Hi everyone! I'm so sorry for the long wait, but I had exams in school, and then my mind was basically dead of all creativeness...but I'm on vacation now, Disney tomorrow, so things are looking up. Ha-ha. Enjoy the chapter! -twiandsuperfan


"So, what does it look like?" I asked looking at his face for any signs that on whether it was good or bad… he was biting his lip.

We were in the forest far enough away from the house so that nobody else could hear our muffled worries.

"Not too great as of now, but like I said we will just have to wait… I really don't know at this point in time." Jordan stated in his 1800's accent.

"Well, what could we do?" Asked Edward desperate.

"The only option really would be to get it out." He stated.

"You know she won't let us, & with Blondie there too, it's almost impossible!" I pointed out torn.

"Esme & Bella are on her side too… although Bella doesn't want Renesmee to get herself killed over this." Edward added.

"Great, there goes that." I stated then there was a loud scream that I soon recognized.

"Jacob! Edward! Jordan! Come back!" Bella yelled frantically. All of us look at each other & then took off sprinting… Edward made it first.

"What is it?" Edward asked. I was too scared that I couldn't talk let alone breathe.

I heard a scream from inside the house… I bolted for the door & it swung open & banged against the wall smashing the glass into a spider web, I didn't care at the moment! I race over to the couch & found Nessie screaming & crying.

"What's wrong?" I pleaded in a hysterical voice that I knew I had to change…

"It hurts!" Nessie yelled at the top of her lungs.

"Where does it hurt?" I urged, & then turned to Bella "Where's Carlisle?" I questioned.

"Hunting with Esme, Emmett is getting him right now." Responded Bella.

"Here" Stated Nessie still screaming & crying. She pointed to her rib… just great!

I took a deep breath; I was on the verge of phasing I was so mad at that thing inside her that was killing her!

Edward was trying to calm her down & placed his hand on the rib.

"Why…" I started to question, but then Edward answered.

"Remember my body temperature." He reminded me. Right! Freezing!

"Oh." Was all I said. I was still shaking, but was trying to stay calm, and then Carlisle came in with Emmett. Carlisle pushed his way through the small circle around the couch.

"Where does it hurt, Renesmee?" He asked very professionally, I noticed that his eyes were still deep black, although knew that it didn't particularly matter with him. Nessie pointed to the rib where Edward's hand was placed.

"I will need to take an X-Ray, is it alright if we move you?" Questioned Carlisle. Nessie nodded, & Edward picked her up.

"I want Jacob to bring me!" She demanded.

"Ness, I don't think that is such a good idea… I don't think shaking your rib is going to help." I stated sarcastically, her expression made me laugh.

"I guess not." She sighed lightly wincing.

I held her hand while Carlisle took the X-Ray. It turned out that she had a broken rib. Carlisle taped it up & then I brought her back to the couch.

"How are you doing?" I asked questionably.

"Okay, I guess. My head still hurts…" She replied.

"Maybe you should try to sleep…" I suggested knowing she would refuse.

"No, I won't." She declared.

I heard a howl outside deep in the forest… lovely, just lovely timing!

"I will go Jacob, see what's up, & come back if we need you." Jordan assured.

"Okay just let me…" I started to say, but then Nessie screamed again.

"What is it Ness?" I asked stiffening by her side.

"Just kicking…" she panted heavily squeezing her eyes shut.

Carlisle was right next to me in a flash observing it. I held her hand & a couple of minutes later she stopped.

"Think it's over.'' She reported. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Are you okay?" I questioned with soft eyes.

"Mhm." She responded.

"Would you like anything, honey?" Asked Bella in a concerned voice.

"I'm thirsty again, but I know we can't do anything." She sighed.

"Yeah, guess not." Bella answered back sad. My stomach rumbled.

"Sounds like the dogs hungry…" muttered Rosalie rolling her eyes.

"What would you like?" Asked Esme sweetly as she approached the couch.

"I don't care, anything." I answered blankly.

"Alright. I will be right back." She stated & then walked into the kitchen. I could smell a hamburger cooking on the stove, it smelled great! Nessie however didn't think so, her cheeks turned a light green color & Rose grabbed the bucket for her.

