Author's Note: Thank you all reviewers! Most of the reviewers liked the idea of Embry imprinting and I liked one that said that Embry was hers (loved it, jacobblackismineduh :3). To be honest, I had a lot of trouble writing this chapter because I had this huge writer's block but I love you guys more and I didn't want to update late. Here you have chapter#4. Please, enjoy!

Disclaimer: Don't own Twilight :(

Chapter#4: We Have To Talk

Leah's P.O.V.

Did Embry just say that he… imprinted on Noelle…? My cousin, Noelle…?

"Hello—o!" said Embry, waving his hand in front of my face, "Earth to Leah Clearwater, are you there?"

I blinked, "Huh—wha—what?!"

Embry rolled, "I said that I think I imprint—!"

"I heard what you said! I'm just shocked, okay?"

"It's not that big of a deal, you know?" muttered Embry, looking down at his feet, as if he thought I was mad at him for imprinting on Noelle.

I sighed and placed my arm around Embry's neck in a playful manner.

"Hey, it's okay, Em. I'm not blaming you or anything." I started to mess up his hair, "But you better take care of my cousin or else!"

Embry laughed and I smiled at him before a smirk took over my lips and his grin fell when he saw me,

"…Leah, what are you—?"

"Yo, Nollie!" I said, calling Noelle's attention as I dragged Embry with me before he noticed and tried to escape from my grasp, "I'd like you to meet one of my good ol'friends: Embry Call!"

Embry's eyes widened in realization and then he glared at me as if saying: "Leah Clearwater, you are so gonna pay for this!"

But, the smirk bravely stayed, never disappearing from my mischievous face,

"Embry, this is my favorite cousin: Noelle Young*."

Embry's glare didn't last long until Noelle smiled and raised her hand at him,

"Nice to meet you, Embry."

The tall shape-shifter stared at the hand as if it was something from another universe. It made me roll my eyes and elbow him on the ribs so he could snap out of it.

He quickly brought his eyes up to him and I jerked my head towards Noelle's out-stretched hand and he quickly took it so softly like he was taking hold of his mother's most important fragile vase,

"Uh… nice to meet you too…um…"

Seth and Quill, whom were talking to Noelle, frowned at Embry's sudden shyness.

"Noelle…" answered my cousin, her smile never disappearing, "But, you can call me Nollie…"

Embry smiled, "Okay…"

They're hands never separated and I couldn't help but grin at how nice they looked together, though Noelle was older than Embry. But, thanks to his abnormal height, they looked just fine.

A few seconds passed and I shook my head, snapping myself from my thought and clearing my throat loudly,

"Ah-hum! So, uh, I'll leave you two to talk and know each other a bit…Um, Seth and Quill, can you guys, uh, help me with, um… our luggage…? Yeah, our luggage!"

Before they could even answer, I was shoving them to go outside, but was stopped when Embry caught my arm,

"She doesn't know about us being… you know?" he whispered in my ear.

"Nope." I answered.

He faked a smile at Noelle but muttered with an angry voice, "You're so going to pay after this."

I laughed and said in a normal tone, "You're so funny, Embry! Now go back to Nollie and have fun!"

As I reached the door, I glanced at Noelle and when Embry wasn't looking she mouthed to me:

'He's cute!'

And with one last wink at her, I grabbed the knob. But before I opened the door, I looked for my kids to see if they were alright and saw them playing with my mom. I smiled; it was great to see Sue happy. She suffered a great deal of pain when dad passed away. That made me sigh, I still miss him.

I opened the door and walked out, only to bump my face into some hard wall. Wait, since when did we have a hard wall outside of the front door—? Oh, it's Jacob—JACOB?!!

My eyes widened as I raised my head to look at him in the eyes. Damn him for being so tall!

His face was serious, but his eyes were full of emotions: sadness, remorse, anger, happiness and… longing?

…Must be my imagination.

"…Um… excuse me…" I whispered as I tried to get pass him so I could reach the cases and bags, but he took a hold of my wrist in a very tight grip.

