Alright, here it is, the absolute last chapter of Serendipity. It has been an amazing journey with all of you lovely people. I hope to see more of you on my new story, which you can read about at the end of the chapter. You guys make my dreams come true! ;D
Disclaimer: I still, sadly, don't own anything.
I placed my bags outside of my cabin on the path. This was it. All of my belongings were out of the cabin, waiting to be picked up when my parents came. Caitlyn heaved her final bag next to me as we shared a remembering look back at our cabin.
"Hey beautiful," Shane whispered in my ear as his arms wrapped around my waist. I smiled, leaning my body back into his.
"I think you should become my official boyfriend, so I can tell everybody how you're mine," I sweetly said, making my gutsy remark sound cute. Shane craned his head around to capture my lips.
"I think you should spend the day with me, so I can show everyone that you're mine," Shane said, tugging on my arm, pulling me away from my cabin and Caitlyn.
"Go on," Caitlyn said, as I spotted Nate at a distance. I was sure that her day would be looking up from here on out. I allowed Shane to pull me away, laughing as we ran hand-in-hand to the lake front.
"You know, my parents are going to pick me up, and not find me there," I told Shane once we stopped running on the sand. We stopped to take off our shoes to romp in the water.
"Would you stop worrying so much?" Shane joked, as I put my toes in the lapping waves of the lake. Shane was still standing back a bit, trying to roll up his skinny jeans to protect them from the water, but he couldn't get them very far.
"Well, they're gonna wondering where I am," I said, as his fingers interlaced between mine. I leaned into his body as we walked into the waves.
"You're gonna be right here with me," Shane said, pulling my body into his. He wrapped his arms around my waist, as my hands interlocked behind his neck. He lowered his head as his lip mashed against mine in a sloppy kiss. I could feel him smiling against my face.
"Sorry to break this up," I heard Melanie's voice, which had become a commonly heard tone around me, "But, Mr. Marshall wants to see you two."
Shane and I awkwardly parted, obviously uncomfortable with an audience. His fingers intertwined as we followed Melanie back to the main office, passing our cabins. We walked in complete silence, not wanting to face the Office of Doom. I could see through the clear glass door that everyone was already waiting around for us.
"It's the last day of camp, I still need to pack," Kalea whined to Jason as Shane and I took seats in the lobby. Now, this would be a place my mom would love to find me.
"Mr. Marshall would like to see all of you in his office," Melanie said after a brief amount of absence. We all looked at each other before getting up. We walked grudgingly into his office.
"I just wanted to apologize for dropping you guys from the label. I saw the video, and I was wondering if you would consider signing back onto the label," Mr. Marshall said, with a hopeful tone in his voice. The second the words slipped out of his mouth, all of us bursted out into glorious laughter.
"I don't think so," Shane said, as he led the group out of the office. Once outside into the warm sunshine, we all awkwardly stood around. Mr. Marshall pleaded and begged as we marched out of the office. Connect 3 would be much better without him.
"Well, in an hour or so, we'll be flying out to LA," Jason finally said, as I saw panic rise up in Kalea's face.
"I still need to pack," Kalea frantically said, suddenly surprised at the upcoming deadline. She only moved closer to Jason, even wrapping her arm around his waist as he watched a couple of chickadees peck at the ground.
"So, go pack," Jason said, not ripping his gaze from the small birds. Kalea reluctantly started walking off. He smiled at her disappearing figure before becoming fixed on a pack of birds flying up in the blue sky.
"Jase, go with her," Nate finally said, pushing his older brother over. Jason finally got the clue before wandering after his girlfriend.
"So, uhm, I don't want to go home without some numbers," Caitlyn finally said, whipping out her phone. We passed our phones in a strategic circle between the four of us until we got ours back. It finally hit me that I would be leaving this place.
"Caitlyn, there you are," A woman said, walking over to our little gathering.
"Yup. Here I am, mom," Caitlyn said, detaching herself from Nate to embrace her mom.
"I missed you. And, your father is waiting for us in the car because we have to pick up your brother from soccer camp still. So, let's get your things, and then you can say goodbye to your friends," Caitlyn's mom quickly rattled off.
"I'll go with you," Nate whispered, as their hands intertwined, going back down the hill to our cabin.
I walked over to a bench outside of the canteen. Shane sat down next to me. We sat there, just inches apart, in complete silence. He finally reached over, and placed his hand on mine. I smiled at the simple action though my heart was aching. I didn't want to be away from him. I scooted a bit before resting my head on his shoulder.
"This isn't the end," Shane said, startling me, "You do know that, right?"
"It feels like the end," I pessimistically whispered. He gently turned his body, and took my face in his hands. I had no choice, but to look at his perfect brown eyes.
"It's not the end. You're mine and I'm yours. That fact is enough to keep us together even when were apart," Shane said, leaving me completely speechless.
"When did Shane Gray get so sappy?" I asked, laughing. We both subconsciously leaned forward as our lips chastely brushed.
"I'm the same ass I was when I came here," Shane said, making me laugh even harder. He couldn't even keep a straight face at the notion. He had changed for the better while here, which was the reason he was sent here.
