Okay, so there's a little backstory behind this: my cosplay group decided it would be fun to make children from the members of Organization XIII, so Vexen (our mad-scientist) took DNA samples from each member so he could mix them together to make a better palate of powers. Dragos is 17 and the 'son' of Zexion and Lexaeus, Neon is 16 and the 'daughter' of Larxene and Namine, and Fenix is 15 and the 'son' of Axel and Roxas locks the door so the crazy-happy AkuRoku fangirls can't break in. This story essentially just serves to introduce them, make my cosplay group make that "squee"-ing sound, and follow their adventures/missions. More kids to come in the future and more of Dragos, Neon, and Fenix. 'Till then, enjoy!

The boy crouched down behind a rock, peering over its edge to make sure he hadn't been noticed. The small dragon curled around his shoulder snorted in discomfort as the girl behind him crept closer, as did the boy behind her. The three kids watched the Hun general pace back and forth in front of his army.

"So what're we gonna do Dragos?" The boy in the back leaned against a nearby tree and shot Dragos a wide grin.

"I dunno Fenix, give me a minute," Dragos told him, "I need to think. Neon, can you alter his memories from here to make him forget about the invasion?"

"No," the girl shook her head, "not from this distance. If we get closer I'll be able to." Dragos nodded and the three children continued to sneak closer and closer to the Hun encampment, eventually making their way behind the commander's tent. Suddenly a falcon, which the Huns used for spying, flew over their heads, letting out a piercing screech. The three children looked up, startled by the bird's sound. Before they could run, Huns began emerging from around the sides of the tent.

"Rasvim, go!" At Dragos's command, the dragon took off from around his neck and began to chase the bird, which had begun flying off toward Shan Yu and the main Hun force. Dragos watched as the dragon flew off into the sun, becoming nothing more than a silver glint on the horizon.

"Hey, Dragos," Fenix shouted, "snap out of it! We've got a situation here!" Fenix snapped his fingers and a ring of fire appeared around the three children, protecting them from the advancing Huns.

"What do we do now?" Neon asked as she sent a lightning bolt soaring beyond the ring of flames. Dragos stood and thought for a second.

"Listen," he said finally, "I'll distract the Huns to give you two an opening to escape. Just get outta here and I'll rendezvous with you back at the gummi ship."

"No way," Neon protested, "we're not going to leave you like that."

"Yeah," Fenix agreed, "no offence, but that was a pretty stupid idea."

"No, it's not. As soon as the two of you get to safety I can start casting illusions. I've gotta stay here until Rasvim comes back and besides, we need someone to stay here and I'm the only one that can cast illusions. Now GO!" Before Neon or Fenix could protest, Dragos stomped his foot, causing earthen spires to erupt from the ground, dividing the Hun forces in half and creating a stairway for Neon and Fenix to take. Fenix paused a moment before dragging Neon, who was more reluctant to leave, up the stairs. He turned back to Dragos as he proceeded.

"Don't be late;" he told the other boy, "I don't wanna have to come look for you." Dragos nodded and his two companions ran off along the spires, the ring of fire dying down as Fenix left. With that, the Huns began closing in on Dragos, who waved his hand. To the Huns, he appeared to vanish, but in reality he was still standing there, safely hidden under his illusion. He snuck off around the tent just as the Hun commander stormed up, demanding to know where the intruders had gone. Dragos moved to the outskirts of the camp to await the return of the dragon. As soon as Rasvim returned, Dragos would make his move.

"We shouldn't have left." Neon continued to follow Fenix through the underbrush, the pair heading in the direction of the gummi ship.

"Look," Fenix said stopping, "I didn't wanna leave him back there either, but Dragos knows what he's doing; he'll be alright."

"We still shouldn't have left him like that."

"Hey, right now I'd bet Dragos has already killed the commander and is on his way back here right now." Fenix's comment had done little to set Neon at ease, and she continued to have a worried look on her face even after the pair had reached their gummi ship. Fenix slipped inside to make sure everything was still intact while Neon stood outside, starting off in the direction of the Hun camp. A rustling of the bushes in the very direction she was looking caused her to brighten up slightly and move in the direction of the sound.

"Dragos? Is that you?" Neon hopefully asked for the boy and continued to approach the bush that had made the noise. Suddenly, a Heartless leapt out at the girl, claws bared. Neon ducked and quickly turned and shot the creature in the face with a lightning bolt, causing it to shriek and disappear. More Heartless began emerging from the nearby forest as Neon bolted back to the gummi ship.