"Leah, stop avoiding me." he said turning me around to look at his dark brown eyes, full of anger and confusement.

They reminded me of a time six years ago; we had a conversation like this…

His eyes remained in mines as if hypnotizing me,

"…We need to—"


Jacob's grip tightened on my wrist making me close my eyes at this physical pain that I was now suffering, the tears falling now freely.

Wasn't the mental pain, which was crushing my heart, enough?

"Leah, what's going on?" he started, his grip couldn't get any tighter, "Ever since you went to the Cullen's you've been avoiding me and then, Billy tells me that you suddenly decide to leave LaPush? Why, Leah? Tell me, why?!"

He began shacking in anger, any second now and he could face. Any second now and he could break the bones of my wrist.

"Jacob, let go!! You're hurting me!!'

"…Ow…" I whispered, but his grip didn't hurt. It was actually the pain of that memory.

Yet, he let go and placed his hands inside the pockets of his jeans. He was wearing long jeans for once and a black shirt of Wolverine. I gave that T-shirt to him as his present at his birthday. It was an inner-joke between all of us shape-shifters and Emmett. The big blood-sucker was making fun of Jacob, telling him that he would make sure that Renesmee makes him play princess with him and dress him up in a pink dress. He also told him not to worry because he would have a matching pink dog-collar that tagged: 'Princess'. Thing is, he did get the collar and put it on Jacob when he stayed for the night at the leeches' house. It was hilarious when Jacob jumped on Emmett and the buff vampire yelled:

"Holy shit, Wolverine!"

Turns out, Jake left a scar in Emmett's back, you can see three long lines if you have the chance to check him.

So, when I got him the shirt he got really pissed because he remembered that he wasn't able to take off that collar for a whole month.

Oh, those were really good times…

I laughed slightly, "Your shirt…"

He frowned and looked down at his shirt and laughed too.

"I never thought you'd ever wear it…!" I said as he grinned.

"Yeah, well, I don't have much shirts and if we don't wear one, Sue might kick us out." he said sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck.

After one short laugh, silence fell over us and a wave of awkwardness roamed around our atmosphere.

Minutes passed and neither of us had nothing to say. Actually, we knew of what we had to talk but, we just didn't seem to know how to start that conversation. We weren't ready for this—I wasn't ready for this… not yet, I mean.

"…Jacob, I—"

"Leah, where do you want us to put this?!"

I looked up to find Seth yelling down at me from the window of my room,

"Just put it in my drawers or my wardrobe, Seth!"

"I'm not gonna touch girls clothing!" he yelled back, making a disgusted face.

I placed my fingers at the bridge of my nose; this was getting on my nerves.

I looked at Jacob, an apology written in my eyes.

He gave me a small smile before nodding understandably, "Go…"

And as I went inside, I could barely hear him whisper:

"…Something always gets in our way…"

His words replayed in my mind again and again.

…Our way…?

I thought he never…

"And you thought he wanted to be with you?" said a voice I once heard in the past, "How do you know that he wasn't thinking of Renesmee instead of you?"

My fist clenched and I closed my eyes, tightly.

No, I'm not in the mood to remember this again. What's done is done… There is nothing left to do about it…



"Laila, please. Ladies are not supposed to be so aggressive."

"Wh-what Sadie really means, is that we shouldn't fight…"

"But, Jaden, he's bothering me and he's being a dummy—ow!"

"Now, I did hit you!"



A crash was heard in he living room.

I heard my mother scream:




To Be Continued…

*Noelle Young: Nollie is the daughter of Sue's brother, and in this fanfic, Emily is the daughter of another brother of Sue. So, that makes Emily and Nollie cousins too.

A/N: Here you go, not much, but I tried. Sorry if it seems cheap. I promise I'll make chapter#5 worth your while. There are some things here that you might not understand, but all will be explained on the next chapter! Today's question: Who do you think that said those words to Leah? Hint: It was somebody Leah hated… or hates? By the way, I searched for some things and now you can see Laila's dress, Mr. Buttons, Jacob's shirt at my profile and Sue's clock. Anyways, thank you for reading and please review!