Okay, I am a huuuuuge fan of True Blood, and I have to admit my Favourite characters by far are Eric, Godric and Pam, so I decided to write a story with them in it! I still argue that Godric should have had a much bigger part, and I cry every time he dies, but at least we still have Eric, who I adore so much! Anyway, I own none of the characters except for Elena and Lydiana. Please enjoy and don't forget to review, if you would be so kind!

Elena clutched her daughter closer to her as she ran, barefoot and bleeding. She could hear her husbands heavy footsteps following her and it took all of her energy to not scream in panic, forcing herself to stay quiet and continue to run through the dense woods. She could hear the sound of running water nearby, and made a beeline for it, hoping that if she could leave the small child there then at least she would be able to have a drink if needed while her mother went for help. She came closer to the sound of the water when suddenly the ground gave way from underneath her and she found herself tumbling down a small embankment, landing heavily on her ankle and almost crying out as she felt it painfully twist underneath her. She whimpered quietly to herself before placing her child down on the ground in front of her.

"Lydiana, you must listen to mommy. Stay here baby, do not move until I come back, okay?"

The seven year old looked up at her mother with wide blue eyes, and nodded in understanding. Elena kissed her fondly on the forehead before taking off at a slow run, heading away from her daughter and back into the woods, holding onto her side that was still bleeding heavily from the stab wound inflicted from her husband.

Lydiana sat and waited for hours, but her mother didn't return to her. She began to shiver slightly as the cold attacked her small frame, and she gently wrapped her arms around herself to keep warm. A few more hours later, the sun had descended to give way to the dark of night, and Lydiana began to feel even colder as well as slightly afraid. She wasn't afraid of the dark itself, she was afraid of the creatures came out of the dark, especially the vampires. Her friends would often tease her about vampires not being real, but she and her mother both knew that they were in fact very real,especially here in Dallas and she was also aware that her blood was something they enjoyed the most as she was very young and pure in the grand scheme of things. She wanted a drink, but was too cold to uncurl her arms from around her knees, so she settled with staying still and waiting for her mother to return for her.

A short while later, there was a noise from behind her, and she tensed up, closing her eyes and praying silently that there wasn't anything actually there, but when she opened her eyes again, she let out a small squeak of fear as she came face to face with a pair of pale blue eyes that were staring at her unblinkingly. She scrambled backwards, and could feel herself shivering, this time in fright, not cold, but she was relieved to see that the owner of the eyes, a young man, stayed where he was, and continued to just observe her.

"I will not hurt you, little one. I am here to help you. Are you Lydiana?"

Lydiana nodded timidly, still afraid to speak. The young man took a small step forward, and she instinctively wanted to move further back, but her body stayed still and allowed him to approach her. He crouched down in front of her when he was just an arm's length away and gave her a warm smile.

"I am Godric. Your mother Elena asked me to fetch you."

Lydiana nodded, and reached a tiny arm out, touching his face with it. She pulled back in fear when she felt the icyness of his skin and she finally spoke in a small, delicate voice.

"Are you a vampire?"

Godric looked at her briefly with surprise, but he then quickly smiled reassuringly at her once again.

"Yes I am, but I promise you, I will not hurt you. I am taking you back to your mother and then I will look after you both."

Lydiana nodded and allowed him to scoop her up in his arms. She placed her small arms around his neck and buried her face into his chest, shivering at his cool touch. He wrapped his arms around her and it wasn't long before he was running back towards the city and to his nest. When he arrived, he noticed that Lydiana was still buried in his chest, but as soon as he stopped running, she lifted her head to look at her surroundings. He lowered her to the ground before moving into the house, where they were greeted by three people, two women and a man but Lydiana only had eyes for one of the women; a tall long haired brunette with deep green eyes.

"Mommy!" she called.

Elena opened her arms and wrapped them lovingly round her daughter, pulling her into a warm embrace. Lydiana noticed that she was as cool as Godric had been and she stepped back, not in fear, but in surprise.

"Why are you so cold mommy?" she asked.

Elena sighed sadly and glanced up at Godric, who inclined his head slightly. She looked back at Lydiana and tucked a stray piece of her auburn hair behind her ear.

"I'm so sorry for not coming back baby. I got away from daddy but I was very sick and tired. Isabel and Stan found me and they helped me here. I was very, very sick though."

"Did you have to become a vampire to live, mommy?" the young girl asked with wide eyes.

"Yes sweetheart. Godric turned me and then came to find you and bring you here. He's going to look after us now."

Lydiana turned to Godric and gave him a smile.

"So, you're going to be my new family then?" she asked.

Godric nodded and gave her a small smile, which she returned before embracing her mother once again, happy to be away from her evil father.