When Tiana and Naveen arrived home with the King and Queen, they were horrified to see many automobiles belonging to the police. They rushed into the house to find detectives walking around, observing everything as they did, and one detective speaking to a visibly distraught Theodore who held James in his arms.
"Theodore, what's happened?" Naveen asked.
Theodore looked up as Naveen sat next to him and took James from him. "They've been taken, sire. Master Raymond and Madame Odie have been kidnapped!" He explained.
"Kidnapped?" Tiana shouted. "You were suppose to look after them, how can they be kidnapped? Those are my children and you allowed some stranger to come and take them away?"
The Queen of Maldonia stepped in and grabbed Tiana gently by the shoulders. "Tiana, at least listen to what Theodore has to say. I'm sure he didn't mean for anything terrible to happen to the children."
Tiana sighed and nodded, wiping the few panicked tears that had fallen. "I'm sorry. I just want them to be safe."
"We all do, my dear." The Queen of Maldonia turned to Theodore. "What happened?"
"I-I put the children to bed. I thought that since they had fallen asleep, and you all would be back shortly...I nodded off. I shouldn't have, I should have stayed awake to keep an eye on them. Believe me, your Majesties, if you wish to have me resign than I'll do so. I'm no better than my brother, am I?"
Tiana's features softened and she sat on the other side of Theodore. "I didn't mean to shout at you, Theodore. You love Odie and Raymond just as much as me and Naveen. I know you didn't want anything to happen to them."
"Mister Theodore, would you mind showing me the childrens' room?" A detective asked.
Theodore gave a quick nod and went upstairs to Odie and Raymond's room, with the detective, Naveen, and Tiana following close behind.
"I came in and found their beds empty, and Madame Odie's music box on the floor." Theodore explained.
The detective said nothing and went over to the window. "There's no signs of a forced entry." He turned to Theodore. "Do you always lock the window?"
"Of course, sir. Directly after Master James has been put in his cradle and before the young Master and Madame have had their bath."
"It locks from the outside?" The detective asked.
"No, sir. It's always locked from the inside, but it's out of the reach of the children of course." Theodore explained.
"That doesn't make sense. No forced entry, a window that locks from the inside. Does the windows in the guest room and the master bedroom have the same locks?"
"Yes, it does. All windows lock from the inside." Tiana said.
"Mister Theodore, you didn't hear any doors close?"
"No detective. The only thing I had heard was..." Theodore lowered his head. "The only thing that I heard was Madame Odie screaming."
Tiana leaned against Naveen's shoulder upon hearing this, but held back the tears that were welling in her eyes.
"If the windows were locked, the doors were never opened. How could the kidnapper get inside?" The detective thought out loud.