This is getting repetitive but I am sorry that I have taken so long to update but I have been really busy over Christmas and the weeks beforehand. Thank you for all the support on the last chapter it means a lot. So please read, review and enjoy.

Gabbiehannah xx.

Elaina POV

About a week after my rescue I was healthy enough to stand and walk around, although I was thinner than normal. My parents had both forbidden me to begin training again until they said otherwise. So basically all I actually was allowed to do is sit on the bed in Iris's tower and read boring history books that First Magician had given to me to peruse whenever I felt like it. I was bored out of my brain but I was allowed visitors in small amounts. Briant came in at least once a day, as did Jayk, and to my ultimate surprise, Mickel. No body would explain why he is allowed into the capital of a nation that he just tried to capture. He had failed of course, at the expense of our friend Daurth. No one would even tell me who had captured me or why. My mum says it is because they don't think I am strong enough yet. Honestly, I think the Counsel has told her she or anyone else can't tell me, they are probably debating about it right now. I most likely won't find out for another two months.

After two weeks of sitting in bed, reading history, talking to my friends and staring at the ceiling I was sick of seeing the inside of Iris's tower. When I had first come in here, I had marveled at the beauty and colour of the place, how it was cozy and regal at the same time. Now I just want to get out and breathe some fresh air and kick some guy's ass. I decided to get up, right then and there. I knew for a fact that Iris and my mother both were in Counsel, my father was off skulking around the Citadel trying to go unnoticed. I knew that Briant and Jayk would be off in the training yards and that Mickel would either be in guest housing or in the Counsel meeting. I climbed out of my bed cautiously, testing the strength of my legs. I made my way over to my bureau and found a pair of black linen pants and a white T-shirt. I found a pair of socks and my black walking boots. I brushed my hair and used some twine and tied it up.

I made my way stealthy out of my room and down the stairs, certain some one was going to catch me and send me back to my room like a little kid. I made it out of the tower and felt like whooping for joy but I stayed silent and slowly made my way for the training yards, I really couldn't care if Briant and Jayk carried me back. At least then I would be able to see some daylight.

I made it into the training yards undetected, I could see Jayk and Briant sparring in the far end of the yards and decided to stay clear of them. As I made my way towards a bunch guys I saw Jaiden, my old nemesis. I smiled at him and was surprised when he smiled back, a genuine smile. He made a beeline towards me and surprised me yet again by pulling me into a huge hug.

"Nice to see you too," I manage to say, he is cutting off my air circulation.

"Your alive! We didn't think you'd make it. We all saw how you fight. You're very impressive." Jaiden complimented he sounded so honest, like he really meant what he was saying.

"Thanks, but the battlefield was the easy part," I say in a joking manner but I mean every word I say.

"I know. But can you teach me some tricks anyway?" Jaiden doesn't even appear embarrassed to be asking a girl for sparring tactics.

"Sure, on one condition," I say mysteriously.

"Name it," he said earnestly.

"Never underestimate your opponent, even if they are female, younger than you, shorter and even if they have less strength than you do," I say.

"Why?" he seems puzzled at my request, I smirk at him. I take the sword from its hilt at his waist and I trip him over so that he is lying on his back while I stare down at him. I am out of breath from even that little maneuver. It becomes clear to me that I won't be able to actually spar with him today but I have taught him a lesson.

"That's why," I smile, drop the sword on the ground and walk back the way I came. Seeking the comfort and solace of my bed, even if it is in that damn tower room.

Almost two and a half months had passed since my capture, which I might mention I still didn't know all of the details of. I now stood in front of the Council, all of the representatives for each clan arrayed around the large U-shaped table, the Three Master Magicians at the head, advisors sitting or standing against the walls. Behind me stood my parents, even my father, Janco, Ari, Briant, Jayk and Mickel. I was still weak from the starvation I had inflicted upon myself but I was growing stringer each day and using the walking sticks less and less. Right now however, I felt weary, the Council was to decide my fate, whether I should stay in Sitia or return to Ixia. Personally, I was torn. How could even try to choose? In Sitia there was my newfound family and friends, in Ixia, my memories, my partner and my two best friends.