"Fenix! We've got company!" A few moments after Neon's shout, a fireball came careening out of the gummi ship followed shortly by Fenix. He hurried over to where Neon was standing and stood back to back with her.

"Where the hell did these guys come from?"

"I don't know. They just appeared from the forest!"

"Damn it, I can't even count how many of them there are!"

"I know, I know. How are we gonna get out of this mess?"

"Well," Fenix assumed a fighting stance, "I only see one way out: we fight and hope we get them before they get us!"

"Okay," Neon also readied herself for combat, "I'm with you. We'll have these guys mopped up before Dragos gets back!"

"Yeah," Fenix grinned, "let's just hope he's doing better than we are."

Dragos kept his eyes locked on the horizon as he awaited Rasvim's return. He finally spotted the dragon flying back in the direction of the Hun camp, the dead falcon hanging from his mouth. Rasvim's dragon eyes were able to pierce Dragos's illusions and easily picked the boy out in the camp. As the dragon flew down towards him, Dragos extended the illusion to cover him. Rasvim floated down and wrapped himself back around the boy's shoulders, dropping the dead falcon at his feet.

"Great job, Rasvim," Dragos whispered, "now all I've gotta do is take out the commander and get back to the gummi ship." He began moving through the camp again, making his way toward the commander's tent. He was careful not to bump into any of the Huns; the illusion was good, but direct physical contact would break it. Dragos snuck up to the commander's tent and peered inside. The commander was no where to be seen, so Dragos cautiously entered the tent. He stepped inside and glanced around. This is strange, he thought, the commander should be right here. I've watched his movements and he should-. Dragos's thoughts were cut short as a looming shadow appeared on the ground below him. As he turned around, the Hun commander grabbed the boy by the face and lifted him from his feet. He brought the boy's face to his before giving a guttural laugh and hurling Dragos through the fabric at the back of the tent. Dragos hit the ground and rolled a short distance away before climbing to his feet. When he raised his head, the commander was standing in the hole he used Dragos to make in the back of the tent.

"So you're the little punk who's been sneaking around my camp, eh?"

"Yeah," Dragos said, "that's right. How'd you break my illusion?"

"Hah," the commander gave another guttural laugh, "that little thing? I knew something was wrong when you disappeared from in front of my men. I figured it was some kind of sorcery, but it was easy for me to dispel once I understood."

"So what," Dragos spat, "I can still take you down."

"Maybe," the commander smirked, "but can you defeat all of my men, too. Hey, you good-for-nothings! Get over here and help me kill this runt!" Moments later, Hun soldiers swarmed around the area, cutting off all of Dragos's escape routes. The boy glanced around, trying desperately to find a way to escape, but every direction just greeted him with more Huns. With no other choice, Dragos dropped into a fighting position and steeled himself for the Huns' assault. Sensing his distress, Rasvim spread his wings and hovered over the boy's head, letting out a fearsome screech just as the commander gave the order to charge. Shit, Dragos thought as the Huns began to rush him, I've gotta find a way out of this…

Oooo....how will the kids escape this. Let me address a few questions you probably have at this point:

1.) What exactly do the kids look like?

Well, to answer that, I'm going to direct you to deviantART. I'm in the process of drawing the kids right now. Dragos and Neon are already up, Fenix and a XigDem child named Dorian are next to come. Keep in mind I'm not the best artist (why do you think I came here first), so don't expect like "super-awesome-kickass-expert-anime" drawings. I don't show hands because every time I draw fingers, the character looks autistic (working on that). Anyway, go ahead and take a look, my deviant name is SilverDragos, and make sure to keep checking back for the other kids.

2.) What the hell's with the dragon around Dragos's shoulders?

That's actually a very short story. Because of his name, my cosplay group and I started envisioning Dragos with a little dragon wrapped around his neck. We all came to a consensus to let him have it, so on a mission to the Land of Dragons (for those of you who're confused, think "Mulan") he found an injured little dragon that he took back with him and nursed back to health. I designed the dragon (he's in Dragos's picture on DA) as a cross between a Dungeons & Dragons silver dragon and Pip the minidrag from the "Pip and Flinx" novel series by Alan Dean Foster.

3.) Are you and your cosplay group on crack?

Quite possibly, yes.

Anyway, the next chapter's already in the works, so it won't be too terribly long before my next post (hopefully). Until then, see ya later!

La lune du sang