"Yea. You wish," I said, enjoying how simply we had fallen into a playful banter. Our laughter dissipated as Caitlyn walked back with Nate and her mom carrying her bags. I shot her a disapproving look.
"They offered!" She quickly defended herself as her hands flew up in an I'm Innocent sort of pose. I got up from the bench, and flung my arms around her.
"I'm gonna miss you," I whole heartedly said, knowing that it would be the truth. I didn't want to let go. She had quickly become my best friend in this place.
"I'll text you all the time. And, we have winter break and spring break and next summer. Plus, we can totally get together with Connect 3," Caitlyn said, making me feel better about her absence.
"Well, I'll let you go, so you can say bye to Nate," I said, finally releasing Caitlyn from my grip. She moved down a bit to Nate.
"Let's go wait down by your cabin," Shane said, obviously to give Nate and Caitlyn their limited privacy. As we walked, I realized just how perfectly my hand had fit in his.
"I think your tour should be near me for like three days or something," I broke the silence as we sat on the front steps leading to the cabin door.
"I don't make the schedule, but I'm sure I could work in some persuasion," Shane said, throwing a wink in my direction. A silence started to sink in as I remembered way back to almost the beginning of camp.
"Do you remember the nights we made our way dreaming, hoping of being someone big? We were so young then. We were too crazy in love," I sang the simple melody acapella, feeling like I was sitting back in The Clearing, writing the words for the first time.
"When the lights go out, we'll be safe and sound. We'll take control of the world like it's all we have to hold onto, and we'll be a dream," Shane and I softly sang together. Suddenly, he perked up.
"I have something for you," Shane said, getting up. He ran over to his cabin, which I could only imagine was still a mess. I saw my parents navigating themselves down the hill.
"Hi sweetie," My mom said, embracing me. I breathed in her familiar scent, feeling like I was home.
"Did you have fun?" My dad asked, pulling me into a loose hug. I told them that I did, as my dad started to pick up all of my bags.
"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Torres," Shane said, sounding surprisingly gentlemanly. I smiled at my parents as Shane wove an arm around my waist.
"Hi Shane," My mom gracefully said, as my dad started to walk away with a good majority of my luggage. He liked to think that I still thought boys still had cooties.
"It's nice to see you again," Shane said, scoring major points with my mom. He was acting so... perfect.
"I'll just take these up to your father," My mom said, throwing a rash wink in my direction that made me furiously blush. Shane and I watched as my mom walked away carrying the rest of my things.
"Here," Shane said, handing me the notebook which we had written We'll Be a Dream in. I held the worn book in between my hands, flipping through the indented papers.
"I can't," I softly protested, trying to hand his lyrics back to him. He was ridiculously proud of his collection of notebooks. I couldn't take a section away from him.
"I want you to have it," Shane said, pushing the notebook back into my possession. I knew it would prove useless to argue with him.
"Well, my parents took away everything of mine. And, it's not right for me –" I started to explain why I couldn't keep his notebook with no kind of compensation, but he cut me off with his lips.
"Shush. It's yours now," Shane whispered in my ear, as I nodded. He moved away from me, "Let me walk you up there."
"Okay," I said with a weak smile. His hand intertwined with my free hand, while my other arm was curling the notebook into my chest. We got up to the canteen where my parents were looking at the Camp Rock merchandise, my belongings off to the side.
"When you miss me, just open to any page past the post it," Shane said, as I inspected the book, and noticed a blue post it poking out ever so slightly, "Those are the lyrics and doodles that you inspired."
I didn't say anything to his little speech that obviously touched me. I walked over to my bags. I took out my teddy bear, and replaced the space with the notebook. I hugged it to my chest before going back to Shane.
"I've had this since I was five. I've taken it everywhere. And, he'll have a good home with you," I said, giving my beloved teddy bear to him. He limply held it in his hands.
"No, Mitchie," Shane started to protest before I laid a single finger over his mouth.
"No. Take him with you. He'll remind you of me," I said, as my parents came back over complete with a Camp Rock bumper sticker and large fleece blanket.
"This isn't the end. I'll see you soon enough. I promise," Shane whispered into my hair as he pulled me into his chest. The only reason I wasn't having a complete mental breakdown is because he reassured me that it wasn't the end.
"You should text me when you miss me," I said, before he laid a dainty kiss on my lips. I pulled away from him, walking over to my parents and bags. I smiled as I started to walk through the parking lot.
"You'll be okay, baby," My mom said, pulling me under her arm as we threw my things into the backseat. I nodded my head.
"I know," I said, as I climbed into the backseat as the car rumbled to life. My dad joined the line to leave the camp parking lot. I tried to imagine how many people this place had impacted since it had been built. I wondered how many people had fallen head over heels by the lake.
My phone started vibrating in my pocket. I slipped it out as I got a multimedia message. I opened it only to see my teddy bear sitting on Shane's lap with the lake as a perfect background. Underneath it said: I miss you already.
I think this is the longest chapter for this entire story. I truly hoped you enjoyed the chapter, and more importantly the story. I would love to hear from every single person who has read this story. And, I hope that you would all swing over to my profile to read my new story Opposites Attract which has already been posted.