Sorry guys!!!! I didn't want to resort to that :). I promise I wont hold my characters hostige again.

Facilier could feel her claw tighten around his throat. He closed his eyes and waited for her to finish it. Her grip tightened and he choked, struggling to breathe. Suddenly, the pressure around his neck released and her heard the shadow screech out in outrage. He dropped to the ground and grabbed his cane, rolling over on is back to see what made her react that way. It was Shadow.

Stay away from my master! He told the other shadow.

You always were a traitor, weren't you? She told him with a hiss. He doesn't even care about you.

I don't care, he said back. He's my master. I'll do anything to make him happy. Shadows posture changed from one of aggression to one of grief. Even if I have to leave him to do it. Facilier looked at his shadow shocked.

"Shadow," he said. "I don't want you to go. I'm sorry!" Shadow looked at his master.

Then you still love me? He asked. Facilier nodded.

"I never stopped."

The female shadow chuckled. How touching! She siad mockingly. Then you can die together. She snarled and lunged at Shadow. Shadow backed up, wishing that he wasn't a mute. It was hard to intimidate foes when you couldn't make a sound. He dove at her and the two of then slashed and clawed at each other. Facilier scrambled to his feet and moved towards the group as Naveen threw the rock and hit the shadow holding Mama Odie's gourd. He dropped it and it landed in Mama Odie's hands who promply blasted light at the dazed shadow, who was barely able to dodge it and flee. She then aimed it at the female shade.

"No!" Facilier said, hitting her in the hand and knocking off her aim. "Y'all might hit Shadow!" The group was shocked by the amount of concern in his voice and for a moment were silent. Finally, Tiana spoke.

"Then what do you suppose we do?" Tiana asked him. He shook his head.

"I don't know," he said, sounding panicked. "I don't want to risk hitting Shadow, but he can't fight her forever." He looked back over to the fighting shades and noted that the female seemed to be gaining the upperhand. "No!" He said almost to himself before lifting his cane. I hope this works, he thought to himself. "Shadow!" He yelled, hoping to get the shade's attention. It worked. Shadow looked over to his master and recognized his intention immediatly. He pushed away from the female as Facilier sent a blast of light from his cane. It struck the female shadow on the side, causing her to cry out in pain and limp off injured after her smoke companion. Facilier would have liked to have finished them then and there, but the blast took too much out of him. He slumped over, using his cane to keep himself standing, and panted to try and catch his breathe.

"Are you alright?" Charlotte asked him. He nodded.

"I'll be fine," he said. "I'll just need to rest." He looked up. "Is Shadow Ok?" Upon hearing his name, Shadow, who seemed mildly injured from the blast of light, slithered over to his master.

Never do that again! He said nudging his master angrily.

"I'm sorry I almost hit you, buddy," Facilier told his shadow.

I wasn't talking about that! You're still too weak to try spells like that. I don't want you to strain yourself. He paused and looked at the group. Why are they here? He asked preparing to defend Facilier.

"It's alright!" Facilier said quickly. "They were helping me look for you." Shadow watched them a little longer before turning back to Facilier and hugging him.

I missed you, he said. Facilier patted the shadow on his back.

"I missed y'all, too." He said. He let go of Shadow and looked at him. "Let's go home. It's been a long night." Shadow nodded and headed off towards the Voodoo Emporium. Facilier turned back to the group.

"Thank y'all," he said. "I'm not sure I could have found him without you. I owe you, and that's not something I say lightly." He turned and started walking towards Shadow.

Facilier? Shadow asked uncertain.

"Yes?" Facilier replied. Shadow nuzzled his master.

I love you! He said. Facilier nodded.

"I love you too."

Ok everyone. all together "AWWWWWWWWW!!!!!" This story is over but there's more to my verse :) So keep reading and I'll keep writing!