Uhm, actually, I'm thinking maybe someone is cursing me for updating so slow.. yeah, cuz my stomach hurts to the highest degree and I'm thinking I'm going to die tomorrow.. so, if I die, at least I've finished this..

So yeah, this is the end.. I still have 'I Am His Faithful Servant' going and if I survive, I'm going to finish it lol

The Love Note

Chapter 10: The End

I grumbled. I want to see Natsumeeeee. But I can't. I mean, I DID slap him. Argh! I'm so stupid! I should have allowed him to explain! He chased after me.. he must have an explanation! Ack! But knowing him, he'd probably just tell me to forget all those kisses and moments.

"Why don't you just meet up with him?" Ruka asked.

"Silly. And what would he say? That I can't live without him? That's just going to make me kill him!" I replied between my muffled sobs.

"Ah, I was avoiding being blunt, but…" Ruka smiled in advance apology. "You're being stupid."

I threw a pillow at him. "Yeah, and you shouldn't be here!"

"Alright then, but I'll be watching. After all, I'm a half Cupid," Ruka winked then disappeared.

Cupid? Gah, curse love. I picked up the pillow on the floor and threw it back to my bed. I slapped my forehead. What will I do during school!?

"Stop cursing. You're making me deaf," Hotaru complained as she sipped tea.

"Why are you still here?" Natsume asked with a glare.

Hotaru stared at Natsume for a second then continued drinking tea. "Ah, I just love black tea."

"Don't change the topic!" Natsume yelled, irritated.

"Ah well. I'm in the mood for some drama, you see. And I figured out you are in the exact position to be giving me some." Hotaru glanced at her watch and sighed. "I have to go. Don't disappoint me. I love seeing crying men."

Hotaru disappeared in a split second, leaving no traces. Natsume scoffed. "Crying men? Really, I hate girls like her the most." Natsume got the cup Hotaru left on his table, but drops it on the floor as he remembered something. "Oh yeah. How will I deal with this during school?"

We passed by each other like colliding tornadoes. We didn't fight, but the aura was deadly. Mine was the aura of I-hate-you-to-the-point-of-hating-you. Natsume's was the aura of I-don't-care-don't-look-at-me. All the students surrounding us knew well enough not to butt in.

"Both of you are like cat and mouse," Sumire commented.

"Hah, then I'm the cat," I replied.

"Oh no, of course not. Natsume is the cat! Wah, I'd like to see him with cute cat ears and a tail!" Sumire dreamily exclaimed. I rolled my eyes. Yeah, and I'd love to hear him sweetly purring "meow~!". Ugh. The thought just made my skin crawl.

I blinked my eyes. Damn. My period is getting to me, I'm getting dizzy. As soon as the bell rang for dismissal, I headed to the stairs, but while I was going down, a group of excited students rushed down, bumping me and causing me to lose balance.

"Uh oh," I muttered as I fell.

I opened my eyes. I blinked, trying to adjust to the sudden light. I held my head. Ugh. The pain, the pain. Looking around, I think I'm in the clinic.

"Ok?" I shuddered at the voice. I sat up and looked beside me. Natsume…

"What do you mean? Why are you here?" I angrily asked him.

"Are you ok?"

"Wha? You think I'm okay? You must be crazy! I just fell off the stairs! What do you think of me? Superman? I didn't even fly, you dimwit. And you.. you were probably there! Why didn't you catch me? Isn't that what guys do in mangas? Act like a prince and save the protagonist from falling down stairs and during raping scenes?"

Natsume stared at me for a few seconds then snickered. "Don't get angry at me. For your information, I was making my way upstairs when all of a second some girl comes flying down at me. I cushioned your fall. I was the one that was hurt but you were the one who fainted."

Eh? He cushioned my fall? "You're kidding. My head still hurts."

"Yeah, and if your head hurts, how much more do you think my whole body hurts?" He asked as he massaged his arm.

"Ah, but that's not the point!" I looked away in anger. "You fooled me!"

"Yeah, sorry," he muttered. This guy is insane. Does he think I can just forgive him with a simply apology? "Hey. Look here."

I turned around, my brows furrowed. To my surprise, he kissed me.

Ah, the pleasure. Ack! Wait! This is wrong! I'm supposed to be fuming in anger! I pushed him away and gasped for air. "Why did you kiss me!?"

Natsume scoffed. "You liked it. There's nothing wrong then."

I glared at him. "No, I hate you! You don't like me at all! I'm not a toy for you to play around with!"

Natsume hushed me. "Listen. I won't say it again." He placed his mouth near my ear and softly whispered, "Suki (I love you)."

I blushed. He caressed my cheeks and looked at me. I just froze, shocked at what he told me. Well, even though we've kissed before, I've never actually heard those words from him. Hearing it now, when I thought it was all just a joke, is quite.. shocking. He heaved a sigh then went out of the clinic.

"Ah," I sighed. I pinched my cheeks. "Ouch! … Fudge.. It's true, after all."

I bit my bottom lip. Ah, that's right! Natsume! I got off the bed and rushed out of the clinic. I ran, looking for him. And? I think this is just stupid. What will I tell him when I see him? Tell him to fuck off and burn in hell for messing with me? No, that's too much. Well, what would I tell him? Thank you? That's vanity to the highest degree! He'd kill me for that. That I.. do I love him? Waaah!? Did I just think I love him!? That good for nothing, lazy, bastard Natsume!?

"Eh? Mikan? Are you fine now? Don't run too much," I stopped running and looked at Sumire. She had such a sweet smile on her face that she might be swarmed by ants any second now.

"You saw Natsume, didn't you? Where did he go?" I asked her in haste.

"You.. you can tell?" She blushed and switched to dreamy mode. "He went to the rooftop. Ah, excuse me. I need to put on makeup. Ahhh, he is so handsome."

I frowned. Handsome? Well, whatever. I guess Natsume's image in her mind is photoshopped in some way. I rushed to the rooftop. Really, what is he doing there?

When I arrived, he had his back on me but I was sure it was him. Okay, let's get this done with.

"Uhm," I said. "I.. about what you said earlier. I know we don't really get along well.. and, uhm.. you always call me stupid and I always call you a bastard.. but.. you know I don't really mean it.. or I do, I don't know.. I just wanted to tell you that.. well, after all this time, we've been fighting…"

I heard him snicker. "Just say it."

I blushed. "Atashi mo, aishiteru (I love you too)."

"Eh? I didn't hear it."

I gasped. "Hey! Did you actually think I'd re—"

He suddenly turned around and kissed me. When he pulled back, I knew I was already as red as a potato. Why is he such a good kisser anyways? Well, thinking about that too much would lead to more problems. He grinned at me. "Wakatteru yo. (I know)"

And back at heaven..

"Ho.. Hotaru.. this is wrong.." Ruka moaned.

"Eh? But you're enjoying it."

"We.. we're siblings.. we shouldn't be doing this.."

"So do you want me to stop, hmm?"

"Mnn.. no, continue."

Ehhhh.. but how they had a forbidden relationship, that's another story… ;)

"What are you two doing!?!?!?" Kazuki exclaimed as he opened the door. Blood flowed out of his nose as the sight tainted his innocent mind.

-The End-

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