(A/N: Um…here's a story. That's all I have to say. Enjoy!)


Natalie hated cooking. It wasn't like everything she made tasted terrible or that she couldn't follow a simple recipe—it just never appealed to her. Still, on the same date every year, she made a chocolate cake.

Diana walked in the kitchen, not noticing Natalie at first. She wandered around for a bit, looking through cabinets and drawers. Natalie didn't even bother to ask what she was doing—it wouldn't have been the first time Diana had left her shoes in the cereal cabinet.

Diana only saw Natalie when they nearly bumped into each other. "Oh, hi, Natalie. I didn't see you here. What are you doing?"

"Making chocolate cake," Natalie answered coldly as she added eggs to the bowl. "No thanks to you."

Diana frowned. "Why? Is it someone's birthday or something?"

"Yes." Natalie's tone got even colder, if that was possible. "Mine."

"Oh, it is?" Diana said, surprised. "I-I forgot. I'm sorry." She backed out of the room quickly.

"It's okay," Natalie whispered bitterly. "You always do."

(A/N: Reviews are love!)