I couldn't update this chapter sooner because my computer has some sort of virus and won't work. So here I am trying to type on this ancient version of Word on my parents' computer. :( This chapter has two songs. They are Freeze by Jordin Sparks and Beautiful Ending by BarlowGirl.


"Would you stop that?" Jace snapped at Simon. He and Simon had never gotten along very well, but recently, they had been trying to patch things up. Well, Simon had been trying to patch things up. Jace was being his usual stuck-up self.

"Sorry," Simon muttered. This time, Jace had a reason to be annoyed. Simon couldn't stop thinking about Isabelle, and every time he did, he would zone out. Then, he would trip or do something clumsy. Jace was trying to chop vegetables for lunch, and Simon kept bumping into him.

Giving up on staying away from her, Simon walked into the hallway towards Isabelle's room. He almost stumbled over the fat cat that sitting in the middle of the hall. He cursed under his breath. "Hey, Church," he said after he recovered. "Could you help me find Isabelle?"

Church always seemed to know where anyone in the Institute was, and if he deigned to lead someone, he could always help them find who they were looking for. Church stretched and got up to lead Simon to Isabelle's room. She had the speakers on her radio up full blast. He could hear the music from outside.

Hold the pose, a perfect picture
Just so I remember how you're looking tonight
Let it go, now the day's gone
Standing in the dark, although we've turned on the lights

He pushed open the door to see her sitting at her desk. She was bent over a piece of paper that she was scribbling on. He studied her silently, being careful not to alert her to his presence. It was almost as if she was holding still for him. Simon gazed at her, studying her long dark hair that she kept pushing out of her face. He would love to touch her hair, to stroke it or wrap his fingers in it.

He took one step into the room, then another. Isabelle was in her own world, and Simon couldn't help but smile at the happy expression he saw on her face. They hadn't talked in person since their big phone call yesterday, but Simon could tell it had made her as happy as it made him.

Tonight we will deny, that time is passing by
It's leaving you and I to...


As soon as the singer said the word, Isabelle did exactly that. Simon could tell that her Shadowhunter instincts told her that someone was behind her. Slowly, she turned around, drawing a knife from her sleeve as she did so.

"Calm down, Izzy! It's just me." He almost had to shout to be heard over the music.

"Simon!" Isabelle visibly relaxed. She dropped the knife and ran to him, throwing her arms around him. He hugged her back tightly.

The moment, its never been better

All over, we won't last forever
You said that you're sorry for pushing me

Isabelle let him go reluctantly and went to turn down the radio's volume.

But then smiled when I opened my eyes
I'm gonna
The moment, while we're together

When the music faded into the back ground, Isabelle came back to Simon. She pulled him down to sit on the bed beside her. "What are you doing here?" She asked.

"What do think?" he retorted. "I'm here to see my girlfriend. You might know her," Simon joked. "Her name's Isabelle." He loved how she couldn't stop the smile that lit up her face when he said that. Simon knew that she had never taken pride in being someone's girlfriend before. Actually, he suspected that she had never had a real boyfriend before. They were all hook-ups, temporary relationships until she moved on to the next guy. Until him. If she felt for him half of what he felt for her, they would get their happily ever-after.

"The name rings a bell," she said nonchalantly before pulling his face down to hers for a kiss.

Keep the peace, bygones be gone
Coming out the rain under the life that we've made
Under here, we're not so strong
Forgiving the feeling that we put on parade

Tonight we will deny, that time is passing by
It's leaving you and I to...

Simon didn't want the time to pass. He wanted to stay right here with his Isabelle, kissing her until they were both senseless. He pulled her onto his lap and deepened the kiss.

A moment, its never been better
All over, we won't last forever

But that was where reality differed from the song. Simon hoped that he and Isabelle would last forever. When they finally came up for air, Simon gently moved his lips down to her neck. He rained kisses onto her throat. Reaching behind her, without removing his mouth, he grabbed the remote to her radio, and hit a random button.

So tell me what is our ending
Will it be beautiful
So beautiful

The music coming softly from the speakers immediately changed. This song fit much better with his mood. Isabelle was beautiful. He couldn't get enough of her. He already knew what their ending would be.

Will my life find me by your side
Your love is beautiful
So beautiful

Beautiful. His mouth made its way back up to hers, and she kissed him fiercely. He kissed her back just as intensely. Simon's gentle kisses became more and more possessive. He pushed her lips apart with his tongue, no longer listening to the song. He was too lost in Isabelle to notice anything else.

Oh why do I let myself let go
Of hands that painted the stars and holds tears that fall
And the brighter my heart makes me forget
It's not me but you
Who makes the heart beat
I'm lost without you
You're dying for me

So tell me what is our ending
Will it be beautiful
So beautiful
Will my life find me by your side
Your love is beautiful
So beautiful

At the end of it all I wanna be in your arms

At the end of it all I wanna be in your arms

They pulled apart for air and stared into each others eyes. "At the end of it all," Isabelle quoted the song, her eyes never wavering from Simon's. "I want to be in your arms."

So he did as she asked and pulled her close. She snuggled close to him contentedly. Isabelle loved kissing Simon just as he loved kissing her. But as fun and exciting as that was, she was content just to be with him.

Just to be in his arms. He knew it, and that was all that mattered.

At the end of it all I wanna be in your arms

At the end of it all I wanna be in your arms