduggery smirked at her.
"Just because I said he's starting to like me, doesn't mean I like him. Besides, I really don't want to explain this to Guild because it might cost us our jobs...again." Valkyrie sighed and spun back around toward the water.
"Just blame it on Crux," she said dryly, "It was his idea to send us here anyway." Skulduggery smiled and moved her hair over her shoulder and placed his hands on her hips.
"Then I will have to give him credit for the result of our mission," he whispered against the back of her neck, sending a shiver down her spine.
"Yeah," she whispered, "I guess I could give him that." She felt Skulduggery smile against her neck and kiss it gently.
"Well, I'm going down to the lower deck," he said, backing away from her, "We'll be arriving on the mainland soon."
"Alright," said replied, turning look at him, "I'll be down in a minute." Skulduggery nodded and headed below. Valkyrie looked out at the horizon, the high sun making the water glitter. The momentary peace she had been feeling was soon replaced by the fear of the future as the thoughts and questions from before crept back into her mind.
The Sanctuary would find out about her and Skulduggery if she started to grow a child inside her. She rubbed her face in frustration. Maybe she was stressing over nothing, perhaps he couldn't impregnate her at all, after all, he was dead and none of his other systems functioned properly, so what made her think that this particular system was any different. She was going to have to ask him about it, without causing suspicion. These thoughts, however, do not loosen the nervous knot she felt in her stomach.
'Only time will tell,' she thought as she felt the ferry slow down as it neared the dock. She headed down to the lower level as the ferry came to a noisy halt. She stumbled a little, but Skulduggery appeared next to her, steadying her with an arm around her waist.
They walked off the ferry, grabbed their luggage, and headed for Skulduggery's rental, a black 2009 Ford Mustang ROUSH Stage 1 Coupe. Valkyrie climbed into the car, then blushed a deep red as she realized she climbed in the wrong side. Skulduggery laughed at her as she sheepishly climbed back out of the car and walked over to the other side.
'This is going to be a long trip,' she thought as Skulduggery fired up the engine and drove off.
So? What you think? I promise I will try and update soon, but please tell me what you think!!!