Chapter 2- Hikaru and Keori.

"Hey Keori we're almost there put your wig on." Kiba said. He looked over and saw his sister looking in the mirror putting on...make up? "Hey what the hell! Boys don't where make up!"

"It's cover up you moron." Keori said to her brother. She put it away and put her wig on. Just in time to get to school.

Her and her brother went to their class. She looked over at her brother and than back at her desk. She felt someone put their hand on her shoulder. She turned around and saw Hikaru.

"Hey Hikaru what's up?" she asked.

"Nothing. Do you and Kiba wanna hang out after school?" he asked looking from Kiba to Keori.

"I have things to do after school sorry." Kiba said and went back to doing what ever he was doing. Keori looked a bit disappointed.

"What about you Keori?" Keori looked back. Hikaru was smiling. Keori blushed a bit.

"Maybe I'll have to check with you after. I have to make sure my school work is done first." she said. "Here's my number." she gave him the piece of paper with her cell number on it. Hikaru looked at the paper. "And Hikaru?"

"Yeah what?" He jolted his head up to look a0t her.

"At school it's Soma remember?"

"Yeah right sorry. Talk to later then?" Keori shook her head. Hikaru went to his seat and class began.

Was he trying to ask me out? Keori thought. Maybe I should of said yes. Ugh I'm such a moron! She put her head down on her desk and mummbled to herself.

"Soma!" Keori jolted her head up to see her teacher in frount of her desk. "Something you'd like to share?"

"No I was just... uhhh." Keori looked down.

"Sleeping?" She looked back up. "No sleeping in class. Next time it's detention." The teacher said as he walked away going on about the lesson. Keori couldn't stop think about what happened though.

(Keori's POV)-

After class was over I looked for a library. I wanted to look for a book. I couldn't seem to find one though.

"Hey Keori!" someone yelled. It scared me a bit and I tripped over nothing. No surprise there. "Hey are you alright?" I looked up and saw Hikaru and his brother Kaoru. They looked so alike I almost couldn't tell which one was Hikaru.

"Yeah I'm fine." They both helped me up. I fixed my wig. Some of my hair was coming out.

"Sorry about that." Kaoru said.

"Hey are you doing anything?" Hikaru said.

"Right now? Not really. I was looking for a library is all."

"Well than, come on." Thye both grabbed my wrists and pulled me to the other side of the school. They stopped at a music room.

"Ok? You brought me all the way to the other side of the school to show me a music room?" I said.

"Nope. Our friends are in here." Hikaru said.

"And they want to meet you." Kaoru said. They opened the door and pushed me inside.

"Hey would you please stop. It's going to fall off." I started fixing my wig again.

"Sorry they both said. Kaoru walked off.

"Hey boss! Hikaru's friend's here!" he said.

"Soma?" a fimilar voice said. I yurned and saw a guy from my class.

"Hey you're from my class. You're...Haruhi!" I said.

"Yeah that's me. Your Hikaru's friend?" he looked at Hikaru. "I thought you said it was a girl?" Hikaru closed the door and walked over to us.

"She is." He pulled my wig off. "See."

"Hey!" I yelled. I quickly took it from him and put it back on.

"You don't have to hide here Keori."

"Huh?" I looked at him confused.

"Haruhi here is the same as you. She's pretending to ba a boy too." I looked at Haruhi.


"Yeah. It's a long story. A pain in the ass, lond story."

"Would you tell me? I tell you mine. I'm just wondering you don't have to."

"Sure. It's nice to be able to talk to at school. You know girl stuff." We both laughed. We talked about a lot of things. We shared our stories. We almost living the same life. We both lost our moms when we were younger, we're both pretending to be boys for certain reasons, the only difference was I moved in with my grandfather and he's rich. Haruhi and I became really good friends. Then I got a call from Kiba. I forgot to tell him when I was coming home, I also forgot to go home like gramps said. Well I got all my school work done. I'll just say I stay after to work on a project.

"Hey Kiba." I said.

"Hey where are you?"

"I'm at school. I'll be home in a few."

"Want me to come get you?"


"Alright be there in about 15 minutes." I hung up and went back to talking with Haruhi.

"It's getting late. I've stuff to do." she said.

"Do you want a ride? My brother's coming to get me."

"Sure." We got our stuff togeather and headed for the door.

(Normal POV)-

"Wow. Keori and Haruhi are becoming good friends fast huh?" Kaoru said.

"Yeah. I haven't seen Keori talk so much since she transferred." Hikaru said.

"Well what do you expect? They have almost the same life." Kyoya said.

"Huh?" They all said.

"What do you mean Kyoya?" Tamaki said.

"Well we all know about Haruhi's life. Keori lost her mother at young age too, she pretty much did all the work back home. The only differences are she has a brother and was put in the care of her grandfather. My parents are good friends of his too. He's a pretty successful man. No wonder he put his grandchilderen in Ouran."

"Wow. I had no idea." Hikaru siad. He looked back over to Keori.

Keori and Haruhi gathered their things and began walking to the door. Tamaki got up and beat them to the door.

"Just where do you ladies think you're going?" he said.

"It's getting late Tamaki. We're going home for the night." Haruhi said.

"Yeah my brother's coming. He going to give Haruhi a ride home. See you guys later!" Keori smiled and waved good bye to the other boys.

"Bye Keori. You're welcome here any time you like. As Soma or Keori."

"What will the girls say when they're here?" Haruhi asked.

"We'll make somthing up."

"Thanks." Keori and Haruhi left and walked down the hall way. Tamaki walked over to the others. Hikaru was staring off into space.

"Hey. Hey Hikaru. Hikaru!" Tamaki yelled. Hikaru fell out of his seat.

"What!" he said getting off the floor.

"You really like Keori don't you?"

"Wha? Why would you think that?"

"Well when she's around all you do is stare at her." Honey said.

"And when she's not around you're so quiet and staring off. That or you're talking about her all the time." Kaoru said. Hikaru sighed and sat back in his chair.

"I do like her. I really like her. I just...don't know what to do." Hikaru put his head down.

"Talk to her. Do somthing with her. Get to know her more." Tamaki said. Hikaru put his head up. He thought about it and knew what he was going to do.

(Keori's POV)-

"So then I'll go home with you after school?" Keori said. Haruhi and I waited outside for Kiba to pick us up.

"If you can stay."

"I'll just tell my gramps I'm staying at a friends house." When Kiba pulled up we got inside.

"So you made some new friends huh?" he said.

"Yeah. I'm staying at Haruhi's this weekend."

"Cool." We all talked the whole way. It was just like back home. Kiba and I with having a good time with friends. I was starting to like it here. Alot. After we took Haruhi home and went back to gramps I went to my room. I locked to door and got ready for bed. Tomarrow stared a four day weekend. I was so ready for it. I changed into my light blue pajamas. I was putting my hair up when I got a phone call. I looked at the number and saw it was Hikaru.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey sorry about the time but I was wondering, what are you doing Sunday night?"

"I don't know yet. I know I'll be at Haruhi's until Sunday morning. Why?"

"I wanted to know if you maybe wanted to hang out?"

"Sure if I get back soon enough and don't have anything to do."

"Cool. Goodnight then."

"Goodnight." I said laughing a bit. I soon went to bed. I couldn't have been more excited about the weekend.