First Magician, Bane Bloodgood, stood and cleared his throat and the whispers stopped immediately. "Good Afternoon, we have called this meeting here this afternoon for two reasons. Firstly, to enlighten Elaina on the details of her capture which are long overdue." I totally agreed with that, but I kept quiet while First Magician continued. "The second reason being to determine where is most suitable and comfortable for her to reside, therefore meaning whether she will be escorted back to Ixia or allowed to remain in Sitia."

There was an outbreak of talk when he finished this second statement and I heard wild snatches of conversation flying through the air. I heard someone say that I should be sent back and that I was a "filthy Ixian" and then I heard someone else shout that I most certainly should be allowed to stay. I stood quiet and kept my eyes solely on First Magician.

"Enough, quiet!" First Magician said his voice low and full of authority. "When we get to that part of our agenda I expect it to be discussed in a calm and diplomatic way, but however we have other matter to discuss beforehand. Thus, I would like to hand this meeting over to Third Magician to recount the details of young Miss Elaina's unfortunate predicament."

First Magician sat down and Iris stood, she appeared slightly nervous, she gazed around the room as if looking for someone or something, then her gaze came to rest on a point just above my head and behind me, so I assumed she was looking at Ari. I did not turn but kept my eyes on her.

"Well, from what we as a Council can gather from witness' and from Elaina herself, she was captured from behind right after finding the body of a fallen friend, her kidnapper dragged her into the jungle and blindfolded, gagged and bound her. She knows she traveled for many days before being put into and rowboat and spending much time at sea before being carried down to a cell. From inside her dungeon she heard the ocean and saw only a man in a vale." Iris took a deep breath before looking at me. "We know that you were taken to an old dungeon house that hasn't been used in hundreds of years. We also know that your captor was the King of Ixia." I gasped and looked wildly around for Mickel, his head was hung in shame.

"W-what?" I stammered turning back to Iris for an explanation. What did the King want? Why did he have me captured?

"Apparently he was going to have you marry Mickel, one way or another. We found out that he had his advisors hire some thugs to bring you to the hut before they left and one of his advisors came out. Their plan was to just keep you until we gave up, then they would take you back to Ixia where you would presumably have married Mickel."

I turned back to Mickel, my eyes beseeching him; did he know of this? Was he in on it too?

Mickel shook his head, "I knew nothing, I swear Elaina, I knew nothing." He stared back but this time his were the ones doing the beseeching.

"He's telling the truth Lainey," Briant muttered quietly. I turned to gaze at him, if he believed Mickel, then I definitely would, even if I hadn't made up my mind already.

"I know," turning back to Mickel I smiled, he smiled back too and let out a sigh of relief. I turned to the Council. "Thank you for telling me this."

Iris smiled and sat back down. First Magician stood again, "Now for the hard part, we as a Council have been discussing the issue of your residence since the moment you first arrived Elaina. Before you're kidnapping we hadn't come any closer to an answer, after it however, all the council members formed very big ideas and opinions on where you should live. However, we Master Magician wanted to let you have your say, tell us what you would prefer." He smiled kindly at me.

"I honestly don't know, because living in Sitia would mean leaving behind a lot of memories and people, but living in Ixia would mean never getting to know my family or my new friends." I replied honestly. "However, I realise that going between the two nations would be impossible with how the King is and that the Council wouldn't be too agreeable to that idea either. So I must therefore make a decision, one that I have been thinking about long and hard and after learning who my captor was and why they kidnapped me I have finally made my choice. If the Council is agrees, I would very much like to stay in Sitia." I didn't look at Briant or Mickel when I uttered that last part, how could I?

First Magician looked around at his fellow council members, "I call a vote, regarding the residence of Miss Elaina, is she to stay here in Ixia and be a new citizen or to go back to Ixia?"

Again, yelling and shouting ensued and I tried to ignore, finally First Magician called order. "Now, please raise your hands if you are in favor of Elaina staying."

