Okay, after playing Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon and looking at some videos of God of War 3 on youtube, a thought formed in my mind: What about a GoW and Spyro crossover? I mean, I heard that they where both made by the same company, so why not?

This is rated M only because of the violence, so no asking for lemons, because I'm not at that level yet…that and I'm worried some people I know in person might read this, so yeah.

Let's see, what else…oh yeah. I'll accept OCs from the Spyro universe so that I can keep things "fresh". I'm not all sure of this idea, but send me your OC and they may make it on the story!

I've kept you waiting long enough. Read on, and find out about the story of Kratos and the realm of dragons.

Kratos wasn't awake, nor was he asleep. He was in a twilight in between, where there were only colors, no shapes. He felt like he would remain in this state forever…

That is, until a rock hit his head.

He was jolted into full wakefulness. Looking around, he found he was in a cavern of a sort. There was wreckage of a pillar near him and a red glow was coming from the bottom of the cavern.

He tried to remember what happened. He remembered that he had stabbed himself with the Blade of Olympus, releasing Hope to mortals. As he was dying, he crawled over the edge, waiting for death to accept him…

But he wasn't dead. In fact, when Kratos looked down, he saw that there was no wound-only the horrible scar from the first time he had gotten stabbed with the Blade of Olympus. He checked to see what he had. He still had the Blades of Exile, and the Golden Fleece was still on his shoulder. He had the Boots of Hermes, the Wings of Icurius, and the Trident of Poseidon, but that was it. Getting up, he looked around for some way of exiting this place. He saw an exit to the right of him, across the short gap.

Using his jumping abilities, he jumped on the pillar and across the short gap.

He made into a corridor which there was, to Kratos' mild surprise, a cluster of red crystals. He walked up to it and, with three small chops of his blades, cut of a small piece. He caught it before it hit the ground, but it instantly flew at his head. Kratos felt a sharp pain and then… it stopped. Touching his forehead, he noticed that the mark from the rock that probably fell on him was gone. He was even more amazed when the crystal regenerated its missing part.

Interesting, he thought. I will have to take note of this strange crystal.

He continued on until he reached a series of pillars reaching up out of a chasm. Using a combination of jumping and the Wings, he made it across the chasm. He went through a door and himself on a lone platform. He saw another platform across another chasm, but this one was larger, and had a cluster of green crystals. Using his Wings, he glided across the gap to the other platform.

Seeing the green crystals, he cut a piece off. The affect was different from the red crystal: he flew at him and sinked into his skin. He instantly felt more awake, like it had given him more energy. Looking for a way out of there, he saw a door behind a bunch of vines. Reaching for the Bow of Apollo, he remembered that Zeus' spirit had blasted it off like everything else.

"Styx!" he exclaimed out loud. Using his blades, he cut away the vines until he could go through. Looking at the door, he saw it had a dent at the bottom-just enough so that he could put his hands in it.

After a few moments of lifting up the heavy door, he lifted it up with a final push. Running quickly through the door, it closed behind him. He ran up the steps to see he had entered a room with many platforms sticking out of the wall. After making his way up, he saw that there were more platforms. Knowing he could not transverse them all, he walked to the center of the room…and felt a circling breeze around him. Looking up, he saw he was in a kind of calm vortex of wind. Thinking, he took out Icurius' Wings and jumped. He was caught in the breeze and was lifted up the platform above him. He ran up the steps and into a huge cavern with a waterfall. He ran up a toppled pillar to a platform behind the waterfall.

Looking around, he saw a bunch of small vines next to him. He experimentally stuck a blade into it. It stuck to the wall. Reassured, he stuck his other blade into the wall. He climbed up the wall and up some platforms until he got onto a platform with crystals on it. Walking (and jumping) on, he reached a place with a horn and a huge door. The door was open and Kratos saw a light at the end of the corridor. Kratos ran to the light, not knowing what lay at the end of it, but knowing that if it tried to kill him, it would die.

So, how was my first chapter? The reason why this is M rated will be in the next chapter.

Review for me, or Kratos will come get you!