s. t. r. a. y.

He was leaving her. Walking away. And it was all her fault. Why did she say those things? He meant everything to her. He was annoying, and self-absorbed, and egotistical, and none of it mattered.

She loves him.


She hurt him.

And now she can only see his back.

Nobody had believed it when they first got together. She was so- And he was just-

But they worked. So well in fact that now nobody can believe they're ending. She can't believe it either; doesn't want to.

The team dynamic is strained. They had always joked, "Neil has feelings?" But the quiet hurt that enshrouded the blond now made them feel guilty for ever belittling him in the first place.

It cannot go on. But she does not know what move to make next. She is lost in the forest and can see no light to guide her way.

Theresa comes to her one night; tells her it will get worse before it gets better.

Atlanta feels sick with fear.

Her shoulder is throbbing, dislocated. There is blood in her mouth, dripping over her lips. The air reeks like a charnel house, thick with smoke and ash. It was difficult to see, even harder to breath.

She was being hunted.

Her body was rife with tension as she ran blindly, a haphazard zig-zag pattern. Unused to being the prey, she fought to keep her emotions in check and her wits about her. She didn't know where the others were, where he was. Safe, hopefully.

An inhuman screech sounded close behind her.

She put on another burst of speed and finally cleared the cloud bank. The cliff edge loomed in front of her and she knew there wasn't enough room for her to stop. Not at this speed. Doubted she could make the jump across to the other side.

Squeezing her eyes shut, she pushed herself harder, faster, the landscape blurring even further around her. She had to at least try.

Memories flickered through her mind.

Their first date. First kiss. Their first fight, the first time they made love. So many beginnings and she wished they could go on forever.

She could hear his voice, screaming her name as she leaped into the air, knowing she wouldn't make it.




She screamed in pain as she crashed down on the metal floor of the hover jet, her armed excruciatingly jarred. Gasping for breath, she blinked wildly, tears streaming down her face. Large, warm hands picked her up and cradled her gently, even as his face contorted with fury and he yelled at her.

He was never more beautiful to her.

"I'm sorry, so sorry. I love you, only you, and I'm so stupid-"

Was that her hysterical sobbing?

"I didn't mean it! Please don't leave me, I need you! Please don't go!"

Blue eyes softened as they gazed down at her; an inane hope springing in her that their children would have them too.

"Hush Lannie. I'm not going anywhere. Not even if you hated me. I'd always come for you."

I love you.