At first no hands were raised but then the Zaltana member raised his, then Iris, Sanseed, Greenblade, Bloodgood, Third Magician, Jewelrose, First Magician, Featherstone and Cowan. I almost smiled, that was a majority vote, however, I almost cried too. This meant I was going to stay that I would never seen Briant or Mickel again.

"Then, I declare that this girl, Elaina Zaltana Ixia, is to be a new citizen of Sitia after her citizenship ceremony which I would like to be arranged for tomorrow evening!" Bane declared in a cheery voice. I did crack a smile then, as a tear slid down my cheek.

The room erupted in applause and out of the corner of my eye I saw Briant walk out the door, I wanted to chase him and ask him to let me explain, but I didn't, I knew it would be no use. Instead I turned to my parents and Ari and Janco.

"I am so glad!" my mother cried, hugging me fiercely, she kissed my cheek and let me go.

My dad gave me a hug too, "Good, it's a hell of a lot easier to look after the two of you when your in the same country." I laughed but hugged him back with a smile on my face.

"Hey sweetie, I guess we can still train right?" Janco asked with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Wait! You're staying too? When did that happen?" I asked incredulously.

"Last night," Janco answered smugly, he gave me a hug as well, "better leave you now, other people want to talk to you." He chuckled and walked off.

Next I spoke with Ari and Iris and they both congratulated me and said they couldn't wait to spend more time together. I spoke with Jayk who challenged me to a knife fight as soon as I felt up for it, I spoke with both Master Magicians who were both very pleased to have a new citizen in their country and lastly I spoke with Mickel.

"I'm sorry for my father," he apologized. He looked so depressed. I had to cheer him up.

"Don't worry about it," I smiled.

"Yeah but now I will never get to see you," he pouted.

"Uh, yeah you will," I said forcefully. Mickel gave me a strange look. "When you become King, take a leaf out of Commander Ambrose's book and make a treaty with Sitia, then I will still be able to see you and maybe Briant, if he ever wants to talk to me again."

"He will, you guys could never stay at each other for long," Mickel sighed.

I laughed nervously; "Yeah, but I have never chosen anyone else over him before."

"Well, maybe it was time he got over himself," Mickel said jokingly.

"Maybe your right," we both laughed and continued to banter before I was obliged to talk with the other council members who had voted for me.

"You hereby a formal citizen of Sitia!" First Magician exclaimed and a round of applause ensued, I thanked him before sitting down and staring out into the crowd, at the very back I saw Briant, with an ugly look on his face. I sent him and apologetic look but he just turned away. I sighed; there is always something to mar a perfect day I suppose.

It has been two years since I first became a citizen of Sitia, I have spent most of my time traveling between my family home in the Zaltana Clan lands, the Magicians Keep to continue my training there, the little house my parents owned near the Ixian border, Janco's house in the Jewelrose lands and the Avibiian Plains. There I spent time with my story weaver, something I was still getting used to but he was sort of like a witch doctor psychologist.

Today however I was in the training yard at the Keep fighting with Jaiden and Jayk, two on one, they always beat me in this situation but I was improving and that was the point of the task really.

"Elaina! Elaina!" I looked over to where my name was coming from and saw Iris waving me over.

"Hold up!" I said to the boys, they backed off. I ran over to Iris, "Whats up?"

"The King is dead," she whispered low, almost conspiratorially.

"What!" I exclaimed.

"Shh. Mickel's coronation is next month and you have been invited to attend!" I gasped. Wow. I always knew this day would come, but I didn't expect it so soon.

"How? How did he die?" I asked.

"He was poisoned, with My Love." I had heard that before, that poison. Then it registered, it was one of the poisons my dad had been teaching me about, he said it was the deadliest, the most fatal. He also said that there weren't many people out there who knew how to brew it, I had asked if he did and he had given me an affirmative answer. I think I almost fainted. I knew he was an assassin but I had never realised he could do something like that.

"You made the connection didn't you?" she muttered.

