Mad World
Chapter 22
It had been the most delicious breakfast she had ever eaten. There were foods she was familiar with; ones she had eaten many times in London and new foods she was beginning to become familiar with now from here, in Underland.
But it might also be fantastic simply because of the company she was keeping. Alice was completely surrounded by her most favorite people (and creatures). Mirana was sitting at the end of the table, smiling at everyone between taking bites of her food. The Hatter was at the other end and Alice sat to his left, her favorite place to be.
Before breakfast, Alice and the Hatter had been given just enough time to go back to their respective chambers to change into fresh clothes. Alice quickly combed her hair and barely had enough time to wash her face.
But fifteen minutes after the Queen had woken them up, she was enjoying a wonderful breakfast with the White Queen's court.
If her mother could just see her now. Her mother would never believe her if she returned home to tell her, but if only her mother could just see all of this.
Alice had stuck with the story of falling down a hole and hitting her head in the Ascot's garden two years ago. Alice was positive that no one would believe her if she told them she fell down a long hole into another world, met two Queens, a mad Hatter and various animals that could talk. Her mother and Margret would have her committed to an asylum before she could even mention slaying the Jabberwocky.
On the other hand, her father would absolutely adore Tarrant Hightopp and the rest of Wonderland. The Hatter was the same kind of man that her father had been, with just a touch more…well, a touch more madness that suited him perfectly.
But Alice's thoughts turned back to her mother and London. How much time had passed? Did they think she was out strolling with Alistair in the gardens? Or had it been days, like it had been in Wonderland?
If it had been days, her mother would be worrying herself sick.
Yes, yes. Helen Kingsleigh was her mother and she loved her daughter dearly. And Alice knew that if the same amount of time had passed in the Uplands as it had in Wonderland, her mother would think Alice dead for certain.
The thought caused Alice to stop eating and think.
She was silent until the Hatter nudged her. He was the only one who had noticed her change in behavior.
"Is something wrong, my dear?" he asked.
She immediately was drawn out of her thoughts.
"Oh, I'm fine," Alice replied, before continuing to eat.
"You don't seem so certain of that," he said back to her. She was definitely not fine.
"If its not too rude, would be all right to talk about it later? In private?" Alice asked.
The Hatter smiled kindly. "Of course, of course," he said while patting her hand.
"So Alice, Tarrant, how was that project coming along?" Chessur asked.
Tarrant turned in the direction of the striped cat further down the table. Both Alice and the Hatter both wore confused expressions.
"What project?" Alice asked.
But before the cat could respond, the Queen stood and cleared her throat.
"Has everyone been informed of the good news?"
The distraction worked as she had hoped and she had all the attention focused on her.
"Alice is going to be courted by our very own Tarrant Hightopp," the Queen said.
A loud applause erupted at their table and a cross the other tables in the grand dining room.
"And once they had been married, their union can produce the children that have been noticeably absent from Underland for so long. Their union can begin to rebuild Underland!" the Queen explained.
Alice and the Hatter exchanged overwhelmed expressions. Alice leaned over to whisper in Tarrant's ear while the crowd talked amongst themselves.
"Was this all foretold in the Oraculum?" she asked.
The Hatter shrugged and leaned over to reply in the same type of whisper in Alice's ear.
"I think the Queen might've put a wee-bit too much Wishful Thinking in her tea this morning,' the Hatter replied. "Although, I think there are much less appealing options for us and this one seems like it would be all right."
He grinned his enchanting smile and Alice's heart melted a bit more.
The Queen still had the attention of the room, so the Hatter took Alice's hand in his own and brought it to his lips. Alice giggled with delight.
"So, when do you think this wedding will occur?" Chessur asked.
"Weddings? I love weddings. Drinks all around!" the Hatter said, falling a bit into his madness.
"I, um, I don't know, to be honest. This is all happening so fast," Alice replied.
The Hatter came back to reality all on his own and spoke. "I also haven't asked her to marry me yet," the Hatter said in the beginnings of his brogue. "I don't know that she would say yes. Would you say yes?" he asked. Her.
