Q&A Section:
Q: What is the reason for the long hiatus for the second arc?
A: Many reasons, and none of them having to do with writers block. Simply put, I finished the first arc when a very stressful time in my life, i.e. my final semesters for getting my degree, were coming up. I simply couldn't put any time into making the fanfiction. The second half of the hiatus was simply getting a job, which took almost as long as two semesters. I had to put all my effort into that, since I had no previous job. Only recently have I succeeded.
Q: Were there any benefits from the hiatus?
A: Absolutely. Simply put, this was my very first fanfiction I ever created. I started out with a 170,000 word fanfic, and I'm surprised it turned out as good as it did. But honestly, there are huge flaws, and it has serious need of re-editing. I think I need to re-edit the pacing, especially near the end. My writing has improved and I'll get around to it the same time I start releasing the second arc, which I will anounce with a second epilogue during 2013.
Q: Now that I have finished a lot of my big personal trials, will I be getting back into fanfiction?
A: Absolutely, and in full force. I have other stories, mostly crossovers of different anime and mddia, in the creation process as well, all of which have really good potential. To say my fanfiction writing ended with the first arc would be incaccurate, it would be more accurate to say my first fanfic was just a prototype beginning, and my fanfic writing has truly started now. So thank you for all my watchers, and I hope you like my upcoming projects :D