"I think I would had to be stupid not to," I replied wryly.

"I told Valek to be more subtle, anyway."

"You knew!" I asked.

"Of course, I authorized it." Wow. She had the power to authorize someone's death and boss my dad around!


"No, Elaina, but I did know about it," Oh, I felt like a gullible fool. I frowned at her and she laughed at me.

"All bow to King Mickel of Ixia!" a royal guard shouted in an irritatingly loud voice. I did as he said though, from my front row position I saw Mickel standing tall with a mighty crown atop his head, he was dressed in flowing robes and he looked impressive and very regal. I was so proud of him.

Mickel walked out of the building and out into the sunlight where his people were waiting, they celebrated and cheered and I couldn't help but smile at their enthusiasm for the new and hopefully better King of Ixia.

After the coronation there was a massive feast held in the throne room and I was seated near the head of the table with my parents and Iris. I had spoken with Mickel earlier and congratulated him but also expressed how sorry I was of the late king's death. Mickel shrugged and gave me a hug telling me to go and enjoy the food. Which of course I did, when I was too full to even look at another slice of sponge cake I went for a walk through the castle instead of going dancing.

As I walked through the halls I used to call my home, I saw old friends with whom I stopped and chatted to, I went to the Medic's room and paid her a visit, saying how sorry I was at my abrupt departure. I went to my old room and saw it was still filled with all my old things, as if I had never left. I went to the kitchens and complimented Sammy on his exceptional meal of the night, he seemed pleased. I asked him why he never used to speak to me and he told me, rather shyly, that it was because of my resemblance to my mother and that he didn't want to endanger either of our lives. I then went down to the soldiers barracks where I met even more of my old friends and comrades, it was nice to seem them again. I went to where Briant's barracks used to be and I knocked on the door.

"I'm not coming to the damn feast Dale, so go away!" I heard Briant shout from inside. I smiled, that would be just like him. I opened the door.

"Who's Dale?" I asked. Briant looked up in surprise when he saw me, his face was happy at first then it turned into a scowl. "Nice to see you too."

"He's my new recruit," Briant said coldly. "What do you want?"

"I wondered where you were, I haven't seen you in forever," I replied softly.

"Wonder who's fault that is?" Briant asked scornfully.

"Mine, I suppose, but seriously, Briant, even you have to see that if I had come back I would have been forced to marry Mickel and everything I had gone through and Daurth's death would have been in vain. I loved you. I still do, you and Mickel are my best friends but I had a new path to take and I am sorry. But I don't regret it, I do regret how it ended between us though," I said sadly.

"Who said it ended?" Briant growled.

"Well, you walking off without saying anything to me and then leaving without saying goodbye, was sort of you ending it my mind," I said.

"True," he said. "Wait, please don't tell me you and Jayk are together, or worse, you and Jaiden?"

"You can relax, I'm not with anyone. I wanted some time to myself, to get to know my family and figure out my new life. I don't need the added complication of a love life. Not that either one are interested." I assured him.

"Bull, Jayk is interested."

"Jayk has a steady girlfriend of almost a year and a half," I said.


"So, when I leave to go back to Sitia, will we be on good enough terms that I can tell Mickel to drag you along when he comes down or when I come up I can see you?" I asked cautiously.

"Yeah, of course," Briant replied, like it was obvious, to him it probably was.

"Good, well, I better go, I leave tomorrow morning, so until next time, bye," I stooped down and hugged him, he wrapped his arms around me tightly and kissed my cheek.

"Bye, Lainey," he murmured.

Ok, so this is the end. Finally, I finished it. And I am really proud of what I have accomplished. It isn't as good as it maybe could be but I like it. I also like seeing that as the chapter gets along my writing got better and thanks to the help of my beta sounded better. I have really improved with this story and that's what I set out to do. So I hope you guys liked reading it and much I did writing it.

I wont be posting anything more on here, FF, but I have two other stories on a different site which are completely original, so if you want to check it out, my profile link is:


Thanks again.