Was he asking her to marry him right now? She felt lightheaded.
"Well, I probably couldn't say yes today or tomorrow, oh, this is all happening so quickly. My head is spinning," Alice said, her body suddenly feeling weak and her mind fuzzy. "I might need a moment."
"My dear, don't fret," the Hatter said. "I couldn't possibly ask you to marry me yet. I would at least like to know the right-proper sized Alice's favorite flavor of tea or if you know any rhymes that might interest me," he said. "I do, however, know that you seem to have your muchness again. And I rather like it," he finished, his eyes darkening slightly.
Alice blushed from the very roots of her blonde curly hair to the tips of her toes.
"Well, let's finish our breakfast," the Queen interrupted. "Our champion needs to eat, as do the rest of you."
Breakfast continued and before Alice knew it, the Queen was guiding her down the corridor.
"My dear girl, I sense discomfort," the Queen said. "What has upset you?"
"Well, I am afraid of disappointing you. What if your expectations exceed the outcome?" Alice asked.
The Queen dismissed the notion with a wave of her delicate hand.
"I apologize for throwing this all at you so soon after your return, however, I don't have any doubts that you and the Hatter will have a most happy marriage. I can tell," the Queen said. "My hunches are never wrong."
Alice smiled.
"I don't have a problem with your hunch being correct. I have an issue with your hunch happening too soon," Alice said.
"My dear Alice, champion Alice, all things in due time. This won't happen tomorrow, I promise," the Queen said, her eyes shining. "Now what would you like to do today?"
"Well, I…please don't be angry with me. I promised the Hatter I would speak with him first."
"Well, since Tarrant is your intended, I cannot be angry with you, Alice," she replied.
The two of them rounded a corner and found the Hatter repairing the hem of a court woman's gown. He wasn't completely in his element as he kneeled to fix the woman's gown (that was still on the person) but it certainly pleased him to make others so happy.
At the sound of their shoes, the Hatter looked up, smiling brightly at Alice and the Queen.
"Your majesty, lady Alice," the woman bowed.
"I hope you don't mind, Lady Alice, I am borrowing the skills of Mr. Hightopp. I stepped on the hem of my dress and he has very kindly agreed to repair it."
"Why would I mind?" Alice smiled. "I want everyone to know how talented Mr. Hightopp is," Alice said slowly, her voice dropping lower at his name.
He couldn't control it. As he looked at her while she said his name, his eyes became an emerald green again. Tarrant had never felt this way about anyone before in his life, so it was impossible to control the amorous feelings he had towards Alice. A glance from her or even the inflection of her voice mad him want to…to…oh, no, he dare not even think it! Hatters to the Queen must always be proper and show a sense of decorum.
He shook his head and continued to smile, trying not to give himself away any further.
"I thought you'd say that," the Hatter said. "I cannot leave a ripped hem alone."
"Nor should you," Alice agreed. "It's one of the qualities I admire in you."
"Perhaps you and Alice could take a picnic up to the highest balcony today. While you would have to remain in the castle, you can see all of Underland. It is a most exceptional sight," the Queen said.
"That sounds lovely, your majesty," Alice said.
"Once I have finished with Madame Cecelia's hemline, perhaps we could do that?" the Hatter said.
"I'll send word to the kitchen shortly to have a picnic lunch made up and sent up for you," the Queen said. "I shall see you all later."
She set off in the direction of the kitchen again.
"I'm going to go up to my chambers. I might find a different dress to wear," Alice said.
The Hatter nodded and Madame Cecelia waved.
Alice managed to find the way back to her chambers all on her own. She looked around some more, trying to get used to this room.
There was a full-length looking glass in the corner. Alice was wary to look in it, but wanted to see the ornate frame up close.
If she wasn't in Wonderland, she would say that the symbols were Gaelic in origin. But it must be Outlandish in nature and that would explain the Scottish brogue the Hatter had every once in a while.
She looked in the mirror, but instead of seeing her own reflection, she saw her mother, sobbing in her bedroom in London.
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