"Esme, you may want to take that outside…" Yelled Carlisle. In an instant there was no longer the sizzling sound of the beef cooking or the smell. When Nessie could breathe again I stroked her cheek gently & then put my arm on her side, she was shaking so hard that the couch was shaking.

As soon as I had the thought Edward pulled a blanket over Nessie.

"Thanks." Nessie said weakly.

"No problem." Edward smiled back.

"How do you feel?" I asked her, it was a dumb question, but I needed to know the answer.

"Not too great, but okay." She explained. She was still shaking.

"Maybe we should bring her upstairs to your room…" I suggested to Edward.

"That would probably be more comfortable for her, what do you think, Renesmee?" Asked Edward.

"Sure." Nessie responded whispering really quiet. I picked her up & brought her up the stairs.

"Would you lay with me? I want to warm up." Nessie begged as I laid her down on the bed & pulled the heavy comforter up to her chin.

"Of course I will." I responded smiling. I crawled in next to her & wrapped my arm around her carefully… Then Jordan came bursting through the door.

"What now?" I asked angrily.

"Vampires, just north of La Push…" Stated Jordan urgently.

"How many?" I questioned.


"Damn, any way the pack can handle it without me & my bad thoughts?" I asked.

"Not really… they are wickedly fast!" He exclaimed throwing his arms into the air.

I let out a sigh & rolled my eyes, shaking my head. "Fine. Will you be okay for a little while?" I asked Nessie sweetly.

"Mhm, I will probably just take a nap anyway."

"I promise I will be back before you know it." I smiled & then got out of the bed, blowing her a kiss before walking out the door with Jordan.

"How's she doing?" Asked Jordan curiously.

"Not that great, that thing is treating her like a wrestling sack, & she keeps complaining about being thirsty."

"Oh, get her some water then…"

"Not that kind of thirsty!" I chuckled playfully punching him on the arm.

"I know, I just had to say it. Why can't she have blood?"

"Well from what Carlisle can tell it is more like me than her."


"So where are these bloodsucking leaches?" I asked.

"A couple miles north of La Push, we want to get them before they hurt anyone." He explained.

"Yeah, or if those vampire rulers come… I don't think they will approve of that thing that's in Nessie." I shuddered at the thought of that.

"That's a good point."

We were now at the rim of the ferns that were gleaming white with frost that had formed earlier today. I couldn't wait to phase, & get some of my human burdens off my back… or at least set them in the back of my mind.

"Okay, ready?" Questioned Jordan.

"Not really, but I suppose I don't have a choice," I stated blankly. Jordan gave me an understanding look and then we both phased.

I took one last look at the Cullen's big white house and said a silent prayer that Nessie would be okay until I got back. Then, we took off running in the direction of La Push and the rest of the pack.

Oh joy, Jacob and his sadness brigade! Exclaimed Leah.

Put a sock in it Leah! I replied, how could Leah say that?

Leah, please try to be nice, Jake's going through a lot right now. Stated Jordan defending me. He then showed all of his memories of the past couple of hours… I cringed when I saw the look on my face. Leah then gave out a huff and phased back.

For once the pack was speechless… at least until Paul phased with his lovely memories of my sister and him kissing on First Beach.

Oh man, I did not need to see that! Screeched Seth pretending to be completely disgusted.

Well, sorry! So what's going on? Questioned Paul.

Four Vampires about ten miles north of La Push. Stated Sam hesitantly… I knew that Paul would already know about Nessie, considering it was burned into my brain.

Surprisingly Paul didn't make any rude comments.

After that we all kind of broke away, keeping our thoughts to ourselves as we all met in a clearing in the woods… Just then I felt a familiar pain beginning to creep into my stomach… Just great!

Oh no! Jacob's stomach is bothering him again! I feel so very evil! Let me know what you think... and I assure you that this time, Jacob's stomach will be very, very bad... I hope he lives. Just kidding, he will. Please review and I whill see you real soon! -twiandsuperfan